Eight damn good reasons why not to vaccinate against the flu

24. 04. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Do you think you'd be vaccinated against the flu? Every year, mainstream media advocate vaccination against influenza. Rarely, it mentions something other than the benefits of vaccination.

Why? Maybe because people are skeptical about this vaccination.

I'm going to be totally honest with you. You rarely hear about the unwanted reactions or the toxic compounds you are about to get into. My goal is to look at the vaccination in more detail. Here are eight reasons to question flu vaccination.

Let's start ...

People commonly think mercury has been removed from the vaccines. It's not true.

Some influenza vaccines contain the neurotoxic mercury thiomersal compound. Each of the vaccines below contains 25 micrograms of mercury. [1]:

  • CSL affluria (limited to Merck)
  • FluLaval (GlaxoSmithKline)
  • Fluvirin (Novartis)
  • Fluzone (Sanofi Pasteur)

Keep in mind that you are being told of conflicting information. When parents and scientists found mercury in the vaccine, they began to worry about the effects of mercury on neurological problems in children.

Organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control claim mercury in vaccines does not harm, but will be removed from vaccines for precaution. Now the same organization claims to parents that when mercury is removed from the vaccines, millions suffer from it. Why? Since removal of mercury from vaccines will cause a significant downtime in vaccine production and supply [2]

Much of the evidence for thimerosal toxicity has been swept under the carpet at a secret meeting organized by the CDC in Simpsonwood, Georgia. Read some quotes from this meeting. I think you'll understand why the CDC wants to keep the lid on the thiomerosal problem.

Here are three important quotes from Simpsonwood Document:

"... dose-dependent correlation [between mercury and autism] is linear and statistically significant. You can twist it as you like. It is linear. It's statistically significant. " - Dr. William Weil, American Academy of Pediatrics. Simpsonwood, Georgia, 7, June 2000

"Sorry for a personal note, but I had an urgent call. My daughter-in-law gave birth to a son's caesarean section. She's our first male descendant in the next generation. Until we know better what's going on, I do not want my grandson to get a thiomersal vaccine, maybe it'll take a long time. Meanwhile, and I realize that it can have international effects, meanwhile, I want my grandson to receive only thiomersal-free vaccines. " - Dr. Robert Johnson, Immunologist, University of Colorado, Simpsonwood, Georgia, 7.June 2000

"Now is the moment when we have to deal with the research results. Even if this committee agrees that there is no connection and this information gets out, thanks to free access to information, the others will get it and we will have no control over how it is used. And I'm very worried about this because I suspect it's too late to do anything, regardless of any professional organization and its statement ... My mandate in this group is to ensure that 100000000 will be immunized with DTP, hepatitis B and if possible Hib, this year, the next year and all the other years, and it will have to be thiomerosal-containing vaccines, unless it is a miracle and a safe alternative will be found and tested quickly. " - Dr. John Clements, World Health Organization, Simpsonwood, 7, June 2000 [3]

We z VacTruth we encourage you to find out what's going on in your kids.


If you are pregnant, beware of doctors using aggressive methods to persuade you to get vaccinated. Here's the reason ...

The journal Human and Environmental Toxicology Journal (HET) published 27 September 2012 study by dr. Gary Goldman, who reported an increase in reports of abortions and stillbirths to VAERS in the 2009 / 2010 flu season by 4250%. [4]

In the same year, the CDC recommended pregnant women two doses of flu vaccine with mercury.

Goldman states in a study abstract:

"The aim of the study was to compare the number of spontaneous abortions and births of dead fetuses associated with influenza vaccine reported in the VAERS database during the three following influenza seasons beginning with 2008 / 2009 and to determine the relative number of fetal deaths associated with the 2009 / 2010 season when two doses of vaccine were recommended. [4]

How could injecting these nasty vaccines into pregnant women even be remotely safe?


Do you remember the media hysteria that urged us to vaccinate during the H1N1 pandemic? They did not tell you about the possible long-term adverse effects of those vaccines that are now showing. Recent reports of influenza vaccine suspect one of the experimental vaccines that caused narcolepsy in about 800 European children. [5]

Two studies from Finland show your finger directly to the vaccination. [6, 7] The conclusion of one of these studies states:

"In 2010, compared to previous years, we have seen an 17x increase in the incidence of narcolepsy in children under 17 years. Frequent information in the history of our 54 newly diagnosed narcoleptic pediatric patients was vaccination, 50 children received Pandemrix during 8 months before the onset of narcolepsy symptoms. In most cases, the development of symptoms was rapid. We consider Pandemrix vaccination likely to have contributed to the increased incidence of narcolepsy in Finland ... " [7]

It is the misfortune of the children that they now have to deal with a disease that has destroyed their normal life. Do you think pharmaceutical companies will bear any responsibility?


