Birth in nature: natural birth

11. 03. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I dreamed for a long time that I was giving birth in nature after I first saw the movie Birth into Being and completion of a mine course. A week before the birth, we were at a friend's house in Daintree Rainforest. This is the oldest rainforest in the world. The weather here is always friendly and warm - great conditions for childbirth outdoors.

I decided to give birth in a local bay. I fell in love with the place, which is a few minutes down the road. The water here is crystal clear and absolutely wonderfully refreshing. It's the best water I've ever tasted. I was always ecstatic when I drank it…

Nevertheless, the water was slightly colder than the water in the maternity pools, where the water was lukewarm. (All my previous births were beautiful water births.) The day before this birth, it rained all day and the night before the birth was unusually cold.

The labor pains began on Friday, February 3, 2012, at 23:00 p.m. The messengers walked without problems all night. My births have always been very fast. The third lasted only 6 hours. I decided to give birth in our friends' house. At about 6 o'clock in the morning, during dawn, I decided to take a bath. I had contractions here for about three hours. I was surprised that the contractions were so long. I felt good, the contractions were easy. Everything went smoothly at his own pace.

Continuation of the film:

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