Experiment! Can a person go through the wall?

04. 10. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In each more or less detailed textbook of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, a classical two-slot electron passage experiment is described. Since many visitors to this site do not have to be physicists, you need to be brief to recall the essence of this experiment.

Can a person pass through the wall? Experiment..

We will make a relatively wide screen, cut two slits in it, place it vertically, place an electron emitter in front of it and a screen behind it. Now we turn on the radiator. If we pre-close one slit, then the emitted electrons pass through the remaining hole and a vertical band appears on the screen. This means that they behave like small balls or grains of sand.

Logically - if we reveal the second slot, a second strip should appear on the screen next to the first slot view. That is, according to our daily logic. However, the micro wave has a completely different logic. When we uncover the second slit, the screen image changes dramatically - now the entire screen will be filled with alternating light and dark strips, whose brightness will gradually fade from the center of the screen to its edge.

Explanation of the phenomenon

Physicists explain this phenomenon as follows: Elektron is not a small ball, as was thought in 19. but the wave of the electromagnetic field, whose intensity decreases from the maximum at the source point, to zero at an infinite distance. Under different conditions, this wave can be manifested in a variety of ways, indicating completely different properties. Sometimes it can manifest itself as a wave with pure wave properties and sometimes as a particle (or body) with properties of matter.

When the electron passes through one slot, it manifests itself as a particle, that is, it shows us its discrete properties. When the second slit opens, the electron starts to behave like a wave and draws on the screen an interference image that is only waves, but not particles. Why this is happening, scientists have not found. That is why this reality is simply accepted as it is today without trying to explain it.

Few people know that this experiment has a sequel. Moreover, the continuation is so unusual that it gives such an amazing result that does not fit into all the laws of objective reality, which is not mentioned in any textbook of physics. The experiment continues as follows.

Continuation of the experiment

If a person stood at the screen, then the resulting image of the two slits will not change until one is turned away, but as soon as they look at the slits, the electrons will immediately lose their wave properties and start to appear as discrete traces of particles, that is, the screen will show two slots! As soon as one sees the sight, the electrons again acquire wavelengths and the interference image begins again.

So, the person simply changed the nature of the electron from the wave to the particle. But how can the human mind affect the electrons, what mechanism? This phenomenon of the power of human consciousness over matter does not fit into modern science, so scientists are not even trying to talk about it.

My explanation of the phenomenon

Here is my explanation for this phenomenon. In many of my articles in this and other places I pronounce this idea: Man receives energy for his life activity not only from food, but also from the physical vacuum, or as it has been called before - from ether. Energy can not exist on its own, it always needs some sort of carrier. Getting energy from ether means getting the essence itself. At night, we draw energy from the ether that surrounds us, and we use it in our daytime activities during everyday activities.

It turns out to be something like ethereal breathing: we inhale at night, we exhale during the day. But how exactly do we use the ether pumped up at night? The same in all directions? If so, then many manifestations of human consciousness are impossible. In fact, we excrete ether from ourselves mainly from the head, and from a very significant part - from our eyes. It happens continuously every second. But the current of the ether coming out of our eyes is so weak that it can affect only the smallest and lightest objects, such as electrons. When the experimenter is standing at the screen, looking at the slits, a stream of ether radiates from his eyes, which acts on the electrons, so that they begin to appear as particles. Most likely because man is not considered a wave, but a spatially bounded discrete object with clearly defined boundaries. Then it automatically sets the electrons to the exact same program.

A) electron as particle B) as a wave

Besides the physical body, one has a soul

In addition to the physical body, man also has a soul. If the physical body can still be considered to be composed of matter (although for me this finding is a big question), it is impossible to imagine our soul as matter. The soul is more like a field of information, ie a condenser of some energy. There are special techniques that transfer the soul out of the physical body (astral projection or out-of-body experience - OBE). When we emerge from our physical body, our old stereotype of identification with the physical body ceases to function (though not immediately, but ceases after a while). Then we begin to identify with the soul, and the soul, as I just wrote, acts on matter. And if we act on electrons in such a state, we give them another program, the material one. In this case, simply place the desired object inside your soul, for example inside your astral hand.

Based on my own experience with observation, I am convinced that our soul (or astral body) resembles the physical body in shape - arms, legs, torso and head. Therefore, by stretching the astral arm in such a way that the desired object is completely in this hand, we achieve that all electrons, neutrons and protons of this object change their nature from particles to wave, and the wave penetrates through all walls and ceilings without problems.

UFO kidnapping

Recall how eyewitnesses sometimes describe the kidnapping of Earthlings by a flying saucer - UFO: it radiates a beam from the bottom of the ship, captures a person and lifts it aboard the ship through its walls. Our official science does not yet understand the nature of this ray. I'm sure such a beam is nothing but an astral projection of one of the UFO's crew. I'm sure because I myself have repeatedly pulled my astral limbs up to 10 - 15 meters. It is true that I have still not been able to transfer something with this astral hand, but for me it is not yet time. In addition, I have managed to enlarge my astral body several times in this condition to cover almost the entire space of the room I was in. What if in this state it was possible to transfer not only a foreign object, but also our own physical body? Then we get the chance to go through the walls, and everything happens within the strict framework of physical laws.

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