Things that keep silent about ruins and whisper pyramids (2)

1 08. 12. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

"Colossus" does not just mean "big" or "giant". He is a specific hero who has been given a special role associated with harvest, prosperity, prosperity and plenty. And let skeptics laugh calmly, but everything in that "иноСТРАННОЙ (= foreign; СТРАННОЙ = strange) European antiquity" is permeated by the common roots of a common proto-language, to which Slavic languages ​​are closer than all the others.

What is happening today with the monuments in Ukraine? Aha… and exactly the same thing, and it became statues that were uncomfortable for "enlightened winners." Any subject, however connected with a unified history, which unites Europeans with "wads", is uprooted. Nothing has changed since then… There were at least five statues of the Colosseum (Athens, Rhodes, Thebes and two in Rome, one of which was the main one and stood next to the Colosseum. Where is the rest?

Logically, next to the pedestal on which Kolos stood, there was not one such lighthouse as seen at the rear left (figure 45). There were definitely four or at least two. The size of all these buildings was actually colossal. To build them was in the power of either technomagical culture or a massive centralized state.

The first version is closer to me, because a huge centralized state cannot leave behind only piles of junk, rubbish, garbage and remnants of infrastructure. After all, hundreds of thousands of builders would need entire cities to live and supply everything necessary. Workshops, shops, stalls, farms, fields, and all this entails the need to have a developed network of roads.
That's why I have a closer look at the fact that the builders, who could have been our creators, controlled the knowledge that seems to be spells or mysteries, but in reality they are quite rational technologies.

Here is a simple example. When in the 1970s, in the middle of the Siberian Taiga, the family of a hermit - ancestors who had been out of contact with the outside world for more than fifty years - some of the ordinary things seemed to them to be witchcraft. A normal plastic bag caused a real uproar. Above the glass hesitated!

And here's the same. We have no reason to put everything we do not understand as a mystique. Technomagy is a simple process, such as pulling fish out of the refrigerator and feeding your favorite cat. The cat does not know that you keep the fish in the fridge and do not make it into a magical manipulation. But how to explain to her where the fish was taken? And what's more like a fridge?

The builders of these buildings can be called, for example, "gods", because the level of their development was so higher than the level of herdsmen, such as the level of modern man born in a developed country and the level of savage living in the Amazon rainforests. For him, a lemonade machine is also a charm, not to mention a smartphone, laser show, plane or submarine.

If we disappear, the savages will use inherited items for some time. The knife will be used just as we do, but the microwave will use the best for storing dishes or other household items. When all this disappears, the savage will most likely begin again, according to the old custom, to bind to the hole with sharp pieces of obsidian.

But this can be the reverse: these societies, advancing knowledge in the form of objects that did not create the savages, give impetus to its development, and for some two hundred years, the Amazon jungle can begin to float on the air cushion. It is with us that probably the second variant of the event development.

We have inherited the exact knowledge of planets, stars and calendar from the gods. In addition, there was a solid amount of tools left to develop our own production. Truth, part of the knowledge was lost forever. For example, we probably did not understand how to use bronze cannons. We began to squeeze gunpowder into them to shoot, but as these "copper tubes" used earlier, today probably no one knows.

We have been taking snippets of memories of some technological processes whose nature was not clear to us, but we copied our external pages - authentic and without understanding. Thus, religious ceremonies have arisen.

The prayer in front of the icon reminds you of skype communication, is not it? I am also clear about the nature of this phenomenon. When I begin to cut a knife in the kitchen, cats and dogs converge. They are convinced that when "God begins to rub with a magical scepter about a magical crystal", meat, chicken, or even sausages will soon materialize from the air! So, when animals become more sensible, they will try to repeat the "ceremony with scepter and crystal". They start rubbing each other with the conviction that if they really believe, then the food will appear as it appears to "god" - the master.

Even our "owners" left somewhere, left us here, and we all look with hope for the heavens, mumbles some nonsense, and we believe something is going to happen. But there is no need to believe, you need to know. Faith should be a personal category, it's like a woman believes a man is on a fish and not a bitch with a bitch. We must throw away all religious litter that is little more than scientific. And change the scientific criteria. Let's not forget that it was still quite recently the unscientific claim that it is possible to build an iron ship, a heavier flying machine than air or automatic weapons for underwater shooting and many more.

What was supposed to be unscientific yesterday yesterday is almost every man in his pocket today. In fact, the pockets themselves are actually "unscientific"; what would you say about two hundred years ago, if you started to say in a decent company that the garments will be made of liquid (petroleum)?

Everything is relative, and if we already have the matrimony law in our childhood, I do not see anything complicated here. For example, for my then-future wife, I seemed to be a god when I was in the Mi-6 helicopter crane seat. She marveled at what she saw in the cockpit when the engines started. And again, my commander, Nikolai Bezvesini, who seemed to fly even better than God, seemed to me all day long. I could not understand how it is possible to sit the blind machine blindly in a dense fog, in a space where barely two to three meters from the ends of the blades to the trees and wire on the concrete pillars. But he could do it and not just that.

What the ruins are silent about and whispers the pyramids

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