Michel Nostradam's foreword to the son of Caesar

06. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Your late birth, my son Caesar Nostradame, made me, during my regular long night-time waking, think about leaving you written memories, the extinction of your ancestor for the common good of the people, the Divine essence of astronomical rotation planets) was made aware. And until it is pleased to the immortal God to see the earthly light of the world weeping, and I do not want to speak of Your years, when they are not yet accompanied by other years, but Your moon Mars is unable to accept with reason in its anger what I will be forced to define for my days: I see that it is not possible to leave You documents in writing that would fade over time after destruction: therefore the words of inherited occult prophecies will be closed inside me / my body /: - we must also take into account the recklessness of human nature , the definitions are uncertain, and everything is governed and controlled by the power of God's unpredictable, not governed by mystical anger or lymphatic impulse, but by astronomical statements: “Only the inspired in the name of God foretell and have a special prophetic spirit. “However, it has long been that I predicted long before the event what would happen and in what particular place, considering that everything was happening by the will and prompting of God, [and I also foretold] other happy and unhappy events that subsequently took place in different parts of the world: Just as I am now forced to remain silent or hide my thoughts because of injustice, I want to present in writing events that concern not only the present but also much of the future, as well as kingdoms, groups and the regions will undergo fundamental changes, sometimes diametrically opposed to the current situation, if I were to say what their future will be, readers in these kingdoms, believers of different religions, will find it incompatible with their religion that they would condemn it, what will be confirmed over the centuries, and what people will see in the future. I call on the judgment of the true Savior: “Do not command hymns to the saints, do not throw pearls to swine, so as not to trample you, or tear you apart, and turn against you. "And the reason why I stopped performing in public and writing with a pen, and then I decided to explain in more detail, to publish to all people, in vague and strange expressions, the future causes, both the closest ones [and] the ones I saw as if generational changes have not even occurred; however, in order not to be shocked by the fragile hearing of the living, I dressed all my writings in a mysterious and prophetic form, because “I hid here from the knowing and careful, that is, from the powerful and ruling, and clarified everything to the chosen and the astute.

As for us humans, we cannot understand the hidden mysteries of God the Creator by our own strength and wit. "For we cannot know the day or the hour." Since there are now many people to whom the Creator has bestowed the gift of imagination and revealed some of the mysteries of the future, in accordance with astrological guidelines as well as the mysteries of the past, a certain power comes from them, like a flame of fire, even with God's help. manifest divine
even earthly inspiration. Only the divine things that have received blessings, God himself closes: the average are in the midst of angels, the third: from evil [forces], but my son, I speak to you here a little encrypted: but as for occult prophecies that have a subtle spirit of fire, who sometimes fears common sense, observes the highest of the Lights, is alert and receptive to prophecy, presenting his knowledge in writing, cannot indulge in ordinary eloquence; after all, everything is done with the help of a great God, whose goodness is infinite. Although, my son, if they tell you that I am a Prophet, I do not want to give myself such a noble name at the moment: "Today they are called prophets, they were once called clairvoyants": As a prophet, my son, one can really call it who sees things that are hidden from the knowledge of the common man. If the prophet will see the light of perfect revelation and open to him divine and earthly things, he can not speak openly, because the plot of predictions is going far in the future, because the mystery of God incomprehensible and praiseworthy opens far beyond the true knowledge as well as their consequences. It is impossible to understand some of the earthly signs or other human knowledge, because the occult virtue is under the auspices of heaven itself, that is, eternity itself, which, with the help of faith, opens all times. But, based on the indivisibility of eternity, with the help of the rebellion of Heracles, the causes are known by the movements in the heavens. I do not say, my son, and you have to understand it well, even if the knowledge of this matrix can not yet be crushed in your insufficient sense that the future is far removed, the causes can not be reasonably understood, and although they are very distant, they can not be too concealed : But a perfect understanding of important reasons is impossible without divine revelation: For every prophetic revelation comes from the Creator, and it also depends on fate and nature. And so the things that have happened, as well as those that have not happened yet, can be foreseen. However, knowledge based only on intelligence can not be occult; the occult may be only a voice from the language, similar to the language of the flame in which all future causes are centered. And therefore, my son, I swear to You, never use your mind in favor of false and useless goals, devouring the body and destroying the soul, leading to confusion of the weak senses: the same I say of the transience of the most abominable magic, long condemned by Scripture and divine canons ; but from there is free astrology, which clarifies the signs by which, under the protection of God and hearing his testimony, I have presented my prophecies in writing. So, so that this occult philosophy is not condemned, I never wanted to give to the senseless court her many volumes that have been hidden for many centuries. But, imagining the future, I presented them to Vulcan, so that while he was burning them, the flame of the fire gave an unusual light, brighter than that of an ordinary flame, like the light of a burning torch, suddenly illuminating the house as if a fire had suddenly occurred. Therefore, in the future, not to disappoint (these books of expectation), observing the complete transformation of both the moon and the sun, I (these books) turned to ashes, only all unpaying will understand everything underground, using occult waves. But as for this work that I have just finished, on the will of God, I want to reveal to You: How to recognize future events, far away from fantastic beliefs. These events can be ascertained by determining, in part, those places in which the sovereign revelation of God is turning to heavenly configurations, the place and time are set forth with honest, occult power, the will of the Lord, whose presence is time eternal, only the movement [of the stars] on past, present and future causes, which are all open understanding. Thus, my son, you can easily, despite your young age, understand that the things that must happen can be foreseen by the night and heavenly light that is natural and the spirit of prophecy: not because I want to appropriate the title of prophet. , but for me, mortal, standing on earth and far from understanding the meaning of heaven, it is given by the revelation of God.

