Aliens have been living for a long time between us

31. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Jan van Helsing's interview with Jason Mason

Jasone, you just came out of your book "My Dad Was MiB (Man in Black)" and it was a bit of a stir in the first week. 1000 specimens that we signed were off during 24 hours and the entire load, 5000 pieces, was sold out in 10 days. How do you think so much interest?

I think, Jane, that a lot of people are really interested in similar topics these days, and they want to know if we are alone in space. From the point of view of my experience, I have to answer this question unequivocally, we are not. I believe that aliens have always been on Earth, and after all, we ourselves are not from this planet either.

Given that we already have a lot of new knowledge from various areas of alternative sciences, we can slowly begin to put together a whole mosaic - what information the elites want to keep from us, why they are so dangerous and for whom. In addition, more and more people feel we are going through incredible changes and asking questions that the mainstream will simply not be able to answer.

Your book contains probably the most explosive material on the book market. You claim that your father was part of an organization that deals with problems with aliens, more precisely, with groups of various "visitors" on Earth, whose presence is kept secret from the public. And MiBs are used to intimidate eyewitnesses or confiscate video and photographs.

How does it actually work? The "Normal Citizen" only knows Hollywood movies with Will Smith, does that correspond to reality?

In my experience, I can clearly say yes. It wasn't just these two men I've met in recent years. I mean my father and his colleague, it was various other people from these circles who came to me and explained certain contexts to me. Only thanks to this book could she see the light of day. It would never have occurred to me alone.

As I mentioned, as far as I know, the MiBs are closely linked to covert government and lodges. They are all part of the conspiracy, and without the commitment to secrecy and the well-organized structures of these groups, nothing like this would have been possible. We see that certain secrets are protected in other areas of society. In this case, however, these are the most serious.

Elites believe that most people would not be able to cope with this information. That must have been the case 30 to 40 years ago. In the meantime, however, a large number of films, series and books have appeared that deal with these topics, and humanity is gradually being prepared for them. And now comes the time when the time of revelation is coming.

However, with many old belief systems, it will be very difficult for most people to believe in the "new" things. I myself could not have imagined all this 10 years ago, but with the help of my contacts and an increasing number of insiders, I can now assume that many of the "strange" things are very real. And to all this, new and new scientific knowledge is constantly emerging. We currently live in a completely different and new world.

In the book, you describe your experiences with your father and other agents, but its more extensive part is actually a search, which is to bring readers closer to things that your father confided in you. Among other things, it is also about time travel. This may be believable only for a small fraction of readers, won't it?

I realize that what I'm saying in the conversation borders on science fiction. In the future, however, we will see that much of what is said here will either be revealed or confirmed by scientific results in the coming years. I thought for a long time about how to convince the reader of the truth of my statements.

And that's why I've included a number of different images, verifiable quotes, and a collection of references in the book, and on your advice, Jane, so that I can provide the widest possible range of information. Much of this is clearly provable. The rest is at least based on credible witness statements and documents that are discussed in the book. Due to the volume of information collected, readers are introduced to only a part of it and readers should find out more information themselves.

Regarding the possibility of time travel, I must first say that as early as 1905, Einstein claimed in his theory of relativity that time moves at different speeds in different systems. His theory says that one needs a shuttle with a speed approaching the speed of light. If one flew such a vessel in space for one year, at least 10 years would have passed on Earth in the meantime.

Thanks to quantum physics, the possibility of time travel has long been experimentally proven. Experiments also took place at the Max-Plack Institute of Nuclear Physics. But scientists have always been faced with the question of paradox. If time travel were possible, "passengers" would have to stay there someday. And that's exactly what I explain in my book.

They were here! To my knowledge, we are in a time loop created by artificial intelligence. Today's science is so far with state-of-the-art quantum computers that it can compute these time "events". Classified military technologies have been able to do this for decades. It is clear that it is difficult for a normal person to imagine such a thing.

But today we are in a time of rapid technological development, and scientific theories must be constantly revised. In a few years, we will have irrefutable evidence for my claims. In addition, the principles of time travel are described in the book with sufficient precision and explained by the travelers themselves.

The book writes about the German Germans, but mainly about reptiloid aliens, Dracos. Various insiders, who testify in the book and are part of a secret space program, describe life on the moon, Mars and other planets, claiming that there are German colonies everywhere cooperating with Dracos. How credible are these statements?

