Nairam Insider: A New Chronology of Ages (3.): First contacts with aliens

16. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In space there are portals for space travel. In the belt Orion is Super portal. This is very often used and is very lucrative and is in the so-called " Blue Zone - There are very few. Around this Super portal there are several star systems, including our Solar System.

Exploited extraterrestrial civilizations travel quite universally in the universe, and that's why it's around super portal an energy protection zone was created. These are some energy spheres / bubbles / spheres - Local Clusters. Since the ordinary person can not travel in this way (except for astral travel), I have only mentioned the idea of ​​how extraterrestrial civilizations travel to us and how they do it.

In ancient times, extraterrestrial civilizations have been very visible and contacts between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations have been day order. However, as contemporary civilization has perfected and developed, the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations has been recorded with paintings, engravings and texts.

Many information is also stored in crystals (e.g. Crystal Skulls). Perhaps we will have technology that can decode the information. Or is that technology already in place? Maybe some information they sipped, after a data library in the Bucegi Mountains was discovered (cf. The great mystery of the Bucegi Mountains), Marble cave and other places. Let us return to beginning of 20. century.

20. century

In the years 1920-1930, German secret societies made their first contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations - Reptiles a Agarthany (which will be discussed later) through a secret organization Vril, where as a medium for channeling she was a woman named Maria Oršić. The Germans did not separate classical science from esotericism and therefore through channeling contact and information transfer took place. The technology was mainly passed on. Since the information was received from Reptilians, their intentions were obscene. According to Willie Tompkins (as already mentioned in the article The Nazis built their own flying plates) a certain faction of the Reptilians German military-engineering complex for the construction of flying saucers and mother ships for their own escape from the Earth.

The Nazis built their own flying plates: According to Billy Meyer, the Aldebaran aliens should be the source of the signal, so they wanted to initiate friendly contact between the Earth and the Aldebaran people. Aliens originally thought that the Germans would develop and use these ships to establish a more peaceful world. The extraterrestrials assumed that the use of free energy and technologies built on it would lead to an economic political transformation when any war campaign would be meaningless.

Today you can find information under this synonym New SwabiaSchwabenlandNeuschwabenland, New Swabia or also Base 211, about which we wrote the whole series.
On the basis of these technologies, Germans assembled flying vehicles with antigravity drives and then, during 2. World War, occupied one of the old cities below Antarctica. This created a detached German civilization owning extraterrestrial technology.

Therefore, there is a lot of information about German submarines and ships heading to Antarctica and South America, where he was also after the end of World War II. spotted by Hitler.

Since the 40s, this detached civilization has also had its own base in Mars. They are leaking information that they are to produce components for spacecraft and trade with some extraterrestrial civilizations.

Mars and Maldek

Mars - It has been a month of great planet Maldek / Melona. He had an atmosphere and life. After destruction Maldeku the atmosphere was damaged and life (in analogy to Earth) on the surface of Mars ended. Scientific geological studies confirm that one side Mars was hit in the distant past by a global catastrophe, which caused a large-scale wrinkling of the terrain against the other side. It's the part he's on Valles Marineris: Grand Canyon Mars.

Still on Mars there is still a weak layer of the atmosphere, where entire colonies of beings live in underground domes. Lizard-like animals and small plants are sometimes seen on the surface. There are pyramid-shaped buildings and the ruins of ancient buildings and civilizations.

Maldek (or also Melona) (sometimes also called Super Earth) was in the area of ​​today The main belt of the asteroidswhich is between the planets Mars a Jupiter. This strip is very likely a part of the debris Maldeku. Maldek was a vast planet on which humanoid beings (several meters tall) and Mars was her moon.

Giant skeletons

For the sake of the giant skeleton that is mentioned in historical records on Earth. (Sizes in Tracks.)

Due to the great struggles between the Maldives and Reptilian people, weapons of mass destruction were used, and the planet Maldek was destroyed. This explosion destroyed the atmosphere of Mars.

Model of the solar system without distances

Model of the solar system without preserving the distances of planets orbits

After the end of 2. World War II some German SS scientists were taken to Russia, but mainly under the program Paperclip to the USA, where they continued their research. The most famous is certainly Wernher von Braun. The Germans gradually took control of the military-industrial complex and the (shadow) government. It was created secret space program and the related military industry.

In 2011, however, some people broke away from the space program and emerged Earth Alliance. In the same year, NASA announced the end of space flights and the end of the official space program. Earth Alliance wants to promote full disclosure of technology and information for humanity.

However, in order not to predict, other important information needs to be communicated.

S secret space program related hidden technologies - propulsion systems, free energy, genetic engineering, health, and other scientific disciplines. Secret bases (scientific, military, production, alien, rehabilitation, warehouse) are both Earth - underground and on Mars and also on our closest planetary object Moons.


Moon the artificial body is geologically older than Země. Obviously, it was created by higher technology, as many other months in our Solar System (eg the Mars' Months Phobos a Deimos).

Moon function as an escape module. Apparently it was used for evacuation Maldeku or Mars. He was greatly damaged when traveling.

We plan to invite Ken Johnston to Prague to personally present his photo archive.
On the opposite side of the Moon are buried ancient structures and secretly base.

Not only the photographic documentation saved Ken Johnston this confirms. From statements Willie Tompkins and some mission astronauts Apollo it is obvious that on the opposite side Months is still an agile movement of objects and beings.

Moon was placed in the orbit Země and anchored by bound gravity. Thanks to Země we see only one side. Moon is hollow and the bases are directed into the interior. There is also a base on the Moon, on which secret space programs, including 22 genetic programs. People and extraterrestrial races.

