Moving to the fourth dimension

16. 06. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What is the fourth dimension? Usually, as we approach this point of precession where this change occurs, everything begins to collapse - all social structures. The key to this is the Earth's magnetic field. Just as today's science realizes, it can also be the key that firstly enables Earth's axis to shift through magneto-dynamics, because the magnetic field maintains a connection where the liquid aspects of the Earth's composition become solid. When this field collapses, some solids become liquid and slippery. It was demonstrated in laboratories. The key is the magnetic and electromagnetic fields.

Magnetic field and its influence

We use the magnetic field to interpret who and what we think we are, and store our memory. We need an external magnetic field to remember things the way we remember them. We can't live without some kind of magnetic field. If you look at big cities around the world, you will notice that there are more rapes and murders during the full moon, the day before and the day after. The reason is that the full moon creates a wave in the Earth's magnetic field, and this change is enough to cause people who are emotionally on the border to swing over that border. The magnetic field affects the emotional body.

Magnetic field collapse

Imagine the planet at the point of precession when things begin to get out of balance. And suddenly the Earth's magnetic field will begin to fluctuate and wobble for a very short period of time (usually three to six months). It will happen that people will lose it. They will be crazy. So all the structures on the planet collapse. Without this balance, everything will fall apart. The magnetic field disappears completely for at least three and a half days. Usually there will be an increase in chaos.

Interaction with the grid

Each time a person connects to the grid of consciousness, it increases the signal from the grid. There will be times when people will just remember and think new. Children will have the least trouble with it. The older one is, the harder it is.

Last Axis Shift Time and Dimensional Link

Perhaps it does not happen that everyone is really crazy - if so, then is the idea of ​​Armageddon. When you look at the records, you will see that when the axis shifted in 1400 nl, all of South America began fighting and waging war because their emotions were so strong. Perhaps something like that will not happen.

Axis shifts and consciousness shifts are interconnected

About five or six hours before the dimensional shift of consciousness, the process that is usually associated with the shift of the axis begins. Axis shifts and consciousness shifts are usually interconnected. In this case, there may be a shift in consciousness before or after the axis shift. They usually occur at the same time, and usually a visual phenomenon occurs at this time, five or six hours before. This will almost certainly happen as the 3rd and 4th dimensions begin to connect and our consciousness begins to move into the 4th dimensional consciousness while the 3rd dimensional consciousness begins to leave.

When this happens, synthetically made objects composed of materials that naturally do not occur on Earth will begin to disappear, depending on what materials they are. They will not disappear all at once. When the 3 consciousness grid. the dimension begins to collapse along with the collapse of the magnetic field, these synthetic things start to disappear. Because the axis / consciousness / grid changes have been going on for millions of years, that's why there are so few manufactured objects from previous civilizations (some more developed than ours) that would tell us about them.

The fact that things start to disappear will make people who don't know what's going on really crazy. That's why it's so important to remember this. It's a natural process, and when it starts to happen, you should go to a place that is natural, not stay inside artificial structures. You have to be out on the ground. That is why very advanced civilizations built structures from natural materials such as stone. Such structures can withstand dimensional changes. That is also why in Taos pueblo, which is 1400 years old, the law of the tribe does not allow anything synthetic in buildings. They know that when the day of cleansing comes, they will go inside and remain calm.

Dimensional interconnection

Then there is another phenomenon that is likely to happen. When it comes to dimensional connections, in the world of 3. Dimensions may show 4. dimension. These are subjects that will not fit into the surrounding world and will have colors that irritate your mind. They will affect your mind, which you will not understand. Since it is desirable to gradually pass through the interface between dimensions, do not touch these things (the touch would cause immediate and full drawing into the 4 dimension) or look at them.

They are awesome and looking at them would make your move to 4 too fast. dimension. If you stay calm and focused, you will be able to watch for a while, but not for a long time. As soon as the magnetic field collapses, your field of view disappears and you find yourself in a black emptiness. Country 3. dimension, with all intent and purpose, will be there for you. Most people at that moment will fall asleep and start to dream, which will take about three to four days.

If you want, you can just sit there, but realize that whatever you think will happen happens. Be aware that you will then go through a process birth to 4. dimensions and do not worry about it. This process is perfect and natural, but for people at 3 level. dimension is a big concern. It seems to be a new process, but it is very old. You've already experienced it. At some point during this process, you may even remember that you have already experienced it.

When the world of 4 begins. the dimension is perceptible, the light returns

The other side: When the world of 4 begins. the dimension is perceptible, the light returns. You will find yourself in a world you have never seen (though you've seen it, you just will not remember it because your memory has been deleted so many times). It will look like a brand new place. All the colors and shapes and the feeling of everything will be new. You will feel like you are when you come to 3. size, except that you will be as big as you are now. A lot of things are very similar in different worlds - one is the idea of ​​the Holy Trinity (mother-father-child).

