The Nation in the Wake of the Gods (6.): The Catholic Christian faith is enforced by the Czech nation

14. 02. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

If I talk in such detail about Libuše, it would be a mistake not to mention the great treasure that the dowry of the Přemyslid family brings. It is said that this treasure is still hidden in the depths of Vyšehrad and, together with the rainbow-shining golden throne, will come to the surface one day in the future. The dowry part of the treasure was further multiplied by the Přemyslid rulers.

If the monarch ever recovered part of the treasure in distress, he soon returned ten times. Many alien kings and adventurers tried to obtain this treasure, but without success. The place of his placement entered the grave together with the last Přemyslid born "by the sword". How amazing it must have been, the treasure can hardly be estimated from the size, rarity and purity of the precious stones set in the coronation jewels of the Czech kings, which were said to have been picked up from the Přemyslid treasure for this purpose.

First for Wenceslas' crown, from which the names of the King of Bohemian and Roman Karel were taken into the coronation jewels, the fourth name. This is a group of huge spinels, ruby ​​and sapphires, mostly from the Orient, although it is possible that one of the sapphires comes from the Jizera Mountains from the Sapphire Stream.

Certainly a lot of readers will find out where Lebanon has earned treasure. It is probable that this was part of the treasure of Vyšehrad nemethon, which was given to the new future nation, unless it was the whole treasure of the sanctuary. The considerable age of the gems is shown, among other things, by the ancient and not very perfect way of working into irregular "mugles". So hard and tough stones such as rubies and sapphires had to make it hard for the old masters to work hard.

According to tradition, Libuše put a protective curse before his death to treasure, also related to crown jewels. According to this curse, anyone who has a sacrificial hand to the nation's heritage will perish by evil death. From the hard-fated Heydrich's fate, it can be concluded that Libus's curse is acting to the present day.

If we go through the history of Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia, we pass a long line of sacred and memorable places, having a close relationship with the good and bad times of our nation. Rarely, let's remember Říp, Vyšehrad, Kaňk u Kutné Hory, Velký Blaník, Tábor u Nemějic, Buděč, Hostýn and others. Today, with surprise, we find that most of these places were significant sanctuaries before the arrival of their forefathers. Many of them are related to ancient Celtic rumors and prophecies, which have been kept up to date by generations of later settlers.

Unfortunately, some were adapted to the aims of the Roman Catholic liturgy, such as Hostyn, during the period of hard Catholicism. This sanctuary was initially dedicated to the Great Mother (Isidas), symbolized by a woman covered from head to toe in a dark blue to black cloak standing on a crescent moon surrounded by a plethora of stars. This symbol is supposed to have a serious cosmic connection with Earth, but has so far resisted understanding. With the intense influence of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic clergy in the Middle Ages, the cult of the Great Mother was violently altered to the Marian cult, but because the symbol of the moon and the stars was not understood, it was left harmless.

The tradition of the Great Mother Isid is very old, supposedly more than 5000 years. It is still unclear where this tradition has its cradle, but we know it has had a large expansion in Western Europe, especially in France. Here she was called the Merciful Grand Mother, whose tradition was taken over by the Prakelt and identified with the Black Virgin Isis. Even here, due to Christianity, the original cult of the Great Mother overcame the Marian cult.

With the first Celts comes the cult of the Great Mother to Central Europe, probably around the beginning of 1. millennium BC, and with it the oldest cult places of the Celts, especially Vyšehrad and Hostýn. In these shrines, this ancient cult survived the arrival of the younger Celts, with the younger tradition of the gods of Taranis, Teutus and Esua. At least the beginning of 2. the millennium BC was the cult of the Great Mother spread in the areas of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, Crete, the Balkans, Baludzistan, Elam and other countries.

Mentions of the Great Mother include the Aryan Vedas, especially the Puranas and Tantric Scriptures. But it was probably not the Aryan tradition, but the traditions borrowed or recorded by Árja when entering these areas. Considering these contexts, I believe that the cult of the Great Mother is a reflection of a broad-reaching religious movement that bloomed at least on the Eurasian continent until the disaster surrounding 3449 BC. In India the Great Mother is called Devi (Goddess) and is often identified with Párvátí Kali (both were Shiva's wives), but also with other local deities under the names of Uma, Gauss, Ambilee, Durga, Minakhi, etc. The Hindu personifies the Great Mother as a living prase of "sakti" without which life is excluded.

