Do you think our names are really ours?

2 30. 05. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

If you ask the same life question - are our names really OUR? Then let me a little reflection from which you can take away an interesting personal experience.

Phenomenon on behalf of automatic writing

If you've ever heard about automatic drawing and / or painting with the right brain hemisphere, then it's not far off to another phenomenon, and it's automatic writing, or sometimes it's talking about so. channeling. In a nutshell, automatic writing can be characterized as free your mind (perhaps using meditation) and then subsequently let your hand slip with your pencil on the paper. You can ask yourself various mischievous questions. At the beginning, I recommend not too demanding to try and ask questions that can be answered yes or no. It may happen that the first thing your hand will write will be more "scribbles" and / or rudimentary characters that you will not immediately understand. But it requires exercise and patience.

If you go through the above-mentioned preparation, then we can get to the point of today's considerations.


The names we bring to this life are mostly given by parents at birth. He chooses them according to the feeling, the coincidence, or the relatives they want to give away. Or the name of the children. So then they tell you that you are already "Adam III." Or "Eve IV."

We can philosophize how much we can influence this as fresh-born babies. Taking into account that wherever we are born is to a certain extent influenced by our choice as a soul, then this name is in some way predetermined.

This life that just we live them is absolutely unique and unique. But our soul goes through thousands of lives and incarnations and its essence is the same. Only consciousness that is enriched by further knowledge during the incarnation changes. The soul itself is a form of energy (as well as anything in this world). Even our thoughts and feelings are a form of energy. We can translate thoughts into words. Although not always our words capture our emotions exactly, but there is some analogy. :) So if the soul is a form of energy, and thoughts are also a form of energy, it is suggested to describe our soul by words (word) and then write it.

soul (energy) = thought (energy) => words => write

So ask your inner Self, “What is my real name? The soul's name?", And let your hand slide freely on the paper. Maybe you'll come up with something interesting. :)

A view of history

Our names are actually sounds that constantly repeat our loved ones and thus "evoke". Similarly, it is with mantras and in other words prayers. You also often address different deities or their natural essences. We express through them our feelings and sometimes wishes and desires.

For Indians and some native tribes, the baby will be given the name according to a significant event on the date of birth. When it grows up, it can change its name according to the attributes and talents it has. The name therefore corresponds to the life stage of the being and its associated personality that changes over time.

Similarly, it was the old one Egyptians. They had many different names to describe their qualities and achievements - just like we have titles. So the Egyptian names tried to describe the personality of their holder. If the Egyptian was to be punished for something, then one of the possible judgments was to shorten the name.

If you change your name, whether you rename it or add a third name, it changes your life mantra, which people will address and invite you to.

It is good to realize that the name really is associated with the character of the personality. So it hurts for adventure! You can meditate on whether, your name, corresponds to who you feel!

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