When you enter this completely new place, even if you do not understand anything, you will see two beings standing there - a mother and a father; they will be very big compared to you. They will be three to four meters tall, one will be a man, the other a woman. These beings will be attached to you and will guide and protect you during your initial time in this world. These beings will not have the same kind of attachment to you as your parents must have on Earth. From the very beginning, they know that you are part of the Creator and recognize your divine nature. You will look the same as now, but probably naked, because artificial clothing will not last during the shift.

You walk out on the other side and appear in this incredible reality with these two beings, to whom you will somehow feel a strong love, although you will not understand why. Although your physical form will be the same, the atomic structure in your body will change dramatically. Much of the density of the former physical structure will be converted into energy, and the atomic structure will be further apart than before. Most of your body will be converted to energy, but you will not realize it.

Many are called, few are selected

Jesus says in the Bible that two will be in the bed and one of you will take. This is the scenario many are calls, little is selected and that's how it is often, but you can only help others to a certain extent. You will go through this process yourself. His nature will depend on your qualities and who you are. Usually it happens that some people go through, others do not, but there is also the third option - that someone is going through just so.

Jesus spoke of the parable of grains and chaff. The wheat that went through wore some chaff. But who removes the chaff? The pleats will eliminate themselves. You shake yourself. When one comes to 4 consciousness. dimension, he usually does not realize that he is the whole world and everything in it every second with his thoughts and feelings - everything.

This also applies to 3. dimension, but it is not conscious, because we have imposed on ourselves all kinds of restrictions in our culture that we think we can not do anything. There it will be instant and clear. When you are so, and you are not really ready for it and start thinking negative thoughts and fears, you will create a scenario that will result in you falling back into a smaller dimension. At the same time she wheat walk, sit and think of love, truth, beauty, peace and harmony - and that's all happening.

You start doing it all. You will be stable in a new reality because of what you feel and feel, because of your characteristics and who you are. Jesus said to this time when you live by the sword, you will die by the sword a the mild will inherit the Earth. Those who are there and are not trying to protect themselves, kill or anything like that, just to be and to think of the positive thoughts that are taking place have just won this game.

Customizing body structure

After the beings who do not resist this reality (chaff), fainting and resonating beings (grain) remain, the first thing you will become aware of will be: jeee, everything I think will happen! Usually, people in the light look at their body and begin to change their appearance to suit their idealized idea they have in mind - it's a childlike exercise. When you look at some of the extraterrestrial races, everyone is tall, beautiful and healthy. Customizing your body structure is from 4. dimensions above the natural phenomenon. It's a creative expression. Then you will find other interesting activities.

On Earth at 3. size takes about 18 to 21 years before the child grows up and can go into the world and take care of themselves. In the world of 4. It takes about two years for you to go from the current size and condition (after you get there) to the adult state - your body will grow, your head will stretch back and eventually you will look like Achnaton. About this whole is the Egyptian egg of metamorphosis.

All this explains why it is essential for you to maintain peace during the first few hours of dimensional interconnection and advancement into another area of ​​dimensional consciousness. Again, work on your character. Once you set up your Merkab, you are winning.

Internal technology

The most important of all is internal technology. Helping others is very important. Once you understand better what this is about, you have a moral responsibility to help when you are asked to do so.

Your cosmic development: During this shift, part of your higher self it connects with your current state of consciousness to the point where you and it will become one.

The creature of very large dimensional consciousness has its own body planet Earth. You, on a high level of consciousness, have the same body as you are using. One day you literally become the sun and the stars in the sky - it's part of the process of life.

Your new one parents: With these beings you meet, your new ones parents, you'll already have karmic binding; will guide you and protect you during the first two years until you can continue for yourself. They realize your true divine nature as part of creation, compared to today's earthly parents - many of them see their children as property, which have control. If your parents want to tell you something, you will just experience it. If they want to tell you about a place, you'll just be there. But the realm 4. dimension is not really so different from 3. dimensions, in certain areas.

As Pharaoh Achnaton saw it

It's still a world that has its physical aspect. Nesting models of Christ consciousness (Unity in planetary grids). Many individual beings have appeared on this planet to show different possibilities of consciousness of unity. There was a need for a model that would put an example into the Akashic (shape field) and into the memory of man that the consciousness of unity is an option. Jesus, who had previously gone through a large number of dimensional levels, was a being who accomplished this purpose. Thanks to his efforts, the concept of human consciousness is written in the memory of mankind as a model. It is also in the grid around the planet.

Achnaton (© Jon Bodsworth)

The first one to illustrate the consciousness of unity was one of the Pharaohs, Achnaton, such who we are once. He went around the world for several years and put it in the grid. He planted the seed from which the Essen Brotherhood came into being. Mary and Joseph finally came to them, who once again allowed the unity of consciousness to be unveiled by Jeshua Ben Joseph, called Jesus. When Jesus began to say to people Love one another, love your enemies, no one wanted to hear it - people were aware of duality and it did not make sense to them.

Now that we know about 4 consciousness. dimension, it should make sense. The words he said are powerful and true, and we have to take that knowledge and make them a part of our lives. All efforts of unity conscious beings who came to Earth to 3. dimension, should lead to the healing of the process that has taken place in Atlantis.

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