The Nation in the Wake of the Gods (1.

13 02. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Ivo Wiesner believed in the mission of the Czech nation and his belief in the leading role of Central Europeans / Bohemians, Moravians, Silesians and Slovaks / in the near future comes as a golden thread all his work. The book The Nation in the Gods' Wrestling is trying to show the connection between today and the ancient history that today's man escapes in his shaku / controlled deliberate jingle / world. Please read and let yourself read it.

Were our ancestors alleged pagans or barbarians, for whom the Catholic clergy and historians inspired by them to play the Germanic note have been wrongly called for many centuries?

The term "barbarians" was used by the Greeks originally for all nations whose Greeks did not understand the language. Later, the term gained a pejorative meaning emphasizing the civilization's immaturity and the inferiority of some ethnicities with grossness, cruelty and ignorance.

From the Greeks, this concept was essentially taken over by the Romans who considered all the nations and ethnicities of non-Roman origin as barbarians even though many of them had no worse culture than Rome itself. An example may be the Celts. When the Christian Church of Rome received the end of 4. century AD, a decisive influence in the western part of the collapsing Roman Empire, has created a very solid ideological and power key to dominating the power of the mighty empire of the Frankish Germans.

This is how the persecution of the "Gentiles", ie the peoples and ethnicities of the idea of ​​Western (Roman) Christians, who do not speak. The Catholic clergy closely associated with the Franco-rulers began to use the idea of ​​Christianity as the fundamental ideological justification for the expansion of the Frankish empire into the original Celtic and Slavic space. The period of violent proliferation of Western (Roman) Christianity begins with "fire and sword", especially in the space occupied by the western and coastal Slavs.

At the end of 6. century and especially in the period 7.-9. century, the forming state of the Czech Republic is exposed to the hard pressure of the Franks, seeking to control and assimilate them. In fact, it was not about the propagation of Christianity, but the violent conquest of new spaces and the outpouring of the local population, is testified by the experience of the brutal absurdity and violence that the Cyril and Methodius, the Cyril and Methodius, spreading the idea of ​​Christianity to the Eastern version.

When the Roman priests, mostly Franks or rather of German origin, expel the pupils of both Eastern scholars from Bohemia and Moravia, it is clear to the Czech rulers that the idea of ​​Christianity is only a mask and pretense and that it clearly changes in the German and Czech element of the struggle over space of the Czech state. This struggle, lasting over a thousand years, has not ended, but today it has more civilized but not less dangerous forms. Blasphemous are those who believe in the smooth face and the vague promises of the Germanophiles around us. German rulers and clergy have always shielded their power and pretentious ambitions by, along with the Christian idea, spreading the so-called "advanced" Western culture among Eastern "barbarians."

The fact that this "propagation of culture" demanded many bloodshed and countless lives during countless Germans provoked wars remained somewhat strange. However, the ideology of the propagation of Western Christian culture was and still is based on demagogy, lies, and often deception, which together have irrefutably demonstrated that culture east of the borders of the German Empire is worthless, worthless, inappropriate, and the Eastern "barbarians" must be vigorously civilized / eventually straight away.

Unfortunately, this spirit of demagoguery sometimes blends out today, even within one's own ranks. One of the great lies on which the German ideology of supremacy and the holy mission to colonize eastern territory was built was the claim of German chauvinists that the Western Slavs / understand mainly Czech tribes / only temporarily occupied the originally Germanic eastern territories of Bohemia and Moravia. This was to imply the right to the eastern territory, which must be repopulated with the Germanic element. But history says something completely different.

In fact, the Germanic Marcomanni and Kvádová, when they pushed the Celtic fighting out of the Czech area, kept the area of ​​Bohemia for less than 30 years, the area of ​​Moravia less than 50 years, and still controlled the lowland areas of the Ohře, Elbe and Vltava river basins, but could not occupy other areas. In fact, the area of ​​Bohemia and Moravia has been a Celtic domain at least since the 8th century BC The fact is that the displaced Fighters surpassed the Marcomanni and Kvády with their high culture almost versatile and the Germanic conquerors took over much of the Celtic culture.

