Osho: What to do when you feel anger

22. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

When you are angry, the priest will tell you not to get upset because it is not right. And what will you do? You can suppress it, suffocate it, literally swallow it, but then it penetrates inside, into the whole system. You will swallow it and you will get stomach ulcers and sooner or later you will have cancer. You swallow it and thousands of problems arise, because anger is like poison. But what will you do? If anger is bad, you have to swallow it.

Zombie is not bad

I do I'm not saying it's bad. I say it is pure and beautiful energy.

"As soon as you feel angry, perceive it consciously and find that a real miracle will happen." ~ Osho

When anger wakes up in you, observe it and you will be amazed at what happens. It will be perhaps the biggest surprise in your life, because thanks to careful attention, it will suddenly disappear on its own.

Transforms. It turns into pure energy, it becomes compassion, forgiveness, love. You don't have to suppress anything, so you're not burdened with poison.

You don't get upset or hurt anyone anymore. You are both saved, both you and the object of your anger. Before that, either you or the other suffered.

I mean, it's not necessary for anyone to suffer. All you have to do is be receptive and consciously observe. As soon as anger comes, vigilant attention devours it. Watching is a golden key.

Try to understand what's going on

Just try to understand what's going on, where the anger comes from, where it has its roots, how it appeared, how it works, how much power it has over you, how it drives you crazy. You used to be angry and you have it now, but something new has added to it, an element of understanding - then its quality will change.

You gradually find that the more you understand what anger is, the less angry you are. And when you fully understand it, it disappears. Understanding is like heat. Once it reaches a certain point, the water evaporates.

"It is very important that anyone who is sincerely searching for the truth keeps in mind that he should not run away from his things, but should know them. ”~ Osho

Enter inside without prejudice and find out what anger is. You allow her to reveal to you what she really is. Do not make any assumptions. As soon as you discover the anger in her complete nudity, in her utter ugliness, and recognize her burning fire and murderous poison, you will suddenly find that you have freed yourself from her. The anger is gone.

And why are people mad at you? In fact, they are not angry with you, but they are afraid of you. Fear closes people. Their anger is basically fear upside down. Only a person full of fear can quickly ignite with anger. If he didn't get upset, you'd know right away that he was scared. Anger is a cover. When he gets upset, he tries to intimidate you. Before you realize that he is afraid, you will start to be afraid of yourself. Do you understand the vulgar psychology?

He doesn't want you to know he's scared. And so he tries to make you afraid, because that's the only way he'll be calm. You are scared and he is no longer afraid - he does not have to be afraid of who is afraid.

"People are trying to deceive themselves with anger." ~ Osho

And whenever you are afraid and angry, you try just as much to hide fear behind anger, because fear would expose you. The anger around you creates a curtain behind which you can hide. Remember that anger is always fear built on your head.

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