Nazi mystic: the secret society of Thule and Vril

3 06. 02. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In pre-war Germany, there were two secret societies that managed to work closely together because their ideologies were in perfect harmony - Thule and Vril. It was the members of these two orders that placed Hitler at the head of the state with behind-the-scenes political intrigues and thus created the cult of the Führer.

All power, however, was not only focused on Hitler's hands-both mystical organizations were pushing their own interests. However, despite this "duel", many goals were achieved both during the Second World War and shortly after the end, both by the Nazis and by Thule and Vril (for example, the creation of the United Nations and the resettlement of Jews to Israel). Now is the time for the empire to emerge again in its fourth form and become the only international world government.

Thule Company

We will first focus on Thule, starting with generally available and well-known information about its operations, and then look at those that are less common.

Thule (German: Thule Gesellschaft), by its own definition, Studiengruppe für Germanisches Altertum, or "Study Group for Germanic Antiquity", was an occult and folk group, founded in Munich and named after the mythical Nordic country. In particular, this association was associated with the workers' party, which was transformed into the NSDAP, the Nazi party, after Adolf Hitler took over its leadership.

Thule - mapThule's primary concern was to explore the origin of the Aryan race. Thule (Greek Thouli) was,
as mentioned above, a country placed by Greco-Roman geographers in places where the Nordic states are currently located. The term "Ultima Thule" (literally: farthest Thule) is
also mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic work Aeneda, which shows that it goes
the area of ​​today's Scandinavia.

Even the Nazi mystics came to the conclusion that Thule was a Nordic country, according to them
near Greenland and Iceland. Their beliefs were apparently influenced by speculation by Ignatius L. Donelly, who claimed that this lost land existed in the Atlantic Ocean and was also home to the Aryans - basing his claims on the findings of swastika motifs. Donelly also leaned towards Plato's theory of Atlantis, which was also supported by Helena Blavatsky, an occultist who lived in the second half of the 19th century. Thule was in close contact with the Theosophical Society, which continued the legacy of Blavatsky.

The modern form of Thule was formed (or reformed) by Rudolf
von Sebottendorf, in 1918, however, the order itself, such as the Freemasons and many other secret communities, has existed since ancient times and has managed to survive to the present, only each time with a different name, but its ideas, mission and goals remained identical.

Thule should now have its base in Antarctica, where numerous reports are also recorded
about the occurrence of UFOs. In the near future, a sovereign state should emerge here, which not slope
under the international world government.

The Vril and Thule orders are very interconnected. In fact, Vril has been operating outside Thule and has worked closely with the US government since the end of World War II, when Paperclip Thule members were relocated to the United States.

Members of both these mystical communities use nicknames or, if you like, ordinary names,
drawing on the references of Scandinavian gods and goddesses, as well as the Nordic language spoken by these people
for over 11 years. It is passed on among the followers of this association. The following statement made by one of the members of Thule is a good example of this community's current view of humanity itself and its future:

"You must understand that we are all part of God's plan. This plan can be likened to a divine game in which it is possible ThuleChoose a certain level, play it, and then learn from it. Unfortunately, humanity chooses only those levels that consist of wars and various disasters, only then is it able to create a new collective consciousness. A good example is the Akashic Chronicles, in which is a summary of all past, present and future deeds of all living beings.

Although some people may not agree with this statement, Napoleon and Hitler were also important factors in the collective consciousness of humanity. The "White Brotherhood" will help us in the further development of the collective consciousness,
which is often mentioned in the esoteric literature.

We don't have to worry about what awaits us behind the Stargate. There is no death or monsters. Behind her is only the kind and kind Creator and the White Brotherhood, who is the guardian of thoughts. The Brotherhood of Agarta (Dutozemě) will also be called, in other words the Order of Thule, which will use various magical systems to create a new eon. The only thing that is required of humanity is hope, because hope is our principle. "

It is not possible to say with certainty what is hidden behind the Stargate, it is possible that not only kind beings live behind it, so it is appropriate to oppose the above-mentioned statement. In fact, it may not be safe at all to try to open this gate.


Continuation in April…

Nazi mysticism

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