The Maloasian peoples know the Big Mother as the Cybels, the Greeks as Rhea, or the Megali Meter theon Idaia (Great Mother of the Ida Gods). From the Greeks, the Romans took the cult under the name Cybelé or Magna Mater deum Idaea. So much for explaining this marvelous phenomenon of our country.


Another strange problem is related to the significant extension of the local name "Libuše", or derived from the root of this name. It seems to be either related to the Celtic shrines of the drusads, a kind of Celtic nunnery, or it is again a glorified originally Celtic toponym (Lebanon). A common attribute of these female nemethones (or perhaps fortune-tellers) is a sacred spring, which according to tradition also has considerable healing properties.

Let us remember at least Libušín near Prague, Libus u Prahy, Libeň, Libuše near Staré Kouřim. It is believed that the Celtic tribe "lib" was directly related to the drusad's iconic cult function and only later identified with the name. I remind you that Lebanon - Libuše was a respected and well-known jurist. This is probably the analogy of the Sibyl name, a rather specific name for the social function.

The Celtic Shrines represent a phenomenon unparalleled in anything we know about all religions and sacred centers. The phenomenon is just ascertained and increasingly confirmed that nemethones were bound to quite a certain part of the earth's surface, with the usual external attribute being a sacred source with medicinal and cleansing properties. The Nemethons were exceptionally simple, most often wooden buildings, mostly natural areas simply fence, while they were washing their own center, which was the source. Some nemethons were relatively large and weighted, others were rather small shrines of local interest.

The spring was protected by massive old trees, most often oaks. The analysis of the nemethon problem shows that the basic analog phenomenon common to the vast majority of Celtic shrines is a very complex geological structure of the subsoil, especially large fault and fault zones with a large depth range. These fractures brought springs to the surface from great depths, which, however, did not have a long life. The reason was in the small geological (or rather tectonic) stability of the spring paths, which were manifested by numerous changes in the fault zones, as a result of which the supply routes of the springs narrowed and closed. Therefore, today we no longer find springs on most nemethones, or they are surface springs.

The astonishing findings of the so-called "dragon veins", which are lazily taken over by the earth's surface, emitting some kind of energy, very unfairly affecting humans and other living creatures, are gradually gaining momentum. Older news is that we know that the old Chinese have already known the dragon veins, and that this strange term comes from them) and they are effectively searched for by a vignette.

Although modern science has not yet been able to explain the nature and effects of these bionetive geopathogenic zones, there is no doubt about their undesirable or dangerous activity. Today, it is basically about how to define these bionegative areas as accurately as possible so that people do not come into contact with them more permanently. General action

bionective zones can be described as a reduction in the vital force of a person, manifested by the disintegration of the defense mechanism and the resulting frequent illness, as well as the worsening of the course of trivial illnesses, slow wound healing, manifestations of latent mental illnesses or cancer and similar phenomena.

Bionega zones also affect animals that lose their reproductive capacity, or born babies have high mortality rates, diseases and physiological disorders often occur, milk yield and milk quality decline, etc. Sources springing (especially) in areas of bionetive zone crossing are not applicable either to drink, or to prepare food because the negative factor is obviously concentrated in them, so we can actually talk about the "dead water" phenomenon.

Systemic analyzes of bionegative zone issues suggest that these properties are again bound to tectonically heavily damaged parts of the Earth's surface and, in particular, to the crossing of breaks and fault zones. In the vast majority, however, there are tectonic disturbances of shallow or deeper depth range of hundreds of meters. These zones can identify many people with vignettes or pendants, but some people also have a distinct psychosomatic reaction in the immediate proximity to the zone. It is noteworthy, however, that the same people can identify a similar virgula reaction in the former Celtic sanctuaries as well, but the direction of the whirling force is just the opposite of the biongative zones.

Today it is clear that the Celtic druids did not bow to springs or trees, especially as Catholic religions criticize them, but they worshiped the marvelous energy that, from the will of the gods, flows from great earth depths to the surface. The tradable and incredible healing properties of water coming from such areas directly leads to the thesis of the existence of highly beneficial energies, a bio-positive factor that is also present in the spring water of such an area.

Then we can pretty well talk about the phenomenon of "living water". The preserved tradition also speaks of the excellent healing abilities of the druids who have been able to prove real wonders with only water pumped from the sacred source. However, it is not only a well-influenced structure of water, it is obviously also influenced by air, even though ionization can not be distinguished from other surroundings. Often, in the active area of ​​nemethon, a very lush and healthy vegetation can be observed at least with pests and diseases, and nesting birds find it popular.

