Did the Sumerians predict the end of the world?

20. 08. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Predictions about the end of the world are as old as humanity itself. If the world ends in a judgment day in the distant future or next day, there are countless predictions. This is already in the documents of ancient civilizations. One big question is whether the Sumerians predicted the end of the world. Many of these prophecies have provoked speculation. People have linked old signs and interpreted them to possible current calendar dates and the near future. We all currently live in several ends of the world. Some of these predictions are biblical and predict the so-called rapture.

Then there are many other theories, such as widespread concern about the end of the world in 2012, when the Mayan calendar ended. Also, at the turn of the millennium, it caused some anxiety. One assumption that had been circulating for some time spoke of 2017, assuming a collision with Nibiru, otherwise known as Planet X. The origins of the Nibiru planetary tradition can be traced back to the Sumerians, one of the oldest civilizations. But did the Sumerians really predict the end of the world, or is the prediction about planet Nibiru just another big theory?

Zecharia Sitchin

Many of the interesting speculations surrounding Nibiru can be traced to the character Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin was a scholar (lived between 1920 and 2010) who translated ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts and tables. By linking their translations and iconographies, Sitch's theory created the Sumerian thought, closely related to the planet Nibiru and the end of the world. He published his theory in his bestseller "Twelve Planets". Since then, people around the world have developed these theories. Their meaning and possible connections.


Who were the Sumerians?

Who were the Sumerians? It was one of the oldest known civilizations we know of. Dating is 4500 BC BC The Sumerians settled in the northern part of Mesopotamia and inhabited several large cities. Although we do not have many archaeological evidence available, there are tables and inscriptions that indicate their language, culture and way of life. The scientists were able to reveal a varied picture of their mythologies and stories. We have only mentioned Nibiru yet, but what was its true meaning? Nibiru is the alleged planet of our solar system that Sumer has documented and named. So we should really think more about Nibiru than a potential ninth (or pissed off the tenth - or even Pluto) planet of our solar system. Sitchin used the Ionicity of the Sun and the planets of the order surrounding him to support his theory that the Sumerians were not only afraid of the planets of Nubir, but that they attached special importance to them.

Is it possible that there is another planet in our solar system that we know nothing about? Especially when the old Sumerians knew about her? The explanation may be interchangeable in the circulation of the planet Nibiru and referred to as planet X. Nibiru orbits the Sun in much larger and much longer orbit than the rest of the solar system. Sitchin claims that Nibiru orbits the Sun about our Earth's 3 600 years. This means that we are only in contact with it for several millennia. Sitchin linked several biblical and historical events to the presence of Nibiru. He even connected the biblical flood of the world caused by Nibiru's gravity. That could really mean that Nibiru's potential fly-through could occur before we thought so far. More than the planet itself, there is a very interesting fact about its possible population.

Annunnaki and the evolution of the human race

Simply put, the term Annunnaki refers to the pantheon of the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian gods. These gods descended from An God of Heaven. The predominant gods and goddesses who found their way into other cultures, including Marduk and Inanna, were confused with Ishtar. Sure, the Sumerians had a lot of gods in their religion, like many other cultures, but what do their mythology and beliefs have in common with Nibiru? What if the Annunnaki were not gods but aliens? Sitchin's theory in his episode "Prehistoric Aliens" is probably something that can be expected of her. One theory is that Annunaki was (and potentially still are) an advanced race living on the planets of Nibiru. Minerals and gold, which is scarce on their planet, have come to earth. They descended to the planet Earth, created humanity to serve them as slaves and use them for their purposes. Sitchin thereby explains the gaps in human development. And because they were much more powerful and advanced, they were actually gods for humanity, and in reality they were merely more advanced extraterrestrials. This idea coincides with the popular assumptions of ancient astronauts. Or it coincides with the theory that, in the distant past, civilizations from alien planets came to Earth and were considered gods.

End of the world

Many of these theories are then often used to explain ancient technological and architectural progress. Sitchin then combines his Annunnaki theory with the biblical Nephilim - the sons of gods and earthly daughters who crossed with the human race. Which Sitchin very much welcomed in his theory. But this inter-civilization crossing was not welcome at Annunnaki. However, mankind has not been warned in advance of the catastrophic influence of Nibiru's gravity that Earth will face the flood of the world when Nibiru is too close to Earth. And how is all this connected with the end of the world? It all depends on the rotation and circulation of Nibiru around the Sun. In recent years, according to Sitchin's theory, he had the end of the world. The most frequently mentioned date was 23 December 2017, when Nibiru was to appear. Others have argued that Nibiru's orbit has been very close for years, but NASA is calming everyone. But many still claim that Nibiru's gravity will throw Earth into great trouble and possibly cause another gigantic flood. Others see the end of the world in the impact of a large asteroid that has led, for example, to the eradication of dinosaurs. But whatever it is, in any case, the end of the World will be with the arrival of Nibiru.

End of the world?

It is incredibly easy to "fall into the rabbit hole" of doomsday theory, or to get to another world where no real world rules apply. However, how credibly does Sitchin and his followers draw from the original Sumerian texts? The answer is - not quite faithfully. Sitchin's translations of Sumerian texts are highly criticized and their interpretation even more. To start. Nibiru is more considered a star than a planet, at least according to Sumerian texts. Furthermore, there is no Sumerian text or a piece of evidence that links Annunnaki with Nibiru. There really is absolutely no evidence. There is one person who merely twisted the texts to fit this theory. So, should we prepare for the end of the world? Maybe so, but it is very unlikely that this end will be linked to bringing the mysterious planet closer to our solar system. Do not be afraid that Nibiru will launch the end of the world apocalypse - the Sumerians did not anticipate it.

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