When David Icke tried to bring this topic closer to the public less than 20 years ago, he encountered only ridicule. In recent years, however, more and more evidence has emerged that these beings exist and have a great influence on the events on our planet. Almost ALL new informants confirm this in their statements. I am convinced that there is a piece of truth in that, I myself had the opportunity to see "snake eyes" in people.

There are also some very interesting chapters on giants, especially those found during excavations in the Middle East; they lay in huge sarcophagi, and some of them were still signs of life. Why is the public not informed about this?

Well, why, he's trying to tell us that we're from monkeys, and "school science" is trying to consolidate Darwin's theory. On the other hand, it has to do with faith and with what the churches have been preaching for thousands of years. Many consider the Nephilim, who are described in the Bible as angels, to be beings existing only in the imaginations of the people of that time. But what if it's true?

In many countries, innumerable finds of skeletal remains and artifacts of a technical nature have been discovered that are "slipping away". But then it would mean that there were highly developed civilizations on Earth in the past and that they might have extraterrestrial technologies at their disposal, which would explain a lot. I think that incredible information will be published later this year.

In the book, you also deal with the Jesuits, who you believe play a very important role - perhaps even more important than the Illuminati. I understood it correctly?

Yes, my father told me that I would meet with this topic in the future. The Illuminati order was not founded until 1776. Before them, however, were secret societies whose roots can be traced back to Atlantis, Sumer and Babylon.

These societies are very powerful and still rule today as the so-called black nobility. The book also explains why the Jesuits founded the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt had a Jesuit education.

You also write about the Chazar mafia, which is also being dealt with by Veteran Today. Are not you afraid it might not be like "someone"?

I think that everyone can answer this question on their own. This is really a very sensitive topic. I discussed this with several Israeli agents, and at least one proved me right. We are always presented with only one variant of the course of history and it is interesting to listen to other versions. In this case, those based on the US military, and their view of the matter. What is claimed on Veteran Today is really explosive material. It's not that it could hurt the feelings of "certain" people, but it's just about seeing some events with a sober look. These are events that have long been kept secret from the public.

At the end of the book, you move in more conciliatory tones and draw attention to spiritual aspects. How do you see our future and the future of the Earth as such?

I am convinced that we are approaching a critical stage of human development. Crises are everywhere you look. Personally, I received an offer to move either abroad or to one of the underground systems. Those who contacted me claimed that a civil war was inevitable. We will hope that this does not happen.

In any case, there will be big changes and soon there will be nothing as we know it today. Technology is evolving by leaps and bounds, and transhumanism is becoming an increasingly important topic in a fully technical and controlled world. We will soon see whether we end up in a new world order led by the Illuminati or liberate humanity. In the book, the testimonies of time travelers describe what the future of the Earth might look like. That is why I consider spiritual development to be important, so that all events and happenings can be seen from a greater perspective and in the relevant context.

Thank you very much for the interview, Jason!

Excerpt from the book Men in Black - The Origin of Their Title

Almost every one of us has met at least once with mentions of the famous Men in Black; whether it was in the UFO literature or in famous Hollywood movies. There are many stories and rumors about the MiB that first appeared alongside UFO sightings around 1950. Many MiB witnesses have seen and talked to them.

At the same time, the descriptions of these mysterious persons do not always coincide. They are called Men in Black (MiB) because they are always in black suits and are associated with black limousines (Buick, Lincoln and sometimes Cadillac) and often seen unmarked black helicopters. They use large and expensive cars, which almost always have their lights off, and often a greenish light shines from inside the car. There are unusual signs on the doors of these cars and their license plates are not identifiable.

MiBs are visited and intimidated by witnesses who have observed UFOs and want to publish their experiences. He also tries to confiscate evidence. But they do not call themselves Men in Black. Some people claim that MiBs are known as Silencers because they silence witnesses. Many witnesses were intimidated and threatened with losing their jobs or being discredited in various ways.

They search houses that are, in some cases, burned down to destroy evidence, and people are forced into silence. The first known case of contacting the MiB involved Albert K. Bender, who published Space Review in the 50s. In the October 1953 issue, there was an announcement that Bender had information that could solve the mystery of the flying saucers; however, he cannot print them because he was strongly advised that the publication of the article was not desirable.

Bender then warned all others who were dealing with the subject at the time to be extremely careful, otherwise their publications would be prevented from being published. In a later interview, he explained that he had been visited by three men in black suits and forbidden him to print the collected material. He obeyed because he was "scared to death" of the strange visit, which he himself said.

Bender later released Flying Saucers and Three Men in Black (Flying saucers and three men in black). So the MiB came to their name. They became more widely known in 1956 with Gray Barker's book They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers…


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