The man found the ancient Amulet of Thor's hammers

26. 10. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The man who was exploring the farm in Iceland found it unique amulet - Thor's Mjolnir hammer. Ancient Icelandic sources claim that Mjolnir is one of the most feared weapons in Norwegian mythology. This is the link Viking era?

In ancient sources, it is said that the weapon will defeat all those who question the superiority of Æsira (the gods who inhabit Asgard). Mjolnir means a "destroying weapon" and refers to the ability of a hammer to break anything that touches it. It has many magical characteristics and has the power to destroy the mountains. It was also said that hammering can cause thunder and lightning. Some Nordic myths refer to Mjolnier's strength to reinforce male masculinity and fertility of women.

Thor's hammer's discovery in Iceland

Now a necklace with a legendary weapon has been discovered in Iceland Thor's hammers.

Who was Thor? Thor was the son of Odin (whose mother was Jarð, by another name, and Fjörgyn), the thunderbolt. Thor, through his constant warfare, was also the power of God. His weapon was a hammer Mjölnir. His wife was the golden goddess of the harvest Sif. Other important gods were Frey a Freya. Freya was the goddess of love and fertility, but also death. Half of the fallen in the battles fell to her, the second Odin, who welcomed the souls of the deceased in Valhallewhere he sat with them at the banquet (the fighters trained for the last battle, Ragnarök). Frey's brother Frey is also a god of fertility, but wealth is also associated with weather.

As explained by the Iceland Review:

"We found the artifact last week in the south of the island, in the Þjórsárdalur valley. On the territory that once was the territory for the Viking farm. "

Finding this amulete and escaping it from the sandstone was done by the local inhabitant named Bergur Þór Björnsso. Björnsso followed the tradition laid down by his grandfather. He discovered roughly 20 farms of the Viking era in the twenties of the last century.

Bergur Þór Björnsso says:

"I thought this place was far from the ruins here, so I was just looking for fun."

After finding the artifact, place it archaeologists, who also found stone tools, buckles and burned parts of the human body. The last discovery was metal fragments, which suggests that the forge was on this particular farm.

Artifacts have not yet been dated, but experts estimate it is possible to trace them back to the first Viking settlements in Iceland and may be about 900 years old.

The artifacts were transferred to Reykjavík, where they will be analyzed in more detail.

This discovery, therefore, is significant by recalling the Viking era. An era that ended hundreds of years ago and belongs to the history of Europe (especially the northern one).

Here you will find an interesting documentary about the Viking era:

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