Napoleon Bonaparte kidnapped by aliens

1 17. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Paris: The scientists examined the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte and admitted they were deeply confused by finding an 1,27 cm long microchip inserted into his skull. They say that this mysterious object could be of extraterrestrial origin - they assume that the French Emperor was at least once kidnapped by aliens!

Dr. Adre Dobois, who made this astonishing revelation in a French medical journal, said:

"The possible consequences of this discovery are very difficult to understand. So far, most of the victims of ET abductions have been ordinary people who have had little influence over world affairs. We now have compelling evidence that aliens have influenced human history in the past - and can continue to do so! ”

Microchip discovery

Dr. Dubios made this amazing discovery during a study of Napoleon's exhumed body (skeletal remains) as part of a grant project funded by the French government with a budget of $ 140.000.

He further explained:

"At first I was hoping to find out if he had a pituitary disorder, which would contribute to his small stature."

Instead, the researcher found something far more remarkable:

"As I examined the inside of the skull, I ran a hand through a small protrusion. On closer examination with magnifying glass - I was amazed to discover that it was some form of super modern microchip. "

According to the degree of bone fusion around the chip, the expert was convinced that the implant had been inserted into Bonaparte's youth.

"It is true that Napoleon did get lost for a few days in July 1794, when he was 25 years old. He himself then explained that he was imprisoned in the Themiodrian coup. Unfortunately, there are no records of his possession. That's why I believe this is the moment he was abducted. "

Napoleon Bonaparte's rocket rise

From that moment on, Napoleon's ascent was completely rocketing. During the following year, he gained the confidence to lead the French army in Italy. Miraculously, he managed to turn the starving army into a top combat force that crushed Italy.

In 1804, after a series of surprising victories, scrubby the General declared himself a French Emperor. His empire soon spread over Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark.

Dr. Dubios said:

"Napoleon is more than 100 years ahead of his military strategies. It is possible that the implant improved its abilities. It's possible that the device may have affected the electrical signals from the brain to its heart. "

The implant may also be an explanation for Napoleon's acquaintance habit to hold your hand to your heart.

By the time the British were defeated at Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon had long since changed the face of Europe.

"We can only imagine what Western history would have looked like if the aliens had not intervened. Nor can we judge whether they did so in the interest of or against humanity. "

It sounds pretty fantastic, but it's not the first time I've learned that Napoleon has been contacted. Similar considerations are mentioned in the popular documentary series Ancient Aliens. So no one knows for sure whether this is a rumor or "something will be".

It is also worth mentioning that I have previously presented a French project here COMETwhere, with the support of the government there, many UFO observations were made by governmental organizations. It does not seem that the French administration is opposed to an alien hypothesis.

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