The "figure" ruled ancient Egypt before 5 000 flights

2 12. 03. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

An ancient Egyptian pharaoh called Sa-Nakht - of the Third Dynasty - was Egypt's first "Giant". Sa-Nakht ruled the civilization around the Nile about 1000 years before Ramses II ascended the throne. Ramses, who was considered extremely tall a thousand years ago - about 1,75 m high - was "dwarfed" compared to the size of Pharaoh Sa-Nakht.

Sa-Nakht or Sanakht has remained a mystery to experts for years, and information about when he took over the government, when he died, and what kind of pharaoh he was remains ambiguous. What the experts have managed to gain over the years comes from several relics that have survived for more than 5 years.

Looking at the records of the historian Manetho, who deals with ancient Egypt and the Turin List of the Kings, Sa-Nakht ruled the ancient Egyptian empire after 18 years, but many archaeologists claim that the exact time of his rule remains a mystery. Its existence is confirmed by fragments of a seal found in Mastaba K2 in Beit Khallaf and an inscription - a thoughtful record that is formed by scratching or engraving on a large surface such as a wall.

In recent years, thanks to many archaeological discoveries in Abydos, Sa-Nakht's position as the founder of Egypt's Third Dynasty, recorded by Maneth and Roy Turin's cannon, has been greatly weakened, causing more confusion around the Egyptian pharaoh than ever before.

Ok, so what do we actually know? We know that at that time there was a real FIG. It is believed that in 1901, archaeologists excavated the remains belonging to Sa-Nakht in a small village in Beit Khallaf. The remains of the skeleton belonged to a man who measured an incredible 6 feet and 1,5 inches, almost 2 meters. This would mean that Pharaoh Sa-Nakth was a real giant. According to previous studies, the average height of men at the time was about 5 feet 6 inches (1,7 m), according to a study by Michael Habicht.

According to Charles S. Myers, in "The Bones of Hen Nekht, an Egyptian King of the Third Dynasty," Sa-Nakht's skull was relatively large and spacious. Although its cranial index was unusually broad and almost brachycephalic, the proportions of its long bones were tropically modified, like most bones of the ancient Egyptians at the time. The huge height of Sa-Nakhta was something he had never seen before. In fact, he was so tall that he could overpass Ramesses II, the highest recorded Egyptian pharaoh, about 5 stops 9 inches (1,75m) - who ruled ancient Egypt 1 000 years after Sa-Nakht.

A study published in The Lancet: Diabetes & Endocrinology suggests that the ancient Egyptian pharaoh may have suffered from gigantism. Experts from the University of Zurich, who thoroughly analyzed the remains, believe that this is the oldest example of gigantism in human history. Contrary to popular belief, Sa-Nakht's height probably did not bring him any social benefits, as short figures were preferred during the ancient Egyptian early dynasties because "there were many small people in the royal service," the study experts concluded. The reasons for this inclination are not always certain, "concluded the co-author of the study Michael Habicht, Egyptologist from the Institute of Evolutionary Medical Universities in Zurich.

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