Uncovering the Universe's Presence on Earth (4.díl)

19. 06. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

More specifically, this subgroup is not of extraterrestrial origin, but is merely an underground humanoid race that is genetically bound to humanity. Many archaeologists and historians believe that these old advanced races are the foundation of many myths concerning the intervention of mysterious "white brothers - gods" in the development of civilization across the globe. The Aztecs and Incas initially believed that the Spanish concatenators were their returning "white gods." These underground Lememans continue to engage with ET races, have advanced technologies, and help humanity to address countless social, economic, political, and environmental issues. Informers describe psychotronic crystal technologies used by these Lemurian underground cities and efforts to support this technology for peaceful purposes.

Extraterrestrial civilization - protection of humanity

The race of this subgroup cooperates freely with the first subgroup of the "good shepherds" faction (earthly reptiles) to ensure that humanity does not destroy its surface settlement. However, they are strategic competitors for the evolutionary development of humanity, which this subgroup (Lemurians and Atlanteans) supports, but which was founded on Earth by the Reptilians. It is this free alliance of terrestrial races that influences and controls the leadership of the secret societies that have historically ruled humanity, the leaders of the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Templars, etc. It reflects the free cooperation of terrestrial ET races, from the direction of human evolution and the view of whether extraterrestrial ET races should strike the Earth.

The second subgroup in the parental protector model is the extraterrestrials that intervene to help humanity solve problems with other extraterrestrial races. This category is commonly described as "Nordici" and "Semite", which originate from Sirius B, Pleiades, Altair, Alfa Centauri, and Andromeda, who are humanoid in appearance, are tall footprints between 7 - 8, and have an intervention strategy in the solution to the destabilizing strategy of the second and third ET subgroups from the "good shepherds" faction. In an interview with Dr. Dr. Michael Wolf, a former National Security Council consultant who has become part of a new acclimatization program, says Dr. Wolf. Richard Boylan:

"Wolf commented on such humanity and ET relations unflatteringly, because he himself worked in secret government laboratories with humanoid ETs from the Altair system and with Grays - humanoid scientists from the Zeta Reticuli system."

The fourth and fifth planets from Altair are inhabited. Altair beings have colonized the Pleiades system long ago. The human-looking Pleiadian aliens with whom some people meet (Meier) are actually the Altai family. There are two variants - Semitic and Nordic. The Semitic is a race that landed at Holloman Air Force Base (New Mexico) in 60. years and conversed with some generals.

Combating the harmful effects of modern technology

Some of the ways in which these Nordic and Semitic races help humanity are, for example, in the fight against the harmful effects of modern technology, on weapons developed and deployed by secret organizations. Significant terrorist actions supported by ET's "good shepherd" faction are likely to be mitigated or defended by Nordic and Semitic races. For example, the terrorist actions that followed the 11 attack. September 2001, it was possible to prevent the hidden use of these races by security forces across the planet, which helped stabilize the security situation on Earth.

These Nordic extraterrestrials do not enter into agreements with secret governments on weapon technology but help to promote the development of advanced technologies that have no military use. Dr. For example, Wolf has witnessed great Nordic assistance in common government facilities. Individuals describe the positive experiences they interact with these ET races, as opposed to the intimidating experiences of "good shepherds".

This subgroup is essentially a strategic counterweight to the influence of the extraterrestrial elements of the "Good Shepherds" faction. Offshore "good shepherds" subgroups perceive a group of "protecting parents" as their deadly enemy because they pose a threat to the ability to act and control humanity as their source.

Wise teachers

The third analogy to be used to describe the control and influence of ET is the "wise teacher" category. These races are related to global humanity and offer assistance only if it is in the best interest of all involved in such help. They support efforts to educate mankind and have a moral orientation that is profoundly spiritual because they represent the unity of all living and greatly respect this role in all its power, in the evolutionary evolution of mankind. They do not offer technologies in the conventional sense, but highly advanced "light" technology, consisting of sacred geometric forms that are simultaneously found throughout the universe, in atoms, and in human life energy. He teaches that understanding all sacred geometric light patterns will lead to the emancipation of individuals and life on the planet.

Pozn. prekl. - Finally a definitive explanation of the purpose of the grain pictograms!

ET wise teachers do not have to directly oppose the influence of "good shepherds" that we distinguish from the "protective parent" category. Indeed, "wise teachers" warned against the implicit danger of intervention because it can slow down the evolutionary growth of humanity. In short, a wise teacher sees the hard impacts of a human encounter with "good shepherds," as part of an evolutionary process for a particular species, and therefore does not interfere. On the other hand, protecting humanity from the harsh strikes of humanity with good shepherds is an important goal of "protecting parents".

