The most famous alien of the world had a lecture in Prague (1.

20. 10. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

On Saturday, October 15.10.2016, XNUMX, a lecture by Darryl Anka, the most important channeling medium, took place. Darryl Anka is associated with an alien creature named Bashar. (We informed you about his visit: The most famous alien of the world arrived in Prague yesterday.)

Shortly before nine o'clock, a long line zigzagged before entering the Žofín Palace, even though the seminar itself began in an hour. I learned from the conversation that most of the participants were foreigners. In the lobby, we had the opportunity to write our name on the card. The cards were then randomly drawn during the lecture. The nominee then had the opportunity to ask the alien Bashar through Darryl Anka - or several. After a short introduction, there was an almost all-day marathon of questions and answers, which was interrupted only by a lunch break.

We bring you a selection of the most interesting responses that have been recorded. I will just add that the ideas presented may not always be in line with my personal beliefs or the opinion of the editors.

Darryl Anka will soon organize swimming with dolphins in Hawaii and the Dominican Republic with whales. These highly intelligent creatures have such high frequencies that humans increase their vibrations in their presence, which will help in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, which in turn must reduce their vibrations in order to communicate with humans in order to harmonize with each other. Whales and dolphins are physical forms of the soul.

He appealed to the audience to send to their government a request for the disclosure of information on the extraterrestrial presence, because all governments of developed countries they know about their presence, but they deliberately conceal this information.

This will put pressure on publication across the board Steven M. Greer in his Sirius Disclosure project).

If one wants to meet, connect with an alien being (realize CE5), he has to show passion for it, to be more himself and they will find us. Then the synchronicity works and the meeting becomes a reality. Let's ask for leadership, cancel the blocks within ourselves and open our minds.

They taught us to believe in negative beliefs, which hinders us with enthusiasm. These are beliefs that we must change in the owl. And how to change beliefs? Be willing to do it. If you feel resistance, let the beliefs go. Excuses and rationalization are just excuses and lies. It's a fear-based trick. And that fear increases as you approach the point where you let those negative feelings go.

Fear is created in you artificially to control and keep the system at a low level of excitement and thus prevent you from shaping your own reality according to your wishes, which at the beginning is just enthusiasm, whatever your wish is.

The universe will do everything to make them happen to you. But you drive them away from you with your blocks and fears.

Never be afraid to be honest with yourself! Look for negative beliefs in yourself, because if they were true, we would never exist. You have been allowed to incarnate on Earth to express your creative potential and self-realize here.

Everything is the same. Everything is an infinite empty space and in it a single subatomic particle, which is at the same time nowhere and everywhere. This can do absolutely anything and everywhere. One particle creates everything and everywhere at one time.

Everything is connected, even though you are now disconnected on Earth.

It will appear here Takes placethat will teach you to telepathically connect with other people. It is an experience of concentrated light that lasts 3 days. This has happened and is happening in other parts of the universe.

You can only help another person if you are yourself. You are still supported by the universe in everything. In positive and negative. It's about choosing what you choose. You have a lot of free choice of what you choose. Whether negative thoughts and actions or positive.

Ayahuasca, hallucinogenic mushrooms, etc. are here to teach you. Through them, you have experienced an altered state of consciousness in which it establishes a telepathic connection with the higher dimensions and worlds. Then they have a positive effect. Once you experience the condition, you already know the way to do it without them. If you only do it through them, it is a negative effect.

Fears are being programmed in you about so-called Gray and Aliens through media and movies. Some positive movies were Close Encounter of Third Kind, Contact, Starman, ET - Extraterrestrial or Zámotek. All the others are negative, especially recently.

You have nothing to fear. I am a quasi-material being from the planet Essasanni. We have percussive musical instruments, many kinds of drums made of crystal nanomaterial. What you hear as one tone, we hear many tones. Around our planet we have installed 3 giant spheres with a diameter of 75 miles that resonate and bathing planet in synchronous frequency. It is an energy bubble that allows for the synchronicity of reality we experience.

Be aware that everything you enjoy is for the other gift, and it connects you. Then you can dump from those who are also experiencing passion and download from them information related to what you enjoy, what your passion is.

Sound and matter are connected - everything is the resonance of consciousness of different frequencies including light. It is called sonoluminiscencesystem. (the sound is light). It is a change of sound to electric current. It corresponds with Planková constant (Watch the lectures of Nassim Haramein).

My normal day? I am a specialist in first contact with other civilizations. My job is to connect civilizations. I explore space and look for other civilizations. I'm a sculptor. I use nanoglass materials that generate energy. I don't eat or sleep. We learned lucid dreaming, a day dream, which is a change of consciousness pattern. Physical reality is another type of dream. We do not need to sleep because we still sleep and at the same time we are still awake - we dream lucidly.

