Slavic mythology about the creation of the world and man

08. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What is animism and gnosis and how is it related?

This text complements the series Nation in the lie of the gods.  It contains other traces that, irrespective of Ivo Wiesner, confirm the enormous spiritual level of the Prussians, which you can read between the lines in official encyclopedias. Although the official Western "science" hand in hand with the Church is trying to create the impression that the Slavs were "pagans" and "outsiders", the opposite is true. In fact, we could call our ancestors Gnostics - those who really know how this world works and know its true history, not the fake one that the Draconian Church has imposed on us.

In fact, it is this church that destroyed Gnostic teachings of Christ self-knowledge and still leads humanity after a broad idly way do nowhere.  Let's say the word encyclopedia:

Slavonic mythology is a summary of the concepts of the nature of the world and the gods of the Slavs. It originates from so-called Proto-Indo-European mythology and closest to the mythology of the Balts. The Catholic West's desire for its destruction is preserved only in fractions and in non-original form. Attempts to rebuild Slavic mythology are therefore primarily based on reports by Christian writers who speculate against the surviving "paganism," chroniclers, folklore, linguistics, and comparative mythology. In spite of the suppression, however, there is a wealth of material showing an animistic view of the world, as well as seasonal festivals, which bear witness to the cyclical understanding of time.

What is animism and gnosis?

Animism (from the Latin anima, soul) is a belief in the existence of an immortal, body-independent soul, spirit and spiritual beings. But it is better to talk about knowledge - it is far more than blind faith. Specifically, gnosis comes to know oneself and the world through practical experience, and the existence of the reincarnation of the soul has been precisely documented even by scientific methods.

The Slavic myth about the creation of the world and man contains many truths

Every myth must, of course, be understood as a symbolic story, just like the biblical Genesis. Teachers have always adapted this symbolism to the particular level of pupils of a given nation, so the symbols are very diverse ...

By trying to suppress it, the myth of the creation of the world among the Slavs was preserved only in folklore and chronicles in the text Stories of the past years which has [not by chance] the form of a Christian [gnostic] apocrypha. Her submission to the creation of the world, however, corresponds rather to folklore. [This is probably due to the fact that the original old records were draconianized carefully destroyed.] The story talks about the creation of two demiurgists.

We live in the dual world, so the creators are two: God and the Devil / Satan respectively. Svarog and Veles

Igor Ozhiganov, Svarog: This painting is purely fantasy by the author. No Svaroga sanctuary or idol has yet been documented, as the primary god of heaven (the Source of all that is!) Has probably never had the form. Today, Svarog is generally considered to be the creator of the world who, after creating the world, has gone to heaven and since then has no longer been concerned with earthly affairs.

One of them has creative potential, but it is passive, the other is active but without creative potential. They were presented mostly in bird form, and later christianized to God and the Devil. God is a passive creator who sometimes does not know how to create the world. An active Devil sinks at the command of the world ocean and brings a handful of sand and earth from which God creates the world. According to some opinions, it is the passive creator of Svarog and the active Veles, or the vague deities of Belboh and Chernoboh.

The essence of the creation of the world is the synergy of God and Satan

V Stories of the past years the myth is as follows: The essence of the creation of the world is the synergy of God and Satan, who at the beginning both hung over the infinite praecean. According to one version, Satan creates a country of his own will, according to another, on God's command. He is capable of it only because the angels are too light. He will take the earth out of the water for the third time, when he picks it up in the name of God. In addition to the handful of sand in his hands for God, he hides another in his mouth. But when the sand starts to grow, it cries out, and so wasteland, mountains, rocks and swamps are formed. God forms plains and fertile fields.

The myth of the creation of the world through two demiurgs may have come to the Slavs from northern Eurasia. According to other theories, the myth is dualistic, influenced by the Iranian middle. There are also other myths about creation, such as the Slovenian cosmic egg carried by the divine cockroach, from which the seven rivers that poured out the earth - which probably came under the influence of orphanage - were poured out.

The mythical creature of man must again be understood as a symbolic record determined by the few advanced souls of his time

There is also a story about the creation of man: "We know how man was created. God washed himself in the bath and fell back, wiping his wrists and throwing him from the sky to the ground. There has been a dispute between Satan and God, who has the power to create man. AND Satan created man, and God put a soul into itthat when a person dies, the body went to earth and soul to God. "

Conclusion? Discover the essence of this world and yourself! It's time!!

Know that it is not by chance that these Slavic myths contain the same principles of creation as the anti-gnostic ones mentioned. They contain the core of the original knowledge that has been symbolically misunderstood by the ancient people.

Today, the "End of the Age" is the supreme time for us all to understand and finally to awaken humanity from its illusions in which it maintains Catholicism and the false materialistic religion ...

Nation in the lie of the gods

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