I recall what I have called! Will Pluto be a planet again?

20 23. 09. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I think the planets themselves have more reason than some terrestrials who make selective lists to which they give, cut and add what they like or dislike.
I recall what I have called! Will Pluto be a planet again? A certain astronomer is drunk who drove Pluto out of a list.

Heuréka! A famous statement by the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes of Syracuse, who according to Plutarch (as a name that you say) ran naked along the streets of this city, screaming "Heuréka!" After he said in the bathtub he had come to Archimedes' law. But he did not shut up the law, but he was swimming in front of his eyes, and it was enough to keep him out of memory, for somehow mankind forgot that the brain is a well filled memory of past knowledge.

It won't take long and Pluto will be on the human list of planets again, giving it a maximum of 5 years. There are many others (eg Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Haumea, Quaoar, Orcus, Varuna, Ceres), which astronomers like to overlook and call them dwarves. But even dwarves are among humans, and a normal person will never get them out of his head. I think defining the term likes / dislikes is exactly what astronomers have shown in the case of Pluto, and not just there. None of them really saw Pluto, so we'll cross it out, the scientists said. That's how science is done in coats! But Pluto was there, is and will be, and not only that. This, in turn, will be the "traditional" time for the ashes to be poured on their heads again, as is the case every time so-called scientists rush into their hypotheses.

Did you know that Pluto has not only a lot of months but also the atmosphere. look at images. And untreated images without Pluto compression <a href="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1932/8043/files/200721_ODSTOUPENI_BEZ_UDANI_DUVODU__EN.pdf?v=1595428404" data-gt-href-en="https://en.notsofunnyany.com/">here</a>.

Hopefully Pluto is not too angry with people and accepts their apologies ...

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