Discovery of an 18th century ghost ship

25. 06. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The mystery of the ship Octavius

Sailor stories are full of stories about mysterious ships, those that traverse the world's oceans with a haunting crew on board and never reach the port. The most famous of these stories is the one about Mary Celeste. One of the most amazing, however, must be the mystery of the Octavius.

The story begins in 1761, when Octavius ​​docked in the port of London to take over cargo destined for China. This majestic sailboat left the port with the full crew, the captain, his wife and son. They arrived in China safely and unloaded their cargo there. Once the ship was loaded with goods destined back to Britain, it headed back to sea. However, as the weather was unusually hot, the captain decided to sail home across the Northwest Strait, a path that no one had taken before. This was the last news anyone heard of the ship, its crew or its cargo. Octavius ​​was declared missing.

"Rising Full Moon." From the "Ghost Ship" series.

On October 11, 1775, the crew of the whaling ship Herald, fishing off the icy shores of Greenland, saw a sailing ship sail. As they approached, they saw a poor ship in the weather - the sails hanging helplessly on the masts were torn to shreds.

Captain Herald sent a group of sailors to explore the ship they identified as Octavius. They found nothing on board, so they slammed the door down the ladder to the lower deck. As their eyes got used to the prevailing twilight, they had a terrifying look. They found the entire crew of 28 men frozen in their cabins. The captain was also found in his cabin, sitting at a table with a pen in his hand over an open logbook. The inkwell and other necessities were still in place on the table. When they turned, they saw a woman wrapped in a blanket and a young boy on the bench. Both were also frozen.

The sailors were terrified; they grabbed the logbook and fled Octavia. During their mad flight, they lost the middle pages of the diary, which were frozen and hard, and so easily loosened from the book's binding. They returned to the Herald with only the first and last pages, but that was enough for the captain to find out at least part of Octavia's story. His captain then tried to navigate the Northwest Strait, but his ship remained trapped in the ice of the Arctic and the entire crew perished. The ship's last recorded position was 75 ° north latitude and 160 ° west longitude, which means that Octavius ​​was located 250 miles north of Barrow, Alaska.

Since Octavius ​​was found off the coast of Greenland, he had to break free from the ice at some point and complete his voyage through the strait to reach the other side, where he met the Herald. The Herald's crew were frightened of Octavia's discovery and feared he was cursed, so they simply left her where she was. . To date, no one has ever seen the Octavius ​​sailboat more than once.

Publicist David Meyer tried to trace Octavia's story. On his blog, he considers the idea that the Octavius ​​may be the same ship as the Glorian, boarded in 1775 by Captain John Warrens of the Try Again. He noticed that he found a frozen crew who had been dead for 13 years, and the date of the discovery was eerily similar - November 11, 1762. Do these stories relate to the same ship? There is no mention of the Northwest Strait in Gloriana's story, which remains a mysterious and magical place to this day, but that makes the whole Octavia story just a little more spicy.

It's a great ghost story for a campfire. Did Octavius ​​finally run aground and sink, or is he still sailing on the high seas with a crew of skeletons at the helm?

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