The man who exposed Area 51 to the world is being watched by the US government

31. 12. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The truth is out there - Bob Lazar, who revealed "UFO tests in Area 51" claims that the US government has threatened his family and is still monitoring him after 30 years.

Bob Lazar said in a 1989 television interview that he had seen test flights of nine captured UFOs and worked as a technician on alien spacecraft. Now, the new documentary, "Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers," delves into the depths of his theories and how it is now. Thirty years ago, he claimed to have worked in Area 51 in hangar S-4, where, according to him, there was a UFO made of a material called Element 115 with small seats for aliens. Under a false name, Dennis told reporters: "The propulsion system is a gravity propulsion system. The energy source is an antimatter reactor. There is no such technology at all.

The man who exposed Area 51 to the world claims he is still being watched by the US government.

The United States government has always denied the existence of Area 51 until it was listed in CIA documents as an air test center five years ago. Lazar described secrecy as "a crime against the scientific community." He later said the government was threatening his life, wife and family in an attempt to silence him. He says in the document that he regrets the revelation of the alien machine testing center, adding: "I would probably decide not to talk about anything now." He now lives in Michigan with his wife Joy and runs United Nuclear, which sells lasers, chemicals and scientific products.

The man who exposed Area 51 to the world claims he is still being watched by the US government.

Lazar claims that the FBI once broke into his lab and says, "Even though I sound paranoid, I still suspect that someone is watching me - it's something I just can't get out of my head." Nowadays, he actively ignores all discussions. about aliens and space machines. He added: "I am not interested in UFO stories or news and I am not interested in researching life outside of planet Earth. My main interest was, and still is, incredibly advanced technology. I know that if we can master and develop it, it can change the world. '

The man who exposed Area 51 to the world claims he is still being watched by the US government.

The journalist who introduced Lazarus to the public, George Knapp, confirms his story when he adds: "Someone broke into his car as well. Thought games are played here. Threats have been made. Lazar and the others were harassed and watched, and no doubt it looked as if someone wanted to scare them to keep quiet, or maybe they wanted to go crazy. I have been to many such situations. I saw them with my own eyes and I also witnessed their consequences. '

The man who exposed Area 51 to the world claims he is still being watched by the US government.

But Lazarus' reputation had been in the dust for years - such as when researchers failed to find evidence that he attended the schools he mentioned, MIT and the California Institute of Technology. He says in the document: “How can I do more? Do you think Los Alamos hired me right after high school? ”Document creator Jeremy Corbell told Mail Online:“ If this story is true, it's probably the most important UFO story in human history because it reveals the truth. '


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