The soul is your soul ...

3 28. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The soul is fragile ... what are the risks of its distortion?

1) Child Company Education

Education takes place according to the scheme of stimulation of childish behavior, in other words, the process of social maturation is artificially set. The purpose is to use (abuse) the energy of children and young people in the period of their highest activity (15 - 25 years). The "joke" is that in history, the main part of the revolutionary forces was made up of this age group. For young men, this is the peak of their physical and intellectual activity (around 20 years). They are healthy, full of strength, creative, intelligent, principled, emotional and do not know how to compromise. They are potentially "dangerous".

Just remember Alexander the Great, who was only 20 when he started his "career". Ivan Hrozný conquered Kazan when he was 22 years old (note: here we can also include our Charles IV., Who had to solve complex state tasks at the age of 16). At present, young people, especially in Europe, are considered teenagers. And that is where the education for their social infantility is based; Thus, the creators of history - young people - are transformed into those who do not harm the system. Excess energy is poured into, for example, disorganized sexual relations, experiences with alcohol, drugs or street crime.

2) Girls and boys are educated according to the same rules

Not only do women become more malevolent, it is mainly about the male half of mankind gradually ceasing to be men.

3) "Inoculation" by an egocentric understanding of the world

Egoist is a person who acts for himself. Here, Majakovsky can not be depicted: "The individual is defiant, the individual is zero, he is alone, even though he is important. He does not pick up a long tree trunk and build a five-storey house. "So we are back at the famous" divide and rule "of the ancient Romans.

4) Forming a "successful" person

If we take a closer look, we will find that he is only an ideal slave to the system. Tie, jacket, amazing career, beautiful house, expensive car, holiday abroad and Irish whiskey. Isn't that wonderful? It seems that a person is successful and successful. In fact, he is an ideal slave because he is addicted to his property, just as he is an addict to his drugs. It will do its utmost to maintain the stability of the system. He can endure any humiliation while climbing the career ladder. He hides all his desires from childhood deep inside, forgets who he really is and gradually becomes a creature that resembles man, but in reality is just a ridiculous creature.

Here we can include samples of "successful" people - this category includes the "right guy" with a beer mug in a pub, a "bitch" who alternates men like socks, a feminist, an extortionist, or a mobster. You can install almost anything. But they have a common basic feature, they are crippled and truncated patterns of human behavior. The models of the protector, the soldier, the mother, the poet, the scientist and many others are missing.

5) Sex and violence instead of love and valor

It is no secret that sexual drive is one of the strongest. Therefore, it is very easy to act on it in a certain way and thus manipulate a person. Sexual instincts, like some others, belong to our "animal" side of the personality and are on an unconscious level. This instinct is successfully stimulated by the media, advertising, propaganda, so-called scientific and artistic literature or computer games. Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: "Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman, it is a rope over an abyss." From a psychological point of view, the superman is connected with a higher form of our unconscious, which is a source of creative, scientific, poetic energy as well as a source of heroic deeds. At lower levels, unconsciousness is associated with the animal, its instincts, violence and fear.

Both the superman and the animal are integral parts of us all. In some, however, the superman is predominant and in others the animal. The greatest fear of our "rulers" is that their slaves will develop a higher form of unconsciousness and unite with the divine essence that we all have within us. Then we would become uncontrollable and unpredictable. The "rulers" chose animal violence as the control mechanism, which is linked to the sexual instinct - sex, and is far less dangerous for the system than the divine source of creative spark. That is why the alleged psychologist Sigmund Freud was involved in the fight with his theory. Freud was particularly concerned about the possibility of manifesting divine power, or more precisely, it disturbed his sponsors in particular. Their intention was to direct humanity towards sex and violence. Darwin and many others, for example, also belong to the category of these participants.

6) Konzum - a weapon that kills more hares with one shot

What makes consumption different from need. The need is based on the natural necessity of owning one or another object. We can give a lot of examples, if you have ruined your winter coat, you go and buy a new one. If you have a coat and buy another one just because it is branded, fashionable or you want to differentiate yourself in some way, it is consumption. In other words, consumption is disproportionate and naturally unconditional consumption. Why is consumption so vital to the current system? First, it is the driving force of the contemporary economic model. Demand spins production wheels and stimulates banking without the current financial system collapsing. Secondly, it is an excellent antidepressant that reduces social tensions in society and makes it possible to define the limits of what is allowed to individual categories of humanity. Third, this antidepressant is addictive and through this addiction, people become weak and manipulable. Finally, fourth, it blocks access to higher levels of perception.

7) The world of the world - my world is the world

What distinguishes a person from an animal is not only the intellect, but also the culture from which it arose. What exactly is a nation and a homeland? It is not just a blood relationship, but first and foremost it is a culture that unites and educates the nation. National cultures have been built over millennia and stand on the foundations of ancestral wisdom. National culture helps a person to connect to higher levels of (un) consciousness. If individual cultures are destroyed, man becomes an uprooted "beast." By destroying national cultures, "rulers" gain so-called human resources and energy. The main goal is to replace these cultures with pseudo-values ​​and to transform humanity into a "sheep" that is endowed with a certain required level of intellect.

8) Generosity is TABU!

Nobility or generosity is very dangerous for this system, because again it leads to uncontrollable and unpredictable behavior of people, which is not desirable. "Rulers" are very afraid (for them) of incomprehensible reasons for human action. It is definitely easier when people are controlled by their instincts, greed, addictions and vices.

9) Family Breakdown

This point partly overlaps with sex and violence, but it has its merits. Breaking up families helps the breakdown of national cultures, the fragmentation of society, stimulates egoism and the gross behavior of people, which we can observe for some time ....

The good news is that there is a simple and universal cure for it - to listen to your heart!

Remember and remember who we really are. Don't sell your ideals for green papers, never go against your inner voice (even if you think it would make sense). The intellect is a very powerful tool, but not everything can be explained, let alone understood by logic. Man is given not only reason, but also feelings and intuition. A healthy person should have developed all these aspects. And only the soul can unite all the elements of our personality. Don't sell it under the threat of death or poverty.

Living with a sold soul is very painful and lacks meaning, because it is the soul that knows what your real life mission is. The tasks of individual people can be infinitely diverse. You can be a scientist, artist, architect, farmer, soldier or anything else; you can demolish and create, don't be afraid of it. It is essential that you do not become spineless monsters, living corpses, controlled by a system that hates everything connected with spirituality and humanity. There is a strong effort to "take away" your soul and thus destroy your essence.

Talking in the middle of 29.8.2018 from 20 hours with Tonym shaman

About spiritual transformation, connection to the roots and your soul we will talk 29.8.2018 from 20 hours on our YouTube channel. Guest will be shaman Tony. So join us. We look forward to! Suenee Universe

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