Did ancient aliens help us make our history? (2.)

1 31. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Millions of people around the world believe us in the past, aliens visited. What if it was true? They helped old aliens to form our history? And if so, what can happen when he returns? Let's talk about it ...

MARTELL: There is an idea that star gates exist or could exist in ancient times. We find many artifacts and the depiction of someone passing through the door or going through some type of energy source. The old man did not understand the technologies we are trying to understand. Are there wormholes? Maybe.

CHILDRESS: It's a kind of portal between our dimension and another. And I claim that these aliens who come here come in an interdimensional type of ship. They are able to jump through hyperspace, come on to our planet in zero time, but must enter through some gates and portals on our planet.

SARA SEAGER: Dimensions are in fact not considered as something to travel. But dimensions are directions, and if you could travel somehow along these other dimensions, you will get somewhere else.

MODERATOR: What if there is one end of the Puerta de Hay Marco portal? Can it be one of the reasons why many consider Peru as a center of UFOs and extraterrestrial activities?

CHILDRESS: The Titicaca Lake is linked to special types of lights and a number of witnesses claim to have seen the UFO come out of the lake.

MARTELL: Local residents always describe large blue balls of light or hot blades, and sometimes even beings around. These beings are always reported as tall, light skin, completely different from indigenous people who are dark-haired and have dark skin.

MODERATOR: Another theory of how extraterrestrials could travel around the universe is the concept of teleportation. But is it really possible for something to disappear from one place and suddenly appear somewhere else?

SEREDA: In the Planck Institute, scientists have dematerialized the subatomic particles and induced them to appear elsewhere, so science is only at the beginning of the opportunity to prove it - to move from one place to another. I believe that this secret was known by the ancient builders.

BARA: I even think that even if the gate is closed right now, you still have access to energy because it still flows around the area. It seems that the area itself holds energy, radiates it and attracts people to it.


MODERATOR: Is the Puerta de Hayu Marca the only strange place in Peru? Are there other mysterious places? Some believe they exist. Upper Peru, 1300 kilometers north of The Gate of the Gods, is a breathtaking three-kilometer long plateau, another area with reported high magnetic energy. For centuries it has been considered to be the powerful, sacred place of the Incas. Called Markahuasi.

COPPENS: Markahuasi is a very beautiful area in Peru with a lot of bizarre energy. People there experience bizarre energetic images.

KATHY DOORE: The locals say it is a place of wizards and gods and ancient spirits and treat the place with great respect. People there report special frequencies and energy - it's basically euphoria.

MODERATOR: Most geologists consider many stone formations on the plateau as work of nature created by millions of years of erosion and other natural processes. But is there more than obvious? Some consider Markahuasi as the sculptural garden of ancient carvers.

COPPENS: This is an area where stones are not just stones. What we have here is almost like the Disneyland Gods. The question then is whether this is completely natural, or is it something more?

MODERATOR: Could it be not only a set of rocks, but a shrine of stone monuments made by dozens of people, maybe even hundreds of thousands of years ago? Researcher Daniel Ruzo first came up with this claim in 1952.

DOUBLE: Daniel Ruz showed a picture of a stone head in the high mountains above Lima. He organized an expedition, saw it, and was surprised to find hundreds of stoned stones on this tiny table.

MODERATOR: Some believe that rock formations show animals and people who are not from South America. They see figures like the African Queen, the Egyptian god of fertility, Taweret, depicted as an upright hippo, camel and many others. One formation, known as The memorial of mankind, it looks like it has one face of the west and the middle east on the other.

Is it really possible that so many formations that appear to display characters from around the world could be accidentally found on one platform? If artificially created, who could create them?

Who could create beautiful rock formations?

DOORE: Local legends say it's the place of the ancient giants that the gods created. When the Spanish chroniclers came to Peru and studied the ancient Shamanic religion, they heard the story of Titi Viracoch, the God-maker who came in the form of a man to see his lands. He gave out various orders. But some rebellious peoples did not do what they were supposed to do, and it instantly transformed them into stone.

MODERATOR: The name Markahuasi refers to the origin and mystery. The word itself precedes the Inca empire. Scholar and researcher Daniel Ruzo believed that the name Markahuasi means "house of two stories" and referred to a strange set of buildings in place.

MARTELL: This really raises a question that experts and theologians have long been trying to answer: is there an Atlantean or some other lost civilization? Markahuasi returns the question back. Could it be possible? Were thousands of years ago cultures outside of history?

MODERATOR: According to Daniel Ruzo, the ancient civilization that created Markahuasi was known as Masma and allegedly Peru was not their only home.

ROBERT SCHOCH: Masma was a very old developed civilization, an advanced culture, we can call it a global one. She seems to have traveled all over the world very soon. Ruzo spent a lot of time looking for evidence of this advanced civilization around the world, and he thought he found them in Markahuasi. In Markahuasi in many respects he saw the huge sculpture garden built by Masma.

MODERATOR: If such a global community existed, what happened to it? Was, as some believe, destroyed by the great floods described in the Bible?

BARA: It is very interesting that these objects are located at an altitude of 4 meters, because it indicates that civilization began at the top and then headed back down when the flood subsided. It's almost like the first thing they did when Noah's ark descended and landed. Maybe in Markahuasi they recorded all the animals they collected. If you accept the whole concept of the story of saving what was left of humanity and what they were able to save from the animal kingdom.

