Discover the ThetaHealing healing method

12. 05. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

ThetaHealing is a world-renowned treatment method developed by Vianna Stibal in 1995 with her own personal path to health. It has been proven that this method has been cured of a foot tumor without the intervention of doctors.

Ta Ura: I can say that ThetaHealing® is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy at the same time. It is not connected to me in any religious or dogmatic direction. On the contrary, I see it as very open with the intention of getting closer Creator. I appreciate the knowledge that through this method one can develop mind, body and spirit. I find it amazing that it evokes positive healing thoughts and thus develops our virtues in everything we do. It teaches us how to use our natural intuition and thus rely on unconditional love Creator.

The method is named after brain waves in the surface Theta. Activation of Theta waves (4 - 8 Hz) occurs during deep relaxation, meditation and in some stages of sleep. During these frequencies, long-term memory and the ability to find unusual solutions are improving. Most visionary vision arises. Every yogi also knows that intuition of Theta waves deepens intuition, and in some moments one can meet his own unconscious.

Many people who have tried this method say they are watching almost instantaneous physical and emotional well-being. I can add myself to this claim because I have tried it three times and it has always been very pleasant and relaxing.

Overwork in the surface theta the client gets into a state of deep meditation that allows him to reach higher spiritual powers. This encourages a targeted change in life paradigms that have accumulated over the years of being in this world.

ThetaHealing® is a kind of miracle. If you are approached by the method, you have a unique opportunity to do great things in your life - changing life patterns that no longer serve you. The change may also be immediate during one therapy. It's up to you how much you dare to go.

Theta Vera: The method is my life mission

Most of the clients who talk about their experience are equally remarked: ThetaHealing® has changed my life forever. It's so simple and yet perfect! It requires nothing more from you than to be and work consciously with thoughts and feelings in a deep state of meditation.

Aside from the religious context, we can say about ThetaHealing® in Jesus: "You can do all these miracles, just believe ...!". He commented on his own miracles. You will find very quickly that the method has no big limits. The only real limit is your own belief.

Ta Ura: The first therapy was in the spirit of clear intent and dedication to the condition dropping old patterns. Thus, when asked if I can have this formula removed, it was clear and humble year. My personal experience with this method was very fast and really effective.

I have dealt with topics around assumed patterns of past behavior that have been with me in this life: health, abundance and relationships. From the video interview, you will quickly understand how this technique is really strong, effective and fast.

When I left therapy, I clearly felt that there was something in my head otherwise. Suddenly I felt someone else. It was a fresh breath of lightness and inner freedom. Suddenly the old thought patterns and maps no longer had such strength. They weren't there - it didn't have the same weight as before. I realized that I could finally cross this shadow of my past with a light heart - forgive and move on.

Today I can say that my lifestyle has changed from the ground up! Relationships, abundance and health are solid and big gifts :) and I will give you this personal ThetaHealing® experience with ease.

Take into account that once it is not enough, the onion also has more layers. The more you cut into it the more it stings! :) Only rarely is it possible to cut the first good…

Why are theta brain waves beneficial?
When you reach Theta, your brain waves produce an extremely relaxed state. However, while Theta's brainwaves are at a high level of creativity, you have increased intuition, you can experience more intense emotional connections, improve problem-solving skills and learning ability, experience and experience, and you feel that you have much more energy.

What other ways to experience Theta waves?
Some people practice meditation for years before they are able to experience Theta waves. Some people can also achieve Theta waves through yoga, but both of these methods take extreme amounts of time, practice, discipline, and patience. Therefore, based on experience with ThetaHealing®that it is a method that brings about an almost instant change.


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