Some sources of information say that, thanks to the above-mentioned secret Nazi programs, they were just The Germans the first to land in modern history on Moons. On the contrary, testimony Willie Tompkins and indirectly confirmed by Neil Armstrong's testimony that during the mission Apollo 11 there was direct contact with the extraterrestrial race on the surface Months. Neil Armstrong a Buzz Aldrin they should come in contact with representatives tall gray (grays).

Spacecraft ET at the Sea of ​​Peace

Tompkins' drawings document the concealed live broadcast. At the edge of the Sea of ​​the Quay crater were ET spacecrafts.

Alternative 3

In 60. - 70. years 20. century was running the program Alternative 3 - brain drain. Scientists and their families have been promised lucrative work on other planets as well. They were told that the Earth would no longer exist because of global warming and the destruction of the atmosphere and they would be the only ones to survive and thus have to preserve the human species.

They live and work in entire colonies in underground dwellings and bases deployed all over Mars. They live there in relatively unfavorable conditions, and are convinced that the planet Earth no longer exists, and they are the only survivors.

Contract with Grays and base in Dulce

In the period around 1945, it was the US government with the participation of the then US President Eisenhower an agreement with an extraterrestrial race was signed. Part of the agreement was the transfer of extraterrestrial technology to mankind for the ability to perform genetic experiments on humans. Since then, many aliens have been abducted from a substantial part of Earth's surface. Most (pregnant) women were abducted, and sometimes even animals.

The most famous place for these genetic experiments was secret underground Dulce base v New Mexico located near GPS coordinates 36 ° 57'N, 107 ° W.

The main ones actors these acts were just extraterrestrial entities known as Grays. Experts have two main hypotheses for this race. The first is that it is essentially a human civilization that came from the future because it has lost its ability to reproduce. To prevent her extinction, she performed genetic experiments in our time. The second hypothesis says that it was humanoid robots that served Reptilians.

Carol Rosin was a personal assistant Werhner von Braun, which he often quotes: Everything about an alien attack will be a bad lie. Read this in the series: The alien threat is probably a big lie. Steven Greer in his lectures he also emphasizes that he had documents in his hand that clearly confirm the existence PLF.

As there has been a gross violation of humanity and agreements that have been concluded, this situation has started to intensify, and several negotiations have taken place between 1994 and 2006 and the base has finally been conquered and closed. At present, according to available information no Grays na Earth they are not.

Nuclear games

In 1983 years culminated the Cold War conflict between USA a Russia, when nuclear weapons were activated on both sides. Alien civilization (Ie. Council of Five), which oversees us, has intervened. From then on, extraterrestrial intelligence will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, and so the threat is nuclear weapons unrealizable.

These aliens continue to monitor, control and at the same time neutralize all nuclear activities that would be a threat to Earth and space, including nuclear chernobyl accidentFukushima.

India tried to inform humanity about the presence of extraterrestrial civilization in 2004, but it was GMS disabled. GMS has long been liquidating and hiding anything evidence of the presence of extraterrestrial activity and also about free energies a timeless technologies. There is no exception either Vatican bee with the pope, who successfully seconds GMS. According to various conjectures, the Vatican archives are full of withheld information about their existence ET throughout human history.

Blue Awian

Illustration: Blue Awian

Another extraterrestrial civilization that just like Anunnaki discovered on Earth are humanoid beings with bird head - Blue Awian. They are currently overcrowding Alliance spheres, which promotes the awakening of mankind and full disclosure.

Blue Awian find out what's happening here on the planet, how GMS he practices unfair practices against humanity in his favor.

How and from whom did they learn? From well informed sources, I have information about that GMS reported Draco Reptileswho wanted to the increasing vibration of Earth (see Fig. Schumann frequency in 1. work) to fly away, but due to the protective barrier they could not do so. For Draco Reptiles the higher the frequency is unacceptable.

Representatives Blue Awian they evaluated the whole situation and convened an extraordinary conference in which she participated deep shadow government and also a representative Vatican present Pope Francis. The outcome of the conference was the announcement that in this time here on Earth it just ends. Most of them Draco Reptiliod being allowed to leave Earth. There was only a small number of those who would be judged for their actions.

According to Corey Goode, the Egyptian Horus is Blue Avian. It corresponds to blue complexion and bird head.


Still back to the role Pre-Adamites, about which we wrote in previous work. They remained on Earth descendants (Pre-adamite hybrids) who are likely to be in control Draco Reptilians over Rutilians. Pre-adamité (in general) they are proficient in time travel. They set one of the time windows on Earth for 2018to return and to support theirs descendants - Pre-adamity hybrid, who are actively involved in GMS. If they do not succeed in this return to Earth, which seems likely in the context of external interventions, GMS na Earth until the end of 2018 ends.

They know it, and they are trying to reverse this unfavorable situation until the last minute. That is why there are so many conflicts and attempts to invoke the Third World War so that humanity can be destroyed. It can be said that their motto is: "If they can not survive, no one survives.". The human species is for Anunnaki Elohim, but also for Blue Awian so important that it tries to prevent this destruction.

Approaching big energy eventwhich will move humanity into 5D. The human race will thus become part of a large cosmic family.

So where are ETs?

Many people keep asking themselves questions. So here extraterrestrial civilizations are they, why don't they come between us?

I personally have two reasons, but maybe even more:

  1. Due to the predominantly negative propaganda of aliens in movies (where they all want to destroy us), people could start to attack without reason in fear and panic. It's like you'd give all those in the mosquito center the gun and stabbing weapons, and then they just walked around.
  2. Viruses and bacteria that would be fatal for the vast majority of alien visitors. Only some creatures and hybrids of extraterrestrial civilization and human race can move between us. That is why contact is mainly on the extra-mental level through astral travel through CE5 protocol.

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