The most important pyramids in the world

29. 11. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular, pointing to a single point at the top, forming a roughly geometric shape of the pyramid. Convincing studies suggest that, that many of these pyramid have been matched with astronomical eventssuch as solstice, eclipse, and even its own earth hemisphere. Civilization around the world has been using this architectural design for tombs, fortresses and temples for thousands of years.


Mesopotamists built the earliest pyramid structures known as zygurata (such as Tepe Sialk and Zikkurat from Uru). In ancient times, they were painted in gold and bronze and endowed with a radiant look. Zikkurata is believed to have been a dwelling for gods, and each city had its own divine guard who ruled over the sea, the sky, the earth,

Egypt - Kingdom of the Pyramids

V Egypt the pyramids were huge buildings built of bricks or stones. The sun god Ra, considered the father of all pharaohs, is said to have formed from a pyramid shape called "Benben" before he created all the other gods. They were often covered with white limestone to give them a radiant appearance (as a reference to the rays of the sun god).


The Nubian Pyramids of Sudan served as tombs for the King and Queen Jebel Barkal and Meroë. These Nubian pyramids have different characteristics as their Egyptian counterparts, built at much steeper angles. These great tombs were still built in Sudan until 300 CE (Current Era = normal year;

Pyramids in Asia

In China and Korea, far in the East, there were many flat pyramids between 188 BC and 675 CE. This huge mausoleum was built for early Chinese emperors and their relatives. Ancient Chinese believed that when the emperors died, their souls entered the afterlife, so the mausoleum was built as heavenly palaces for the next life. All the everyday comforts of his past life, such as servants, servants, possessions, pets, wives, guardians, concubines, food and drink, should be provided to the emperor after the end of his life. This was accomplished by burying all these things with the dead after their death. It was not uncommon to kill people to be buried with their master, but as the dynasty evolved, the real thing was replaced by clay replicas.


Also, the Indonesian culture contained pyramidal structures such as the temple Borobudur and the Temple of Prang. These stepped pyramids were based on native beliefs that mountains and heights are the abode of the spirit of ancestors.

Pyramids of the Pacific Ocean

Many Mesoamerican cultures behind the Pacific Ocean also built pyramid structures. They were typically stepped, with the temples above (similar to the ziggurats of Mesopotamia). These temples were often used as places for human sacrifices. The "Pyramid of the Sun" in Teotihuacan means "the place where men become gods." They claimed that their pyramids were a tool for the transformation of the soul after death, just as with the Egyptians.

Recently, the Polynesians have built a series of pyramidal structures and are known as Pā (Sacred Castle Fortresses). These tiered buildings were carved from the tops of the hills to form a pyramid and were often used as defensive settlements. The Polynesians believed that these earthly works were endowed with "manna", the spiritual energy that gave them power and authority.

A common theme linking all of these pyramid structures is death, authority and immortality. These temples seem to literally adore their inhabitants, those who have reigned from the heavens, whose heritage has been so secured and reminded of these magnificent monuments of ancient ancestors.

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