Nazi mystic: Thule and Vril secret company - 3. part

20. 03. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

From historical sources we can learn that Thule was founded on the principle of Bulwer-Lytton's short story The Coming Race. The book describes a race of people who are far ahead of us in terms of mental maturity. They were able to control themselves and their abilities, making them almost divine beings. But now they are hiding. They live in caves, in the very center of the Earth.

Does Vril really be formed on the basis of a fictional novel?

First of all, it should be mentioned that Lytton was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which was (and still is) an esoteric association that was a kind of offshoot of the Rosicrucian Order. As a high-ranking member of the Golden Dawn, Lytton had a relatively large knowledge of esoteric issues. This led him to an idea, which, however, did not excel in its originality, as it had a lot of other people: he decided to write a fictional novel! But was this idea really that common? Certainly not, because Lytton presented this book as pure fiction, but this impression was intended only for the uninitiated public. On the contrary, those who worked in other secret societies were able to read between the lines, and as a result, a symbolism hidden in the book, containing Lytton's knowledge, was revealed to them, which he thus sought to pass on. However, this method of transmitting information did not end with the author's death. Currently, symbolism is used in Hollywood movies, pop and rock music, art and so on.

In 1919, a group of people, representing Thule, Vril and DHvSS, met in a small forest hut in Berchtesgaden. Maria Orcis and another medium known as Sigrun were also present. On that day, Maria received - unknown to her - information about the creation of a flying machine. According to surviving documents of Vril, this message was received telepathically, from the solar system Aldebaran, which forms the eye of the constellation Taurus and is 64 light-years from Earth.

Below I present a brief summary of the message Maria Orsic interpreted to the members of the secret societies, which then became part of the Secret Archives of the SS. It should be noted that even if the following words seem to be quite controversial, you must realize that Thule and Vrila members believed them infinitely and followed them:

In the Aldebaran system, there is the sun, around which orbit the two inhabited planets that gave rise to the Kingdom of Sumer. People live on these planets God's light (Aryans) and God people, who are divided into several races, but which, due to climate change on these planets, mutated.

This mutation is characterized by colored skin and a low level of spirituality. The more these races of people mingled with each other, the more their level of spirituality declined, leading to a situation where they were no longer able to leave their own planet (due to the rising temperature of the Aldebaran sun) as they lost the ability to keep their ancestors' flying machines running. They thus became fully dependent on the Aryan race, which evacuated them to other inhabited planets. However, despite the sovereign differences between them, all races cooperated and respected each other (unlike our Earth).

Roughly before 500, millions of years began the people of God's light colonize another planet as the level of radiant heat from the Aldebaran sun made their planet an uninhabitable place. First, the planet Mallona (otherwise also Marduk or Maldek) was inhabited, which was located between Mars and Jupiter. (This claim can be substantiated by the now well-known photos of Mars, in which you can see the face in the helmet and the pyramids. And not only that. We can also find traces of this advanced race on our Earth: trilobite, which existed on our planet 500 million years ago.)

The members of the Vril thought that as our Earth slowly became habitable, the Aldebaran people landed in Mesopotamia, creating a ruling caste of Sumerians, who were then described as the people of the white God. The medium also sought information that the Aldebaran-Sumerian language was almost identical to the German language. (The Aldebarans were also called Annunaki).

The materials for creating the flying machine that Maria Orsic received later led to the idea of ​​creating Jenseitsflugmachine.

To understand the impressions that the members of Thule and Vril themselves had of these bold construction plans, let us look at the expression of a man who was a member of both of these associations, namely Dr. WO Schumann from the Technical University of Munich:

"Everything comes from two principles: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, or plus and minus. It's always either, or.

We define two principles: creation and destruction.

Whatever is destructive is of devilish origin, creation is of divine origin. Any technology based on explosion or ignition has so far been considered the work of Satan. But now, in this new era of humanity, this technology will be considered divine! ”




Nazi mysticism

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