SERPO project: Exchange of residence of humans and aliens (8.): Extraterrestrial species and races

2 09. 02. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Incident at Gate 3

This is the real story of an incident at Gate 3. This incident happened in April 1983. The 3 gateway was a sign for entry into the Groom Lake complex. This gate joined the Groom Lake complex with 51. The private security company Wackenhut Corp. was behind the gates around Groom Lake. The entire complex was secured by a private and military security agency.

The incident occurred when a "visitor" based in Area 51 escaped to S-2. His great search began with military and private security forces. The alien walked on foot and walked out of the S-2 underground through the open door.

The search team included the Director of the Groom Lake Security Complex and AFOSI Special Airworthiness Investigation Officer, who was a counter-intelligence officer for the complex. They both traveled by a jeep from the back door of Groom Lake to the gate leading to the 51 area, called the 3 Gate.

As the jeep approached Gate 3, the OSI agent noticed that there were no guards at his post at the gate. When the jeep stopped, an OSI agent got out of the jeep to investigate. He went up to the gate to check on the guards. As the OSI agent got closer to the front door to the gate, he saw that the area behind the gate was stained with blood. He noticed that only a small part of his body remained from the man who was supposed to be there.

The OSI agent returned to the jeep and radioed the central security control (the complex's main security office) and reported his findings. Director of Security Groom Lake also informed her office via a radio phone in the jeep. An OSI agent, armed only with an automatic pistol, walked around the gate looking for the perpetrators. He discovered an alien lying near an underground water pipe. An OSI agent attacked him and urged him to surrender. However, the alien calmly left, followed by the agent. At one point, the OSI agent fired a gun at the visitor as a warning. The alien turned and pointed at the agent.

Agent OSI fired at the visitor and hit him directly into the chest with two projectiles from the 45 automatic pistol. The visitor fell to the ground. It took about 18 minutes before other security forces arrived. The visitor was placed in the vehicle and taken back to S-2. The visitor recovered from gunshot wounds.

The incident was investigated by the FBI and the Air Force's Special Investigation Authority, but remains classified as top secret. The creature involved in the Gate 3 incident was Archquloid. The alien is described as one of the "big gray". It was a tall, gray or brownish creature with large, black, slanted eyes and a mushroom head. He had four long fingers, yellow eyes with vertical pupils, and a large, beak-shaped nose. Archquloids are genetically engineered Ebony and have been provided to the US government for the observation and study of Ebony.

This particular visitor lived in a "bubble" officially known as the "pure sphere", located between levels 2 and 3, of the eight-level S-2 device, in area 51. If my memory is working properly, there were 12-15 sections inside this sphere, which was located at the southern end of the S-2 device.

Both Archquloid and J-Rod lived in two separate sections, termed "Alien Container". It is important to realize that both J-ROD and the archuoloid are not the same, and that someone's claim that they are is totally wrong. Archquloid escaped, not J-ROD.

We assume that because Archquloid had to live in the primary section of the pure realm, and could stay only minimal time in our atmosphere. The fact that he was exposed to our atmosphere without protection somehow affected his mind. Moreover, it caused this creature to become disoriented and lose its mental faculties for reasoning, analysis, and judgment. In the street speech, he "lost his mind" or was insane, which caused him to escape from a highly secure facility and finally kill the security guard.

Here is detailed information about the background of "Incident at Gate 3", which led to an unfortunate series of events in April 1983. All this is explained in the 300-page report on this icident, which combines the investigative efforts of both the FBI and AFOSI.

The ebony wanted to show us the creatures they had created. Yes, they can clone almost any living tissue into the desired form, using a method called "fast cycle cloning." J-ROD was also a creature created by Eben. He was intelligent, had a great mind and was able to adapt quickly to the environment.

The second creature - Archquloid, was primitive. He was just a kind of slave. It could have been checked, given orders, and it was safe, or at least we thought it was safe. The second creature was controlled by a "brain chip" that was functionally controlled by a small black box.

Ebenians have given us this creature for medical experiments. J-ROD was frustrated by our efforts to drive this creature. The Archu-loid creature was able to communicate completely with J-ROD telepathically. At some point this "animal" expressed the desire to be free. J-ROD released him from the zone and that's why this incident happened.

Following this incident, the J-ROD was placed in a securely closed cell. The archquloid creature, which survived the shooting and recovered medically, was placed in a safer ward and controlled by a system provided by the Ebony. This creature died about a year later, after a mixture of shooting trauma and its failing brain activity. After this incident, J-ROD never had our full trust. He was always under strict control. His ways have changed. His mood changed due to his tightened bond. J-ROD, although essentially peaceful, was upset by these new measures.

As for the incident at the gate, everyone has their own opinions. As for the OSI agents involved in the shooting, I do not want to leave anyone in a dangerous, unpleasant state because some of this information is still strictly secret. Until today, many gunmen have great differences of opinion on what was to be done, particularly with the investigation team that was set up just a few minutes later. I do not want to be accused of talking like a tabloid slice. The agents in the incident only did what they thought were right and they would be praised for others, but others were different in the event.

No one mentioned a bad guard here. Examination of the scene showed that the guards had been deployed correctly. Archquloid had a hidden weapon with him. The weapon that was charged and secured contained a kind of energy-oriented beam. The shot struck the guard's body, which exploded. The largest part after the explosion was about a quarter of his body. One eyeball remained intact. Archquloid lived about a year after he was shot, but he had permanent pain because our doctors could not adequately and effectively treat all of his problems.

According to the information we received about Archquloid, which is summed up in the 300 party report, the patrol threatened him and killed the guard in self-defense. The investigation, however, showed that a shotgun from his .45 automatic Colt was not burned at all. His weapon was not destroyed, which brings another interesting point. If the guard was threatened with weapons, why did not he just destroy the weapon? As you can see, there are many questions that are not solved. In the end, the Special Agent OSI fired six shots and Archquloida hit four times. The agent fired from 165 stop, which is a really great result.

MODERATOR'S NOTE: The following section was written by a confidential source within the Defense Intelligence Agency, which is currently a member of "DIA-6". He seemed to have another way to get rid of the confused, dysfunctional, furious, and almost hysterical alien. Anonymous thus added his information to the catalog of extraterrestrial species.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE MIMOZEMŠŤAN: This particular alien suffered from a disturbed [mental / emotional] state. Consider the following:

- this creature came to this planet from another solar system

- I traveled approximately 38 light years

- was enclosed in a special residential complex

- He was shocked by our civilization and culture

- He was not allowed to leave

- has been subject to rigorous compliance checks (the metal bonds he or she has received when he tried to leave or failed to comply with our instructions)

- unable to communicate in our language

He was probably suffering from PTSS [Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome]. What a shock! This is the same type of shock that our members of the exchange team have come to the planet SERPO in 1965. Creation has recovered from its gunshot wounds caused by the OSI agent. Eventually, he died about a year later. By the way, Bob Lazar, who worked in 51, is also aware of this incident.


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