Pyramids of the Atlanteans: Forgotten lessons of history

3 25. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

There are a number of assumptions, hypotheses and theories concerning the purpose of the pyramids and who built them. To date, a total of about seventeen hundred can be counted. I chose a few of them and tried to develop them by combining them with different sources. In essence, it is a synthesis of hypotheses combined into a single theory.

There is one theory about the purpose of the pyramids that is, in my view, the most likely. According to her, the pyramids, like the dolmens, are part of a unified planetary structure, which includes other megaliths. The locations are not randomly selected. In a way, they are a kind of conductor that connects the Earth with the information field responsible for the development of civilization. For example, the role of the pyramids was multilevel, while dolmens were used because they had a psychogenic effect on humans. If the dolmen was tuned to a certain frequency, it was possible to achieve a special state of trance, and in it one could recite prophecies (much like shamans do). The only difference is that shamans leave the body through potions and meditations, while our ancient ancestors used pyramids and dolmens as a means of energy-information exchange, which included a wide range of possibilities.

It is known that our ancestors, ie. antediluvian civilizations probably of the Atlanteans, for they are, according to one version, considered the creators of pyramidal complexes, obsessed with energy. This means that in their development they have reached a level where carbon and hydrogen energy is no longer needed (compared to us), but they have come to be surrounded by oceans of free energy, which they have then used for their own purposes. Our contemporaries also already assume the existence of such energy, which they call the ether or quantum, and try to incorporate it into the theory of everything (Einstein and his field theory).

But we will not go into detail unnecessarily, and in short we will say that everything that surrounds us consists of energy. It is universal in itself and has the properties of everything. Consider, on the one hand, the densest matter, such as stone or metals, and on the other hand, an electric field or radiation; it is all made of the same energy, only its density and frequency endow it with one or another property and add one or another quality. The simplest and most incomprehensible principle is that the same energy can be controlled by thoughts. The multidimensional Universe consists of spheres where, as the density of matter decreases, the ability to control it increases. As the matter softens, are increasing vibration, and they become, so to speak, lighter for control. Our material world belongs to the lower worlds, the energy here is dense and it is not that easy to follow it. Our ancestors knew this rule and built their kind of amplifier of thoughts, which are the pyramids.

The very word Atlant refers to Greek civilization and means the mighty Titan. Later, one of the oceans was named the same. Atlantis was first mentioned by Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher who learned his knowledge of this powerful society from Egyptian priests. In his work, Timaeus speaks of the fact that the Atlanteans could enslave all the states and countries that refused to submit to them with a single blow. They ruled with such a powerful force.

It is only today that we think that people at that time were so primitive that they used the pyramids either as tombs or, at best, as a means of interplanetary connection. At least this idea has been implanted in social consciousness. It is said that in the past there were people who were very simple and in their ignorance could not think of anything better for the burial of the dead leaders than to build megalithic buildings.

It was only after many decades that a grain of common sense had begun to enlighten the minds of the seekers.

In fact, everything was different. The complex of megalithic buildings itself fulfilled the role of energy-information exchange, ie it performed more tasks, which our contemporaries consider no other than fantastic. The simplest for this complex was, for example, weather control on the entire planet. One of the more complex tasks was the transfer of consciousness in space and time, when people could move the spaces of the multidimensional Universe with the help of pyramids (enter parallel worlds and the astral plane). Those who were inside the pyramids could, in the direct sense of the word, materialize their thoughts, gain paranormal abilities, restore their health, communicate with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, create beautiful things and much more.

While scanning the bottom in the Bermuda Triangle, scientists used instruments to find two pyramids that are larger than the Giza pyramids.

During their research, it was found that they are made of material that is similar in nature to glass (according to official sources). In fact, the pyramids are at the bottom "Cast" from a crystal by molecular synthesis and their approximate height is about fifteen hundred meters. One such pyramid could simply provide energy to a continent such as North America. There are a lot of speculations and remarks about the fact that all the pyramids had all the pyramids without exception at their peak crystals that started the whole complex.

The pyramids on the ocean floor have probably retained their abilities and turn on from time to time, leading to those anomalous phenomena that recur periodically here. But here are the questions about why it is so destructive and destructive to the people who get into their field of activity? In the triangle, vessels without people were often observed, which in the Middle Ages were called the Wandering Dutch. Another question comes to mind: who or what could have forced people to leave the ship hundreds of kilometers from the shore? There are speculations and even testimonies of witnesses who came under the influence of this radiation for a few minutes. They described an unimaginable fear and horror that could not be controlled. Probably someone turned on the pyramids to protect or hide something and not give the aggressors, or just the curious, a chance to survive.

By the way, there is a known version about dolmens, which says that they all seem to be approximately in one line and height, which indirectly leads to the idea of ​​their defensive purpose. Although the dolmens are now turned off, they still have a destructive effect on people with negative thoughts, confirming the defense complex theory. Perhaps they were built in the later period of Atlantic civilization, when the disintegration of society was already evident and actually served in a way as protection against enemy attack. And there is one more detail and that is the radiation background inside the dolmens, which is smaller than outside. So they were probably built before the nuclear war between the warring parties began.


Nothing is known about pre-Flood civilization from official sources, it simply did not formally exist at all. Droplets can be found in the Old Testament, the book of Enoch, in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, but also in the myths and narratives of Atlantis of many researchers of various times, the many channelings and memories of the past lives of several thousand of our contemporaries.

It's even worse with dating and names in matters of pre-Flood civilization. There is a certain chaos, which leads to various myths and half-truths. So I will express my opinion. In my opinion, when we talk about the pre-Flood civilization, then there is an immediate association with Atlantis. In fact, this is not the case, as Atlantis and Hyperborea are purely Greek names and are merely an agreed connection with contemporary places, but they have nothing to do with the historical names of that civilization. The name Atlantis was circulated by Plato:

Atlantis (in ancient Greek Ἀτλαντὶς) is a mythical island nation, which, mostly speaking of the capital, was located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Hyperborea (in ancient Greeks ervorovia - "behind Bore", "behind the northern wind") is in ancient Greek mythology a tradition of the legendary northern country, the place where the blessed Hyperboreans nation lived.

The current location of Hyperborea points to the north, but this name is justified only for our civilization, because it is practically scientifically proven that the worldwide flood was the result of Earth's inversion. Therefore, the historical name of pre-flood civilization is unknown to us.

With regard to megalithic buildings located around the world, official science creates the wildest theory of who built it and what targets it served, but at the same time does not want to admit the existence of a highly developed pre-flood civilization.

Is the dating range intentional? It amazes with its variance from one thousand years BC to one million, or even one billion years. However, in all this chaos of dating, one can see a more or less approximate period of time from fifteen thousand to twenty-six thousand years back, and this is the approximate date of the disappearance of the pre-Flood civilization. In addition, according to some calculations, these data are close to the periodicity of the Earth's inverse cycles.

Many scientists confidently present various dates of inversions that have occurred on Earth, ranging from ten to twelve thousand years to several million years, but always stating only an approximate date. There are also those who claim that the exact time of the last polarity reversal of the Earth cannot be determined, because it is not a regular phenomenon, but it is an approximate cycle with a shift of several thousand years.

Pyramids of the Atlanteans, or forgotten lessons of history

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