I'm not sure, as is the case in other countries, but when the baby is damaged by vaccination in the US, there are few ways to do it in terms of law. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 has been approved to protect pharmaceutical companies so that no one can sue for harm by vaccination. Under this law, no parent can sue the vaccine manufacturer for harming his / her child by vaccination. [8]

If you decide to vaccinate your children, you do it at your own risk. No vaccine manufacturer is legally responsible for the damage or death caused by the recommended vaccine, regardless of whether the FDA or the CDC has helped to validate the insufficiently tested flu vaccine.


As if neurotoxins or narcolepsy have been shown to be inadequate, it is important to know that if you let your nasal spray be applied, you are likely to distribute the virus and infect others. Information from the CDC website states that "Children and adults vaccinated with live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) can transmit the virus after vaccination but in a smaller amount than a natural infection." [9]

In one nursery school study, it was found that 80% of vaccinated animals delivered one or more strains of viruses on an average of 7.5 days. [9]


This may be a shock for you, but when you examine it in detail, you will find that vaccines actually make you more susceptible to flu! One particular study surprised scientists when they found "a significant positive correlation between seasonal flu vaccination and laboratory confirmed H1N1 infection." [10]

And as anecdotal proof, you may have seen what happened to TV moderator Piers Morgan. If you have not seen it, here is a brief version. Piers Morgan came to Dr. Oze and he has publicly vaccinated against the flu with a toxic vaccine. A few days later, he fell ill with the flu. [11] Did influenza influenza cause it? You can decide for yourself.


Do you know how to select a specific type of influenza virus for the upcoming season vaccine? "Experts" just guess.

Vaccine viruses are selected each year according to calculations, which types of influenza virus in the next season are likely to cause influenza. The FDA, in line with the CDC, decides which vaccine types will be sold in the US. [12]

What happens when viruses mutate or "experts" do not? Please read the reason for xNUMX ...


Many people believe the CDC is away from propaganda games. From what I tell you, you can get another impression. You will see that the CDC scares you, like doctors, to get vaccinated.

What do I mean and what's the recipe for?

A few years ago, Director of Communications for the National Immunization Program, Glen Nowak, created a presentation called Plan for the 2004-05 Influenza Season: analysis of the communication situation.

I will show you the whole recipe, so you will see the complexity of the propaganda that is regularly used to get vaccinated. The 27 slides presentation shows:

"Recipe" that encourages higher interest and demand for influenza vaccines

  1. the onset of influenza coincides with the vaccine "season" (ie when people start doing something)
  2. the dominant type of virus and / or the first cases of the disease are:
    • associated with serious illness and / or consequences
    • they appear among people who usually do not consider the flu as a serious disease causing complications (ie children, health adults, health seniors)
    • In cities and communities with important media (ie, diaries, important TV stations)
  3. Medical experts and imaginable public health authorities express their concerns publicly (through the media), alarm (predict serious consequences) and urge vaccination against influenza.
  4. the combination of the 2 and 3 points leads to:
    • interest and attention of the media
    • flu season labeling terms that motivate behavior (eg "very serious", "more serious than in previous years", "fatal")
    • Continuing news (such as from health authorities or the media) that flu causes serious illness and / or affects many people helps maintain the perception that many people are prone to a flu-like flu.
  5. Visible / tangible examples of the severity of the illness (eg children or families affected by influenza) and people who are vaccinated (the first is to motivate, the second to reinforce)
  6. Links and Discussions on Pandemic Influenza, along with ongoing statements about the importance of vaccination. "[13]

The resulting impression is familiar. You see it every year in TV news. To be clear, you just read the instructions on how to sell more toxic vaccines.



  1. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm
  2. http://vactruth.com/2012/12/23/mercury-in-vaccines/
  3. http://www.putchildrenfirst.org/chapter2.html
  4. http://het.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/09/12/0960327112455067.abstract?rss=1
  5. http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033536#close
  6. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033723
  7. http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
  8. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22001885
  9. http://www.infowars.com/piers-morgan-falls-ill-days-after-receiving-flu-vaccine/
  10. http://www.scribd.com/doc/19212191/2004flunowak

Source: VacTruth
Translation: LecivaCesta

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