Blue Planet Project (5 Part): Other MAJIC Secret Projects

15. 11. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

From information on aliens from report no. 13 - SRD / 28 CODE: ABRAMA 33A / C: In 1989, we confirmed the existence of alien ships in the hangar at the bases of Edwards Air Force Base. The hangar is located in the northern part of the base. It was not guarded by base personnel, but by NRO-Delta personnel. The guard wears a red ID card with a black triangle. NRO-DELTA personnel no longer guard the hangar, but are currently guarded by the Edwards Security Service, and are instructed to inspect the hangar every hour and report to the NRO. In addition, they should never enter the hangar, even if it is opened or damaged on one side. The hangar is still locked and no one can enter without special permission from the NRO-DELTA. We also have confirmed the existence of other extraterrestrial materials in another special hangar inside the Edwards base.

Insignia on some alien ships and flags is called trilateral insignia.


This character was found on several spacecrafts

This denotes bases and landing places

This symbol was found on several Rigelian ships and crew uniforms

LUNA-2 - Code name for the second most important underground Rigelian base in New Mexico. The base is controlled by aliens and NRO-DELTA while protecting it. The Luna base still works.

THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON - is a term used in relation to LUNA-2. Ufologists and other people who use the term are wrong to mistakenly believe that it is a reference to the LUNA-1 lunar base.

NSA SAFETY SYSTEM - The National Security Agency (NSA) was created to protect secretly repaired flying discs and then received control of all secret communications. This control allows the NSA to monitor anyone through mail, telephone, telex, fax, telegrams, and currently online via computers, to monitor privacy and private communications as it pleases. At present, the NSA is de facto the main mission of the MJ-12 and PI-40 groups, relating to flying saucer programs and the vast amount of misinformation spread throughout UFO research. Every witness of any aspect of the program has their life monitored to every detail, each has signed a security of confidentiality. People who worked in the program, including military experts, would expect the following consequences if they took the oath:

  • Word warning accompanied by revision of security oath
  • Strong warning, sometimes accompanied by bullying and intimidation
  • Psychological pressure on his person to bring about depression that causes suicide
  • The murder of the person concerned, which will be presented as a suicide or accident
  • Special and sudden fatalities ending
  • Detention in a special detention center
  • The imprisonment in the sanatorium for the mentally ill, where they will be subjected to mind control and consciousness reprogramming techniques. People are later released with altered character characteristics, their own identity, and altered memory.
  • Enclosing a person inside a facility, such as a factory, where they work under supervision. Especially in closed factories underground, with minimal contact with the world.


Anyone who, by their behavior, seems to be approaching the revelation of the truth will be treated in the same way. The MJ-12 / NSA will in any way keep secret and protect this supreme secret, as we will learn later. The nature of what this supreme secret would reveal would change drastically, and this is what MJ-12 / NSA does not want to predict: real current contact with alien groups. It is now unknown how the contact between the government and the aliens was established, but the government is aware that this may be based on the privileges given to the aliens.


Alien Facts on Earth

Code: Omnidata, IRS-28 - CODE: IRWING / 7 - MAT / ORM, 26.01 / AB / 7


After all years of research, we have compiled these main facts about aliens on Earth.

  • Alien ships from other worlds landed on Earth.
  • Alien ships come from other dimensions and locations within this dimension.
  • Earlier US governments have successfully acquired extraterrestrial technologies.
  • The US government had at one point alive aliens as hostages.
  • The US government has done autopsy on alien corpses.
  • US intelligence and security agencies are involved in concealing the facts that are relevant to this issue.
  • Humans have been and are currently being abducted, maimed and murdered as a result of a contract with aliens.
  • On this planet there are aliens who are in control of ours in a different way


  • Aliens keep their foundations on Earth and on the Moon.
  • The United States government has been working with aliens for some time with the express purpose of acquiring gravity propulsion technology, beam weapons, and mind control.
  • In the process of harvesting biological materials, millions of cattle have been killed. Aliens and the US government are responsible for killing animals for various reasons.

We live in a multidimensional world that overlaps and invites aliens from others

dimensions. Many of them are hostile and many are friends.

  • The basis of our genetic development and religion is based on the intervention of alien forces on Earth.
  • Our current real technology far exceeds the truth perceived by the public.
  • Today's United States Space Program (NASA) is a cover operation for public relations only.
  • People are actively killing to keep the facts about the situation secret. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that disclosure would cause the collapse of their power structure.
  • Facts indicate the presence of foreigners during the past 5 to 10 for thousands of years.
  • Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billions of years in our "Milky Way" galaxy.
  • Psychology of aliens (see information on the following pages).
  • Metagene factor (see information on the following pages).


End of section 5


Project Blue Planet

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