SCHOCH: Whether they are real sculptures or modified natural formations, they are geologically so old that all we really can do is return to the speculation of people like Daniel Ruzo. It was a very old civilization.

Was it an old civilization?

DOORE: Maybe they were the ancient gods. Maybe there was a very enlightened race of beings who came here to help humanity in the early days and then overseeing her work.

SCHOCH: I suspect they tried to record something about their faith, their civilization, something that could be passed on to future generations. They could realize that they would not be forever and wanted to leave a trace, a record, maybe some warning for future generations.

MODERATOR: If such an advanced global race existed in early history, where did it come from? According to George Hunt Williamson, who first popularized Markahuasi with the book 'Road of the Sky' in 1959, Markahuasi was a "sacred forest" where extraterrestrial beings met and planned for the future. Many UFO scientists believe they are still returning to this day.

DOORE: There are plenty of sightings of UFOs, ultra-dimensional visitors on the plateau. It's an extraordinary place.

CHILDRESS: Probably the most famous UFO photo of the 1970s is taken by Markahuasi. The businessman, who set out on the path to the Markahuasi plateau, made it. As he looked down into the valley, the silver disc rose in the daylight.

MODERATOR: Are there really special types of energy flowing around Markahuasi, which we begin to understand? And if so, do they attract visitors for thousands of years, like some other mysterious places?

BARA: My assumption is that aliens would prefer these energy sites, not only because their technology works better, but because their bodies will vibrate at the frequency that is more suitable for the universe or the world they inhabit.

SCHOCH: As I studied and studied myself, I think there may be something natural about these places - maybe electromagnetic, perhaps geomagnetic anomalies. In some cases, you have different kinds of rocks, different types of crystalline structures; possibly underground running water, which will transfer electric currents. I think there are plenty of options. But we really do not understand exactly what's going on.

Where are the interdimensional space portals

MODERATOR: Is there any reason why so-called interdimensional space portals would appear in certain places on our planet? Could it be, as some suggest, their localization codes? And what are the proofs that our ancient ancestors knew the code? According to theorists, mysterious places filled with energy are not located around the world at random. They are connected by what is called the earth grid - the geometric pattern of energy that crosses the world.

CHILDRESS: Our planet is covered by this network of very subtle invisible energies that are all around us. At certain places on the planet these energies combine to form a strong area of ​​faith. And this energy site is somewhat stronger and more useful than any other part of the Earth.

BARA: According to the theory of the Earth's grid, all these sacred places all over the world are indeed linked in a mathematical, geometric lattice that comes from the time when we really understood the harmony between nature, geometry, science, and mathematics.

CHILDRESS: It is well known that Australian natives are following these routes when they walk in the desert. He claims to see these lines on the ground. The Chinese also believe they can see and watch these dragon lines. In fact, these energy lines, which go through the country, use the very popular Chinese practice of feng shui. MODERNIZER: The unique relationship between geometric shapes and certain places on Earth leads to the Pythagorean philosophical school in ancient Greece.

CHILDRESS: One of the famous Pythagorean philosophers of ancient Greece, Plato, speaks of Earth as a geometric dodecahedron. It's like a ball sewn from different geometric shapes. Pythagorean school basically says that geometry and various forms of geometry are what make up all matter, including Earth.

MODERATOR: Another strange mystery is the apparent concentration of UFO sightings around the world. Prior to his death in 1992, French Ufologist Aimee Michel mapped all alleged alien observations from the Roswell event in 1947.

COPPENS: When he mapped them, he found that they had specific lines. He started mapping these lines and found them not just random. They were indeed linked to certain latitudes. UFO observation is real science.

MODERATOR: Theorists believe that the concentration of energy levels and passages of UFOs is not a coincidence. They claim that beings from another world visited our ancestors and informed them about the special energies in these places. They also say that ancient people were shown how to build incredible structures to increase these natural forces. It is a theory known as geomancy.

CHILDRESS: In fact, when building pyramids, menhirs, obelisks and the like, we can work with this natural energy field around the Earth. As with acupuncture on the human body, we can do it on Earth. By placing certain structures or needles in a certain place on Earth, we can emphasize this energy.

Ley line

VON DANIKEN: There have been series in Europe since ancient times, sometimes thousands of kilometers long. In Europe, they are called ley lines. They connect all the ancient places. Here is a map of the world and a map of the so-called ley line in Great Britain


TSOUKALOS: These ley lines run in a straight line across England, France and Italy. The fascinating aspect is that many of the cities on this route have the same root in the name.

VON DANIKENA: Each point is on a single line. It's an archaeological point. And every point has the same core of the word. The word is always "star." It's absolutely fascinating and it's not a coincidence. The Stone Age people did not build their places in the Stone Age in a row by chance.

Someone ordered it and someone said,

“Use the name 'star' for your village. To eternity and don't change it. ”

BARA: So the question is: were the aliens? Or is it possible that we are actually aliens that we are not coming from here? And that's simply an older version of humanity that cares about the younger version that is about to leave the planet?

VON DANIKEN: The idea was that generations in the far future must go with these remnants and signs. And he has to start asking questions. This is the situation we have today.

BARA: The main thing these mysterious places can tell us about our past is that it is much more complex than teaching us at school.

MODERATOR: Until future scientists resolve strange issues around certain places on Earth, we still have questions. Can these sites really be portals or wormhole inputs? Did extraterrestrial beings come to Earth using special electromagnetic fields in these mysterious places? And were these secrets known to ancient civilizations lost in history?

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