Perhaps, some of them will not agree, based on the length of this period, but around the world it is said that the moon affects the mind, so the causes are universal for the whole country, my son. If you will live your natural human age, you will see in your own country, in the open air of your homeland, how the future prophecy meets. Although God Almighty alone knows the Eternity of the world coming from Himself, I tell You that for those for whom His infinite and incomprehensible goodness has chosen to ascend by way of long and sad revelation, for these occult reasons revealed above, the two main things given to the seer, and one [of them] opens the divine incredible world to the one who foretells, according to the teachings of the stars, and prophesies by divine inspiration, which enables him to join in divine eternity because the prophet judges as the holy spirit dictated, according to the will of God the Creator. true motives. Therefore, what he predicts is true, because only in him his [predictions] are the source and origin; and this light and weak flames reach their goal and come from the same height as the natural light that strengthens the trust of the philosophers that after learning the principles of the root causes they can reach the bottom of the deepest sciences. But for that purpose, my son, I do not want to dive too deeply into things that will continue to be inaccessible to your mind in the future, and moreover I think that educated people will be so great and incomparably lost if I find the world before a global fire. such great floods and so high floods when they pass away, when the era of the earth occurs, when it is not covered by water, and remains so for a long time when led (by people) outside vast territories, when not all are on the periphery, - as before and after such floods, in many lands, will be so cramped by the wounds, and such an abundance of fire and hot stones will fall from the sky when there is very little left to consume: and this will happen, in short, and before the final fire: - Because by the time Mars completely completes its age (century) and at the end of its last period, it will return: but some gather in the constellation of Aquarius for several years, others in the constellation of Cancer, for a long time and continuously. And now that many of us are ruled by the moon, thanks to the mighty power of the immortal God, when before he can complete his full orbit, the Sun will come and then Saturn. — Because according to heavenly signs, Saturn's rule will be restored when everything is calculated, the world is approaching some antagonistic (opposite) rotation: - when today, when this one has subscribed to seven hundred and seventy-three months, eleven days of plague, long famine, and wars, and more floods within the Earth here and there, the term foreshadows will be by and then several times shortened, when so few people will be, when we do not find a person who would like to occupy the field: when they will be free (fields) also for a long time: when she remains in control (ie. the fields are again occupied by humans), - and when it is an obvious celestial decision that so far they all remain on the seventh number (ie. dimension), of thousands when it completes completely all of the approach to the eighth (i.e. dimension), where the sky is in the eighth sphere, which is the latitude dimension where the great immortal God will come to complete the change, where the sacred images (there) will return (people) to move (ie. life in this territory) and grinding (soil) - (literally crushing, grinding-ie. the soil will be baked by fire, hardened, black crust), excellent when our yields per hectare will be stable and not hard, but sloping obliquely with a share (ie plowed land), loose: out of guidance (ie moving), when they ask for it, it will be completed, but not in place of another: - When, with very ambiguous assumptions, we tire excessively all common sense natural by mathematical ideas, for that purpose, in a short time , God the Creator, to his ministers, to his messengers, fiery, will send a hasty offer of an external opinion, the same to our eyes, cases of future predictions, significant cases of the future, when he has an obligation to the one who manifests the omens. For the prediction, which is made by external light, comes perfectly reliably, partly by someone, and partly by external light: How right is the part that seems to have vision, understanding that it is not caused by damaged imaginary thoughts, - reason it is too obvious, everything can be predicted with the kindness of God, and through the angelic spirit inspiring the prophet at home, the return of the sacred prophecy, coming as a glow (light), he moved, meets the various fantasies of night revelations, which he then reliably prophesies daily sacred prophecy of the future, he does not think otherwise, even if he has the courage. It is at this hour that I hear, my son, what I have found by rotation (ie circulation of the planets to each other-astrology), which is in accordance with the revealed inspiration that the sword of the deadly plague is approaching us now, a war very terrible, when the existence of three people does not appear in life meant over three generations of people), and the hunger that falls to the ground and often returns, - because the celestial bodies have harmonized in their rotations (revolutions), and therefore said: I will visit with an iron rod their iniquities and rods will strike them because of mercy God will not be spread for a time, my son, when most of the prophecy is fulfilled, and extreme (ie, God's mercy) will come after the changes are completed. - Then several times during the bad times, I will beat them, says the Lord, and I will break, and I will have no mercy, - and the thousands of other events that come after them, such, on many levels, I have written in my other Prophecies, which are composed in prose all the time. These Prophecies define places, times, and set dates in advance.

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