In fact, the people of Tibet are descendants of the aliens from the Sirius star system

13. 05. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

There are many fictional stories about Tibet. They talk about lost countries like Shangri-La, Tibetan monks - lamas, who have supernatural abilities. But it has turned out that the truth about Tibet is far more amazing than fiction.


According to an ancient Buddhist legend, somewhere in the midst of the alpine Tibetan kingdom, there is a real Shangri-La - a world full of sacred peace, usually called Shambhala. It is a flowering fertile valley that is separated from the surroundings by mountains covered with snow. Shambhala is a repository of esoteric knowledge that is many times older than all existing civilizations. Here Buddha understood the ancient wisdom.

Shambhala is inhabited by a race of enlightened supermen and is hidden from the eyes of most mortals. It is not visible, even if you fly over it in an airplane, but Potala - the palace of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa - is connected with it by secret underground passages. But some scholars, according to some Eastern myths, believe that Shambhala is not in the center of Tibet but behind it. For example, Thai mythology calls this mysterious land Te-bu and places it somewhere between Tibet and Sichuan. Historian Jeffrey Ash, after studying Central Asian and Greek texts, said Shambhala is far north, in the distant Altai Mountains, separating southern Russia and northwest Mongolia.

Helena Blavatska, founder of the Theosophical Society, seemed most likely to be located in the Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia, and the Hungarian philologist Kosma de Kereš prefers to search for Shambhala in the west, in Kazakhstan, in Syrdarji. Some experts argue that Shambala does not have a physical presence on Earth, but that it belongs to another dimension or higher level of consciousness, so that it cannot be perceived by the senses but only by mind and spirit.

Shambhala and legends

Shambhala legends are related to legends and myths about the vast underground world of Agharta, connected by underground tunnels to all continents that are reportedly located near Tibet or somewhere else in Asia. Alec McLellan in The Lost World of Agharta repeats the claim that Agharta is the home of an ancient race that hides from the world on the surface, but tries to control it with a mysterious and unusually strong force called "vril".

Most of the authors took information from the strange book by the occultist Edward Bulver Lytton, "The Coming Race," published in 1871, which is still argued to date whether it is pure fiction or fact-based history. But who most of all believed in the story of the mysterious underground people, endowed with mysterious power - was Adolf Hitler. As McLellan writes, Hitler was obsessed with mastering the secret power of the Aghartians, and he had no doubt that it would ensure the success of his grand plans for world domination and the establishment of the Millennium Empire. "Vril" was the name given to the main occult society in Nazi Germany. Hitler set out several scientific expeditions to search for underground lands, but found nothing. It is also said that they could not do without the help of mysterious forces.

Buddhist monks and their abilities

Erich von Däniken: The Second Side of Archeology

Tibetan Buddhist monks are capable of superhuman achievements that Western science cannot yet explain. One of the most amazing methods is "tumo", where monks are able to raise their body temperature to such an extent that they can spend the whole winter in an open cave covered with snow, only in one of their thin monastic clothes or even naked. Tumo skills are achieved by persistent yoga practice and the test that determines whether a monk has mastered this esoteric skill to a sufficient degree is more than convincing. The adept should spend the night sitting naked on the ice of the mountain lake, but that is not all - he should only dry the bed sheet by the temperature of his body, which is soaked in a hole in the ice. Once it has dried, it is once again immersed in ice water and laid on it, and this is repeated until dawn.

In 1981 dr. Harvard Medical School's Herbert Benson added special thermometers to Tibetan monk bodies who were tested and found that some of them could raise their toes and toes by 8 degrees Celsius, while other parts of the body had lower results. He concluded that this skill causes the blood vessels to stretch in the skin, which is the opposite of the usual body reaction to cold.

Running lung-gom

No less surprising is another monk's ability - running lung-gom, as a result of this training, the lamas can develop incredible speed when running on snow. This is obviously due to weight loss and intensive long-term concentration. Western researchers are reporting staggering results - running 19 kilometers in 19 minutes. (Running speed 60 km / h.) In the book "Mystics and Magi of Tibet", researcher Alexandra David-Neal, who spent 14 years in Tibet, says that when she saw such a runner, she wanted to reach out and take a picture of him. But her escort, a local resident, was strictly forbidden. Any interference in the runner's consciousness can dramatically disturb the lama from a state of deep concentration and thus kill him on the spot.

Finally, the last secret of Tibet is described in another very strange book: "The Sun Gods in Exile." This book is believed to have been written by a mysterious Oxford scientist, Karyl Robin-Evans, who was in Tibet in 1947 and died in 1974. The book was published by David Egamon. Some scholars find the book credible, but others are much more skeptical. It is claimed here that the Tibetan race, called "Dzopa" (sometimes Dropa), is actually a physically degenerate offspring of aliens from the Sirius star systemwhen their ship around 10.000 BC crashed in Tibet and the crew gradually mingled with the local population.

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