The popular myth about the backwardness and low cultural level of the Western Slavs, spread by the German Catholic clergy, has undoubtedly greatly influenced the Czech Catholic intelligence, especially in the early Middle Ages, but unfortunately today.

An example of the idea of ​​superiority of the German element is already evident in Dalimil's chronicle, when the advent of the Czechs is explained as the escape of the Charvát chiefs before the punishment for murder. "The so-called Dalimil" criticizes our ancestors for lacking firm family bonds, promiscuity and lack of traditions. Still, even in Dalimil's verses, at least a distant glimpse of true reality penetrates when he speaks of our ancestors as a people of righteous, communal, non-clumsy property, strictly commanding their elders, alien theft and robbery.

The truth about the cultural level of the Celts. Why do the historians lie to us?

Similar distortions are also found in works by modern Christian authors. So in his work "The Beginnings of Czech Education" on the 20 page, F. Turek says: "Although technically the Czech and Slovak Slavs gained a considerable amount and socially consolidated in the new settlements, the image of his culture did not reach a state where he would stand by his side western and southern neighbors. They did not know the scriptures, and their worldview, though already ethical - the distant idea of ​​Romanticism about their dove-like nature - also had virtually primitive features "(quote end).

But everything was different. After the defeat of the Markomans and Kvadas and their expulsion from the Bohemian-Moravian space at the beginning of 1.století nl there is in fact a re-consolidation of the Celtic ethnicity in this area and the consolidation of its culture before the arrival of the Nyss.

How was it in fact the cultural level of the Celts? About Keltech there is plenty of news available especially from Greek and Roman historians. Thus, the Greek Diogenes Laertios, in his travels between the Celts, was interested in Celtic schools led by druids in which the future Celtic administrative, military and spiritual nobility were brought up. When asked about the content and focus of the study, he had received the following answer from the Druid teacher: "We teach young people to honor gods, do not do evil deeds, and behave honestly in all situations." This brief explanation to Laerti was sufficient to highly appreciate the Celtic spiritual culture.

Many of the Gaelic Galems, given by Gaius Julius Caesar in his "Minutes of the Gaelic War", unfortunately, have never been able to rise above the somewhat tendentious approach of the interests of the Roman politics at the time.

In the interests of objectivity, it should be noted that the Celtic society has been quite distinctly differentiated. The most crowded layer was a simple people / ambakte / which had very few rights but very many duties. The ambassadors supervised the nobility of the clergy, together with the wards, who were priests with a lower degree of initiation. Another relatively small group was the administrative and military nobility, which was free but bound by very strict religious regulations. It can be said that this group was under the very strict curse of druids.

Druids formed a very narrow layer of spiritually highly developed people (men and women) who essentially controlled all the events in society. One of the basic rules of the gods to which druids were subjected was the oversight of the just nobility government over the "ambakte," preventing their abuse and social misery.

The exact definition of the role of druids in Celtic society is still unclear. It is certain that the druids had considerable influence and huge authority. It was probably the result of all-round education and exceptional psychotropic skills.

The organization of the Society has never been as strictly centralized as we know it with Egyptians, Incas, Mayas, Aryans and other peoples. The King was usually the druid of the highest initiation, but it was not always a condition. In essence, the Druid layer was divided into a group of priests of the lowest initiation of the "vates" who lived between ambacity and nobility and applied directly the will of druids of the highest initiation.

The second group of the Druidist layer was the "euhag" commission, especially the service of the gods, the revelation, the leadership of the Church ceremonies, and the activities that might perhaps be termed as psychotherapy. Unfortunately, there is not much information available about this group, just like the female version of druids - drusads.