In a lucid dream, what will I change there will be reflected in physical reality.

Do you ask why healers can not cure some sick people? Because some people do not want to be cured subconsciously. It would not serve them.

The constellation Sirius has an ancient connection with Egypt and cats. Cats see energies and see among the dimensions through which we look into your world. Through their eyes we can observe you and learn about you. We don't have cinemas and movies. If we want to have fun, we watch you with cat eyes, for example.

You are a hybrid race that was created by mixing the genetics of 7 cosmic races, such as Arcturians, Pleiadians, Syrians. We are also a hybrid race, the Grays race, and we are your descendants of the future. We are hybrids of Grays and human DNA. We also have connections to other systems, such as Annunaki. We are all hybrid races. Intelligence is mental, spiritual and emotional. You must be in balance.

Movie premiere First contact has transmitted s Basharam were chosen in Prague because Prague is an energy vortex - a vortex, which will accelerate the spread of this information across the planet. Everyone here in the hall today has had contact with aliens, whether you remember or not. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.

Find your passion and define it in your statement, which you believe! Build your future, imagine the energy now, and it manifests itself in the form of your reality. These are frequencies, information - the formation of the future. It will speed up your development, your growth. That state of being I'm thinking about. The enthusiasm will bring me into my future.

Tantric sex is the harmonization of higher frequencies during orgasm. We do not experience something like an orgasm at the physical level, but through a combination of two minds, which is a much more intense experience.

Find out what opinions or beliefs are important to you. That money is wrong is a misconception or belief.

Find out what you enjoy the most and show maximum enthusiasm for it without expecting a result. This will keep you in a positive state. This will ensure the path of least resistance, because synchronicity is activated and you begin to create your reality. Although you may not like the partial results, your logical mind only sees to the first turn, while your subconscious sees to the finish. The mistaken belief that I'm not good enough creates jealousy.

Children are here with us born from energy bubbles outside the body. In it, the body is formed and the higher mind connects to it. The bubble is the crystallization of the higher mind and spirit, and thus the body is formed. It takes 3 years before the child is mature and leaves to learn what he wants. His family is all of us because he has a connection to us and has the support of everyone. They decide for themselves how to express themselves, discover themselves. Do what you enjoy. Be true to yourself.

You are invisible to negative extraterrestrial civilizations if you are at a sufficiently high vibrational level (frequency). And that's when you follow and do what you find your passion for.

Allowance is what blocks you, and you think you need some crutches, to achieve something. E.g. I have to meditate so and so. In fact, you do not need any allowance. Do it right. Talk to your higher mind and believe what you want to believe instead of what you do not believe. The brain drain that produces DMT allows you to penetrate into another dimension, into another reality. Ayahuasca etc. will show you the way. Then you know how to do it and you do not need it anymore. Then it goes without her.

On your question, sir, if you have hybrid kids, I answer yes. At the age of 7, 13 and 17 years.

When Darryl Anka started channeling with me (Bashar), he was able to receive 1,5% of my energy. Now it's 5% and this energy is now being transmitted to you - here in the hall, so you're connected to it.

The Library of Alexandria with knowledge was deliberately destroyed with records of Atlantis. The gods as you know them here were or are aliens. Remove your restrictions. You can do far more than you think. Integration and expansion are positive energies, negative energies separate.

Your higher consciousness experiences the theme of your choice here on Earth. Connect to frequencies that are pleasing to me through your feelings. Be in the present, because thoughts of the past generate feelings of guilt, and thoughts of the future generate fears. Negative thoughts will do anything to convince you how difficult it is to get rid of them. Be yourself and control the negative beliefs that cause you fear. Fear is supposed to cause negative beliefs not to go away. Negative beliefs are just illusions from the past. Let go of what doesn't work. Open up to yourself. You are supported by the whole universe. Talk to your higher mind, you are connected to it.

The more you live in the present, the less energy you need. This reactivates your DNA, increases your frequency, accelerates the creation of your reality and expands. You will connect with a higher mind. And in the beginning there is enthusiasm.


The motive for the T-shirt

The motive for the T-shirt

After the end of part of the questions from the audience, and a short pause, the whole event ended with a fifteen-minute meditation, which is to support the establishment of contact between the audience and the alien civilization.

In the lobby during the seminar, the organizers sold T-shirts with interesting motifs, which I present to you so that you can form your own opinion. On youtube you will find, for example, 37 short videos in CZ / SK, which are thematically related to: the future of humanity, black holes and dimensions, dolphins and people, where we come from, how to get rid of addiction, marijuana, synchronicity, winning the lottery, how teleportation works or how change your reality.

…continuation: The most famous alien of the world had a lecture in Prague (2.

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Darryl Anka's hourly blast with Bushar from 13.10.2016:


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