Nairam Insider: New Age Chronology (4.): Hollow Earth and ET Technology

2 18. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

One theory says that the Sun had previously rotated at higher speeds and flew out of it, which had a certain direction and gradually cooled, creating a planet that had a gaseous gaseous nucleus. As the core was hot and the surface cooled and became solid, pressure and heat arose and the gases escaped from the core to the surface. Pore, cracks, pockets and hairs were formed. Pockets and cavities of several kilometers or more are connected through channels through which energy has penetrated. This is how the so- Hollow Earth.

The earth is a living organism just like other planets and stars. The planet always has its inhale and exhale in 20-year cycles. The turning point between inhaling and exhaling is always around August 11-17, once every 20 years. Note that some key historical events took place in these phases and days - 1943, 1963, 1983, 2003…

We are already they wrote in part 2that the Sun once sends 12 a thousand years to the Solar System energy magnetic pulse (EMP). Previously, people perceived this cycle and therefore some were able to prepare for it. Before the last pulse there were 3 migration waves:

  1. the wave of inhabitants went to the underground and became of them Aghartians
  2. the migratory wave has settled on the climatically favorable locations of the continental continents
  3. the migration wave has gone outside Earth

Archa Gabrielova

On parallels 33,3°N a 33,3°E there are space-time gates. In these places there is, for example North Africa, Syria, North Korea, .... Here is also a more complex defense system Earth Perimeter. It's called Archa Gabrielova.

The system is formed navigation a defensive equipment. Navigation devices resembles a stone cube of a size of meters. (Such a device was recently found near Mecca.) If a threat is detected, this section passes information defense equipmentsystem. (One is located in the Tungus Tiger area.) A pole (arm) slides out of the ground from a depth of a few meters, at the end of which there is a dome - like a sponge and hits the target.

The AG system is most likely responsible for Tungus incident from 30.06.1908 as well as for the event from 11.10.2015, when a crane hit by lightning from the ground to the sky was set up in Mecca.

Defensive technology of type Archa Gabrielova was discovered within the broader defensive perimeter also on 33 ° N and 33 ° E Mars and some months Solar systems.


The authors of this technology handed over knowledge and knowledge to selected Earthlings to be able to repair and build others in the event of pyramid damage.

The Pyramids serve as crystals-based communication antennas, as an energy aggregate, which powerlessly and without conductors energizes power installations Archa Gabrielova and other.

Disintegration Egyptian a Mayan civilization and others that were deployed alongside 33 ° were initiated mocking extraterrestrial races, which after the disintegration began to build a new world order GMSwhich works to this day. With the disintegration of these civilizations, the knowledge of pyramid structures, but especially the energetic nature of the planet with subsequent use of their potential, also disappeared, as all this is based on knowledge of the evolution and evolution of planets in the solar system.

GMS is aware of the forces and technologies located in the corridor delimited by 33 ° parallels and tries to hide them from humanity. Think about it - why, when American Army falls into the territory of states that are just around this parallel, is first interested in historical buildings, Museum a sacred places? What they do in such places special army unitswhen I supposedly came here mainly suppress terrorism? It is possible to search for videos and photos just after the US Army invaded the museum, where archives, especially those relating to Anunnaki, were discharged.

Data library in Bucegi and underground tunnels

In 2003, a huge dome was discovered in Romania, in the Carpathians, in the Bucegi Mountains (GPS 25 ° 28'12 ″ E 45 ° 24'24 ″ N). It is a data library whose age is estimated at 4-6 million years. There are 4 tunnels leading from this dome, which are part of the planet's large intercontinental tunnel system. This dome is energetically influenced by the mountain Kailas (Tibet). Mount Kailas is artificially modified and still resembles its shape as a pyramid that serves as an antenna system.

The tunnels themselves Bucegi lead to other underground complexes on Earth:

  1. tunnel leads to Iraq (the reason for the war in Iraq in 2003? - there is an extraterrestrial weapon system, perhaps even a technology that allows the opening of time-space portals). He also leads over Turkey and Syria. Here in Syria is the secondary shaft where parts are located to run the system in Iraq. This The shaft is located 80 km from the town of Alepo. Again, the question of whether a war conflict in Syria and especially in the city area Aleppo was used as a covert maneuver to gain access to extraterrestrial technology?
  2. tunnel leads through Black Sea in Crimea-Simferopol, where there is a marble cave. Then the tunnel leads to Ruska do Caucasus.
  3. tunnel leads to Europe-Slovakia (Babí hora entrance is on the Polish side), Czech Republic northern border, Germany and then over England do Canada and connects there to the intercontinental tunnel.
  4. tunnel leads to Egypt a South Africa.


There are other worlds in the Earth's underground. The ancient civilizations (a total of 16 groups) Aghartians. It can be said to be genetically pure people (white, black, asian, etc). Their DNA is at least from 98% the same as ours. Aghrartians own extraterrestrial technology. They travel through the means where they can penetrate the membrane structure of the rocks.

Conditions for life and light are provided by special bacteria that produce the biological light of a greenish hue and a certain sound frequency that amplifies the light. Temperatures closer to the center of the Earth are stable and there is a constant pleasant climate.

Earlier Aghartians represented humanity on the surface in certain cycles like gods, later as aliens. He is currently intensively dealing with them Alliance Sfér in the lead with Blue Awian.

Own data library on the history of the Earth and about the Universe. He knows what's going on Earth. They communicate with some people through channeling.

Kolský vrt

In 1989 was done by the team Russian and Norwegian scientists the deepest borehole towards the center of the Earth. Approximately in depth 12 km beneath the level of the surface, he dug into the places where there were loud sounds resembling the hustle like somewhere in hell.

We can speculate that it might have been the noise of the underground Aghart city, or someone was just looking at the living room for a horror movie. The very idea that the cave is shaking and suddenly a drilling set appears in it, it looks pretty scary. The fact remains that after the meeting with Russian President Putin the research was officially stopped.

Intercontinental tunnel system and secret ground bases

A network of intercontinental tunnels around the world connects several underground information archives and bases. The tunnels are mostly natural, somewhere modified by extraterrestrial technology, are earthquake resistant and have a diameter of about one kilometer. You can travel at huge speeds.

Country vault at 33,3 ° degree. Base in Sweet and the dome in Bucegi. Approximate tunneling across the continents


A new chronology of ages

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