NASA has officially announced the discovery of a new kind of nuclear power

04. 04. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Since Andrea Rossi has demonstrated its one-megawatt E-Cat power plant, it has been running for months. The functionality of the technology and its existence has been officially confirmed by NASA 12.01.2012, with 2's other independent teams already able to replicate the cold fusion.

This new form of nuclear energy is released by the addition of neutrons. When a sufficient amount of neutrons is added, the core spontaneously decays to another core of the same weight but to another element. The new element is cleaner than traditional nuclear fuels and can be made from raw materials such as nickel, carbon and hydrogen. It has been experimentally verified that this method can obtain a considerable amount of energy, ecologically, without hazardous ionizing radiation and radioactive waste. A new form of energy is powerful, capable of supporting different kinds of systems starting with transport and ending infrastructure.


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