Project Blue Planet (1.): Research of alien life forms

18. 10. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The original author is unknown
(The translation is amended and supplemented by explanatory notes)

The following document is said to be a set of personal and work notes by a scientist hired by the US government, who spent more than seven years attending the UFO collapses, interviewed captured Alien Living Form (ALF), and carefully analyzed all the acquired data . He also collected a set of notes and documents he or she contacted, either directly or indirectly related to the organization, structure or operations for collecting such data.

It was found that this scientist kept this information with him, so it was decided that he would soon be detained and his employment terminated. Despite this, the scientist managed to escape just before his arrest by the government and is now hiding somewhere outside the USA.

We believe this scientist has been part of secret research over 33 years. But it was unveiled and immediately hiding from 1990. His research has been slightly modified, in the sense of maintaining a sequence of events and for easier readability and comprehensibility.

As you read this document, you may be upset. Revealed facts can cause this disruption, but this information needs to be made public. I warn you, consider carefully whether you allow children to read this document.

At this time, according to the information available to us, there are at least 160 species of races of extraterrestrial life forms from various galaxies, from the stars and planets we have come in contact with. You will find each race (known in 1990) on the following pages. However, there are far more beings that we have not yet discovered, but we suspect that we are not far from their discovery. There will definitely be more of them later ……

Note: This document is supposedly the result of the work of one or more scientists working secretly on this unauthorized document, proving their inclusion in a top secret government program. Publishing secret government information obtained using public funds can not be copied. This document has nevertheless been made available to the public for all US citizens.

The Czech documentary on the following pages comes from freely available sources on the Internet.





President of the USA

National Defense Council


Director of the CIA


Strategic defense

Office of Intelligence and Research

National Security Council



Coordination and budget resources

Only coordination



Code: Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) also known as the "Star Wars Project". Located in the Cheyenne Mountains, near Colorado Springs, like Star Wars City.



National Security Council, Former Executive Office, Washington, DC, 20506, Tel. The number (202) 395-4974 has been established by the National Security Act in 1947 (61 State, 496, 50 USC 402).

President Truman signed the 26 National Security Act. July 1947 and immediately appointed NAVY Secretary James Forrestal as First Defense Minister. Forrestal and others passed the oath of 17. September 1947.

By law, the Central Intelligence Service (CIA) was established under the National Security Council, headed by Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter. This provided a comprehensive program for the future security of the United States. The National Security Council (NSC) was also established by the law to advise the President on the implementation of domestic, foreign and military policies in the interests of national security, with particular regard to access and consideration of intentions, commitments and risks. The financial resources for the CIA were hidden in the annual reserved amounts for the other agencies. Today, US intelligence operations (almost all secrets) together cost more than one billion dollars a year.

Ufologists Roger Moore, Jaime Shandera and Stanton Friedman refer to documents from the Operations Majestic 12, NSC and MJ-12 projects. MJ-12 is considered a top-secret research and development project. This operation was established by President Truman on September 24, 1947. The MJ-12 project was approved by the NSC's internal committee. In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a secret operating code, under reference number 54-12.

On June 22, 1964, Newsweek published information about the "Invisible Government", one of the main revelations being the existence of a special group "54-12", hitherto classified as an additional member of the National Security Council, transformed by the president to command top-secret operations.

The NSC called the group the "54-12 committee" behind the president's responsibility to approve all secret "black" projects. The committee has undergone several changes over the years and has been called the "Special Committee", the "303 Committee" and now the "40 Committee". It is symbolized as XXXX = double double cross, it is characterized as NSC command. "COMMITTEE 40" has access to advanced technology and secret teams. In the past, this committee was chaired by Dr. Henry Kissinger (codenamed "Warden") when he received permission from William Colby to commission Hughes Summa to build a submarine, a special ship, or a lifeboat. The rescue vessel called "Explorer Glomar" was equipped with a device to freeze up to hundreds of bodies. (Why ???)

In early May 1988, former President Ronald Raegan said he had always wondered what could happen if the Earth were attacked by some "power from space." It was also announced that the President had been informed of UFO research and extraterrestrial visitors by a group of UFO researchers "Planetary Intelligence No. 40" (PI-40).

Project Blue Planet

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