Fire of Love: Partnership Relationships and Human Ego

20. 02. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What I started working with kids, there was no time for the articles, so I'm very glad that one is finally writing. Life has pointed out in a magical way. He took me on the inner path and gave it to me - just as he was preparing me for some strong client sessions.

It was Saturday morning, and both of us and Kush saw the ubiquitous dark energy streams that seemed to cover the whole Earth. A few days later, we found out that the day was the eclipse of the Moon with which such phenomena are related. We spend a lot of time together in the area of ​​Love, but that day had a completely different flavor. I watched it intently. In the afternoon my dark desires rang out loud. Well, I know it, but it has not happened for a long time. They filled my inner experience, and I watched a lot. I knew it was necessary to be vigilant so that no drama could happen. Space darkened. Nothing but self-centered desire and hunger for fulfillment - the reality of an ego. I sat in a chair watching the space of Love between me and Kushi plummet. "I want," it sounded with my whole body. And that's me Life he directed higher, and my thoughts passed: "I may not have anything, but I still choose the Love that is between us." My heart chakra was throbbing, and the space began to fill with light. I was back, and then I realized that the article had come. Today I write about partnership relations as a way to God, cultivation Love and the strategies of the human ego that one crosses and dissolves on such a path.

The usual scenario is this. You meet someone, you fall in love and you are floating on the waves of Love. After three months things start to change. You know it well and there was a lot written. To games enter unfulfilled, wounded, scared, scared and others inner spaces in man - in other words, the human ego woke up. The three months that looked like an assassination are gone. Ideally, partners have some understanding, they are determined and start to work. The common path to God begins. Its integral part is the transformation of shadow tendencies, which I also call dark desires because they just stop in the current Love.

They are the tendency of the human ego - the wounded, humiliated, frightened and scared part of us that does not realize its connection to everything, with which the vast majority of people are fully identified. From my life I know well the desire to control or the ruthless desire for constant saturation with a certain type of experience. Dark desires are actually a call for relief from feelings that need not even be admitted (for example, if I'm powerful, I will not feel afraid, and no one will, anymore,). The problem is that they are often very destructive. One needs to acknowledge them, but it is not good to succumb to their lives. Not light the task that lovers stand for lies in their awareness, dominion, and transformation in the name of mutual love. It is a real fire, and in its use we see the noble meaning of partnership.

On the way to transforming these tendencies is key the magic word and that is the word "Enough". Shadow tendencies often do not cease to manifest. It is often necessary to tame them with the same word as the smoker chooses one day to decide not to let go. For a moment, they will jerk and over time will uncover what they hid, so that it can be released, healed, released. When this process takes place, one is a step closer to himself and in turn makes him a more relaxed, more open and loving partner.

It takes a lot of confidence and we know how important it is for a couple on such a journey to know what their common priority lies with. With Kushi we are both steadily moving towards ever deeper truth and mutual love - that's what interests us. Many times during strong processes, this awareness was an erupted anchor ... a harbor of trust, as a storm of deep fears and pains burst. We thought about it and called this quality Affinity. If this aspect is well-understood by partners, they are better off. At the end of April, we will hold a seminar for couples and we will begin by discovering the Affinity.

The intimate proximity of partners works as a tremendous catalyst for spiritual maturation, because it activates those sensitive places in man. Initially, this process is unconscious and activates the tendency to avoid these experiences or conditions. As I have written, the shadows wake up and enter the scene. Beginning to defend, attack, flee, blame, and so on. But it's greatly invented. You would like to hide and arm yourself in all possible ways from your own vulnerability / injury, but at the same time you want physical proximity and intimacy. Explosive medicine is in the world. If you want intimacy and love, you have to look at yourself in the mirror of truth. And what more. You need the courage to show yourself to your partner in those injured positions you find. We call it the cultivation of Intimity, and it is the second pillar that we will devote to a pair of seminars. Partners learn to support the other in their sensitive moments, while learning to support them. This approach will transform the person from the base and have a profound healing effect on the relationship.

Maybe you know where to take up the capacity? Has he ever wondered how close he is meditation practice on a fulfilled partnership? We think they are hand in hand. Through real meditation - and I do not mean visualization techniques but resting in essence - the capacity of waking awareness is expanding man. The light of consciousness shines brighter, irradiating what is not yet clearly visible, and transforming the human ego. The container of consciousness expands with practice, so one can take more emotions without breaking it, and that is invaluable quality. It has a great impact on the ability to communicate authentically and sensitively, and, of course, the ability to be the other support when it really needs it.

As the journey goes, the partners find out that they are able to meet the other at times from time to time non-self-serving act of giving. In such an act, you are able to "forget yourself" because you have (even for a while) transcended shadow tendencies and a great deal of love flows through such an act. The relationship takes on a whole new dimension - the dimension that people are looking for so much. You fell in love again. In this we see the third pillar of a fulfilled relationship - the cultivation of Love - and our April seminar culminates in the ritual of mutual giving.

Your partner or partner is an invaluable gift for you. Connect with this awareness and show it. There may be shades to try to put it in the way. You may feel like you can not do it. You may feel anger on women or men. Try not to let go of it and see what happens. Explaining to my wife Love so that it streams with happiness in her current is one of the wonders of my life ...

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