There is plenty of evidence that the drudges were prominent goddesses, healers, and sorcerers. Do you remember Krok's daughters? Kasi / Kasin, Kasan / knew old plants and knew how to make medicines and successfully treats injuries and injuries. Aunt / Tetas, Teten / celebrated with wisdom, knowledge of religious rites and many mysteries of the gods. Libuše / Lebanon / renowned for the mysterious abilities and knowledge of the secret of nature. I think these Celtic princesses - drusades quite clearly illustrate the mission of drusad.

The most beloved and also the most powerful and most secretly covered group are the druids themselves, the priests with the highest and the highest consecration. The meaning of the "initiation" process must be understood in terms of achieving the highest degree of both general and special education. Druids can therefore be considered Celtic intelligence.

Similar to the organization of society and the division of the intellectual stratum, the Árjas, and therefore the Nyss. During the exodus, however, the Nyss were forced to simplify many social and intellectual ties in society in the interests of survival. The protocols probably worshiped the Great Mother, whose cult took over when they came to Europe.

The Celtic pantheon also developed in the process of crystallization of the Celtic entity. In different periods, the Celts had different gods, but the most important position for almost all Celtic tribes had three gods: Taranis - god of sun, lightning and thunder, I compare to the ancient Egyptian god of gods Atum, Teutates / Teutiorix / - god of medicine, science, crafts, trade , is often compared to the Egyptian Thowt, Esus - god of wind, nature, underground, he is compared to Osiris.

3 basic ethical principles of the Celts

The basic ethical element in the life of the Celts was the thesis of the only true father of all beings, the Supreme Unnamed Creature that all the gods are subject to.

The second of the basic ethical elements of the Celts is the thesis of the immortality of the soul of human beings. Druids have taught that it is not appropriate for the human body to devote more than just the necessary attention to its smooth functioning.

After death, the immortal soul goes out of the body and the body itself becomes a worthless box, which must be returned to the earth as quickly as possible. The Dead Celts burned, and in the spirit of this thesis, the burying funnels have only exceptionally votive gifts, and not so valuable.

The third basic ethical principle of the Celts is the thesis of reincarnation, which means returning the immortal soul for a period to a newborn. The essence of reincarnation is the knowledge that the human being / soul has to undergo many reincarnations in order to get rid of the bad qualities and habits that prevent the achievement of true spiritual prosperity - spiritual perfection. According to this thesis, reincarnation and recurrent lives are the real hell and purge that a human being repeatedly enters and discards the consequences of past misdeeds.

Note: Editors: It is very remarkable (and certainly not-coincidental) that the original original Christianity says practically the same thing! You can find these basic truths (knowledge) even in Origen, for example, before the Caesaropape Catholic Church managed to suppress this truth and definitively enslave humanity.

With these basic ethical theses, the Celts closely approximate to Arja, whose ethical principles are much better known in Vedic written sights. It is understandable that these principles were preserved in the form of basic theses also in the Nyse entity, entering after a long exodus into the area of ​​Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia. We know with sufficient certainty that the Czech tribes accepted the thesis of the immortality of the soul and the dead were burning, demonstrating that the human body after death is only a worn, empty and not very valuable wrapper.

They recognized the existence of an undefined Supreme Being, which is subject to and subordinate to the gods whose duty is to direct the paths and fates of human beings. However, the concept of the return of the immortal soul to the newly born beings was not clearly conceived, rather it was accepted the idea that the souls of the dead live in the vicinity of the living and protect them if they show respect.

Just as Old-World texts on the old 5 millennium records, as well as the Celtic traditions, they agree that each person has his guardian spirit that is assigned to the Supreme Being. At Nyss, the ghost ancestors take over this guard role.

Many historians say that the Celts did not know the script, which they consider to be evidence of their lack of cultural development, if not directly, of barbarism. But the spirit of Celtic legends or myths, the surviving artifacts of Celtic culture, and the traditions of the basic ethical principles before our view, make the Celts, but also Arjas as an entity in a number of ways far outpacing the Romans and the Greeks. That is why, of course, many people come up with an insistent question: why did the Celts not know and did not use scripture?