The philosophical questions here are the same as those of the healers by energies in alternative medicine. As far as classical medicine is concerned, the physician simply cures the disease without active patient cooperation, and then the patient recovers but will be sensitive to future recurrence. In contrast, a perfect alternative healer simply demonstrates to the patient how he heals himself, thereby minimizing the chances of future recurrence.

A wise teacher's subgroup

There are two subgroups of the "wise teacher" faction. The first are non-human races from Arctur, Sirius A and Orion. Second fraction is described in Jamison Neruda's interviews as "Central Race "that occupied the Galaxy millennia ago. The first subgroup consists of "councils" that work with sentient people and organizations to provide assistance and advice on request. Most of the evidence for the existence of such ET hints comes from telepathic communication messages with these beings, which are typically described as having a mixture of humanoid features and bird or feline heads. It seems that these beings could be the source of inspiration for ancient Egyptian statues, representing people with animal heads like Thoth, who had Ibis' head.

The second subgroup is described in Neruda's interviews as "Central Race". According to Neruda, these races inhabit the central galaxy galaxies and occupied galaxies billions of years ago, leaving "soft fingerprints" of their presence, which, when properly interpreted, open the door to different races to re-communicate with them. Neruda compares them to Elohim from ancient religious texts and claims to behave as silent helpers in the evolution of humanity for those species who choose to cooperate with them.

The basic race ideas that occupied the Galaxy are found in "advisory bodies", such as the "Nine Council", which allegedly offers spiritual guidance for the development of the human species, according to individuals who claim to communicate with them.

Structure of secret organizations

The key to understanding the above ET categories for secret organizations is that they are generally informed about the political, moral and philosophical orientations of the various ET races and the work of other classified organizations. Therefore, secret organizations try to manage cooperation and compete with each other through these various interventional philosophies and ET strategies in a way that maximizes the power of secret organizations without being unduly threatened by the penetration of different ET factions. Thus, there is a three-dimensional chess game that includes multiple players, scenes, and goals that affect the inner dynamics and contacts between classified organizations for the relevant leaders of classified organizations.

ET's secret organizations were founded when various intelligence and military organizations realized the presence of ET in 1941 when a spacecraft found in the shallow ocean west of San Diego was shot down. The Navy has taken the investigation and has taken the leading role it continues to play today. Subsequently, there was a need to preserve this public secret, while the US government could create an appropriate political response. This has led to the emergence of secret organizations embedded in various military, intelligence and policy areas, each with different, albeit overlapping, functions according to the main objectives of the faction, where members of the "parent component" are unaware of the scope of activities and influences of those embedded secret organizations, even if they have the same overarching function.

For example - the three main components of the US military - navy, ground and air force - have their own weapon development and intelligence departments, and all are ultimately to protect US national security. Within each of these specialized units, a secret organization is established, which is responsible for reverse engineering ET technologies, for the development of weapons and for obtaining information on ET operations on the planet, and for developing an adequate defense policy.

Defense policy

For example, a secret organization located in the US Navy will be unknown to other naval units focusing on broader issues related to weapons development and intelligence gathering, and its disclosure to lower naval units would be a criminal offense to gather information about these classified information and organizations. This, in essence, means that clandestine organizations embedded in the navy have a degree of autonomy, power, and resources unknown to employees of the wider navy, even to senior officers.

The way these secret organizations are anchored in various military intelligence agencies without being discovered by curious congressmen, said former Air Force sergeant Dan Sherman, remembering the captain's briefing:

"The black missions we call" Level 2 "are what the extraterrestrial projects are hidden behind. The existence of black missions is known only to a handful of congressmen and president. These black missions are the last line of defense for alien projects. Where such projects are, there must be a black mission to hide their existence from prying eyes. It creates a highly sophisticated shield to cover the existence of a gray project in front of senior officials who do not need to know. Otherwise, the extraterrestrial project would eventually come under the control of someone within the official channels. "

Under the current system, if a curious Congressman begins to look where he has no need to know anything, he can be informed of the black mission to feel important and thus silence further exploration. It is a very effective method of hiding extraterrestrial missions and is why they have been kept secret for so long.

The National Security Agency (NSA) was created in 1952 and its primary responsibility is to collect intelligence. It includes a secret organization responsible for gathering intelligence about ET races and establishing communication with them. According to Dr. Neruda is a secret organization in the NSA called the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and is embedded in the Special Projects section.

As in the case of the US Navy, a larger proportion of NSA members will not be aware of the actual activities of their embedded secret organization ACIO, given the higher classification of its secrecy. Sergeant Sherman recalls how he was told to his superiors that he was part of a secret NSA project called "The Fate Conservation Project", which included the result of an experiment designed to improve telepathic communication with Grays. The experiment I refer to was and still is named "Project Preserve Destiny". Started in 1960 and was fully operational by 1963. It was a genetic equipment project whose sole purpose was to cultivate human offspring to have the ability to communicate mentally with the gray.

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