Bionegative effects of relatively shallow zones can be explained in particular by the so-called "condenser effect", which accumulates a significant and biologically hazardous amount of positive charge. The capacitor plates here represent the areas of breakage, the dielectric is usually low mineralized and therefore little electrically conductive water. Positive electric field values ​​can reach significant biongative values.


Considering that no one now denies the biologically negative effect of a positive electric field on human and animal organisms, this explanation of the essence of bionetive zones seems to be sufficient and acceptable.

The electrostatic (round-bulb) effects of the charge of such an earth capacitor are sufficient to elicit a mechanical reaction of a comma, spiral, or pendulum. These reactions do not immediately involve the person's muscles. Virgulí therefore basically identifies the existence and boundary of the field with positive charge. This fact is obviously more general because, with this ancient technique, it is possible to identify in nature not only the existence of cracked cracks, but also cracks containing metal ores instead of water.

The analogic feature is the high permeability (dielectric constant) of water and metal ores. As we know, the size of the charge in the electric capacitor is directly proportional to the size of the capacitor surface and the permissiveness of the environment between the capacitor plates. Thus, the electric force is the one responsible for the behavior of the virgul, which is caused by two charges (two fields), as the Coulomb law says. One source of charge (field) is its own geological disorder, the other is a person holding a vignette, the tip of which gathers the charge created by that person.

The more the person is able to create a larger charge, the more responsive the earth fault field responds. Theoretically, people unable to develop sufficient electrical charge on the surface of the body are unable to work efficiently with the virgulge and such a large majority (75-80%). But it is possible to solve it appropriately using what today's electronics know, but it is another jargon.

Most people sensitively working with the virgula (so-called "sensibilists") generate a large surface charge, so they respond with a sharp motion to the charged field of the fault zones of the virgule in their hand. In such a way, the virgule of sensitivities will react in the places of the still active biopoietic zones of Celtic nemethons. It seems that a considerable number of former Celtic nemethons still have a relatively strong active biopoint zone, even though the source has dried out.

People with a long-term illness, weakened by a long illness, but also those who are mentally unstable, persons with a high stress, as well as all the people, especially young children and future mothers, can only be highly recommendable for quiet walks and stays in the premises of former nemethons.

It has a very beneficial effect if we perform psychic concentrations here, even simple meditations. But keep in mind that these places are still ancient temples, where there is nothing but trust, truth, and love between man and God. Enter these places with an open pure heart, you will be rewarded with peace of mind and improved health.

Keep these places in mind and do not let anyone harm or damage them. It's an inheritance we can not fully appreciate today. A sensitive observer can not miss that most of the famous pilgrimage sites are ancient Celtic nemethons that the Roman Catholic Church had in the past, because they understood very well their meaning.

Preserved ancient Celtic myths, reputations, but also toponyms and nemethons, now appear in a different light, as they testify not only to the past direct close contact between the Nile and the Celtic elements but also their merging into the new nation, nowadays populating the territory of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia.

of zones can be described as a reduction in the vital force of a person, manifested by the disintegration of the defense mechanism and the resulting frequent illness, but also the worsening of the course of trivial illnesses, slow healing of wounds, manifestations of latent mental illnesses or cancer and similar phenomena.

Bionega zones also affect animals that lose their reproductive capacity, or born babies have high mortality rates, diseases and physiological disorders often occur, milk yield and milk quality decline, etc. Sources springing (especially) in areas of bionetive zone crossing are not applicable either to drink, or to prepare food because the negative factor is obviously concentrated in them, so we can actually talk about the "dead water" phenomenon.

Systemic analyzes of bionegative zone issues suggest that these properties are again bound to tectonically heavily damaged parts of the Earth's surface and, in particular, to the crossing of breaks and fault zones. In the vast majority, however, there are tectonic disturbances of shallow or deeper depth range of hundreds of meters. These zones can identify many people with vignettes or pendants, but some people also have a distinct psychosomatic reaction in the immediate proximity to the zone. It is noteworthy, however, that the same people can identify a similar virgula reaction in the former Celtic sanctuaries as well, but the direction of the whirling force is just the opposite of the biongative zones.


Nation in the lie of the gods

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