The explanation is fairly simple. The Celts took care to ensure that their knowledge did not get into their unwashed hands. Today, we know quite well that the Celtic Druids of the Supreme Initiation have been communicating with each other and recording important data with a particular type of script representing the graphic record of the ancient Birds' Language.

This language was widened in ancient times between the consecrated, ruler and spiritual elite and disappeared without any knowledge of it. According to the reports, the graphical record of this universal ancient language, a kind of "Latin of Antiquity", was derived from the original base from which the Chinese ideographic features developed late, but also the Mayan hieroglyphs, the royal characters of the Germanic priests, and similar graphic features rarely found in the Aryan civilization .

According to tradition, the Hebrew script and Sanskrit developed much later in this graphic kadlub. We also come across a tradition that says the Chinese writing with their features from top to bottom (from heaven to earth) is the original source closest to us. The Hebrews writing from right to left have apparently accepted culture from the East, while Sanskrit is written opposite, and therefore supposedly comes from the West.

If these traditions were close to reality, then the ancient Celtic records were made in the same or near prasanskrtu font. But that is only a guess. The fact is that druids have forbidden any graphic records to perform, which also means they have something to hide. The knowledge necessary for life, tradition, reputation, and other communication was preserved only orally, and was entrusted to druids of lower initiation, choosing and practicing for the ability to remember long and varied texts.

Druids knew a special way of recording information into "hard" matter

We sometimes come across the opinion that druids knew a special way of recording messages in some objects, especially stones. This explains why there were many stones of unclear purpose in Celtic shrines. Megalithic fields are also related to this principle in addition to the astronomical function. It is said that many of these stone recorders are waiting for future generations who can decipher them. He could interpret this with some ancient data of pre-Egyptian age, which are still considered toys.

According to these reports, then the wise people knew the technique of recording the message in the structure of any durable material, and the principle of this technique was to use the principles of coherence of penetrating spiritual energy produced by the human brain. Considering our current technical knowledge of the principle of sound and image recording on the basis of structural material changes, it does not surprise us so fantastically.

Note: ragauian: I'm entering an interesting reading about the history of the settlement of our country, Celta and Nyssa, with my little nipple ... that's because I had the opportunity to know for myself that these recording devices exist in the stone.

In the tales of the first Western Slavs, we often encounter objects of unclear determination, with the so-called "grandparents." Historians attribute to them the iconic role that is approaching the role of the statues of saints celebrating to this day. However, other roles still come into play: in particular, the fact that the "heirs" were actually the mailboxes of the dead ancestors, the possibility that the "heirs" were actually loggers of important actual events that had to be preserved in the mind of the entity.

Whether the "heirs" were merely a mnemonic aid or whether they contained information records can hardly be decided today. Theoretically, both are possible.

As the cultural organization of the entity, as well as the way in which youth training is organized, the cultural level also gives us some attention. The organization of the Celtic family was very similar to the social structure of the Aryan and Nyrian family. The family was headed by a father who had almost unlimited power over the family but also full responsibility for each family member to provide a source of livelihood,

Celtic and nude women were considered by men to be equal and enjoyed the same rights and obligations.

During the fighting, the deaths of their fathers brought their families into existential insecurity threatening with hunger. Both the Celtic and Ny communities have dealt with this fact by creating polygamous families where widowed women and their children have been accepted into full families as their indivisible part.

The Catholic historians have been overwhelmed by the polygamy of the Celts and Western Slavs, and this fact has been seen as evidence of the low cultural level of these entities ...

But the opposite is true. Acceptance of widowed women and their children into a full family is, in principle, a highly ethical principle, testifying to the deep sympathy and feeling of mutual ancestry of our ancestors.

Nation in the lie of the gods

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