Ralph Ring: A man flying with flying saucers

3 11. 09. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

An interview with the inventor and successor Nikola Tesla about how many people in the US worked together in the 50s on new free energy technologies and devices beyond today's generally available knowledge. Their activities were discontinued by the US security forces in the interest of "national security".

Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) invented the 20 century. However, only inventions that allowed him to make money were allowed. In other words, nothing was allowed for which a meter could not be mounted. So most things are still in secret. Similarly, the principle of matter and the functioning of the universe are still concealed. We have introduced misleading theories, such as the theory of relativity, and so on. It's all quite different.

Something about UFOs is constantly being broadcast, and it's pretty tiring because it's just fogging and the truth is never told. The aim is only to reduce the credibility of the observers. It should not be called “Unidentified Flying Object”, but “Identifiable Antigravity Aircraft”. It's as common in the sky as airliners, and there's no need to wonder how they're trying to force us. The military has these planes and it keeps secret. And for what use? Likely also to undertake a false attack by extraterrestrials under the direction of the army to rule the world. So do not be fooled by it and consider it an unnecessary theater.

How about inventions? The theory that teaches in schools does not allow us to make the whole picture of the universe, and that is why it is impossible to invent anything essential. This is along with the inherent craving and ego, a pretty good way of protection. Other ways are ridicule everywhere. Best in newspapers reading fools. Tabloids, hideous skeptic associations, and the like. Another form is to buy the invention and lock it forever. And the last step is intimidation and possibly murder. How do you like life in such a world? You do not think there's anything wrong with that. Why does a bunch of mistakes have to claim all the patents that are for the good of humanity and for free energy, which is free for everyone. They use criminal practices and they are criminal offenses. If people let themselves be intimidated and silent and left unpunished, nothing will change.

Be well aware of how criminals use print as a tool to suppress truth. They said Carr, for example, was taking money for something that was not possible. How can journalists assess technical issues about which they have no knowledge? They are supposed to give people news and do not command what they should think. This is manipulation, and you have to have the character of it, to serve the unthinkable manipulators of the world like a donkey. The classic manipulation method is to inform people that someone has earned money inexpensively. Or he has somehow enriched himself and he's doing well and nothing happened to him and so. Humiliation and dejected people mostly react negatively. In this way, it is possible to get people where they need it and to build up enough negative energy that will cause global damage. The energy is very destructive and that's how it works.

The media must be cleaned from these criminals to fulfill their function. The function is to provide true information, education, and create a peaceful global mind. What is filming and writing today is totally worthless and, moreover, very energetically harmful. This is true worldwide, and negative energy is created deliberately and purposefully.

Otis Carr was an excellent scientist, and certainly it was because he had worked with Tesla for a long time to teach him everything. The OTC - X1 (US Patent 2) was a flying machine that everyone could have today. The world would fundamentally change. In the name of the so-called national security, this is not the case. Instead of the phrase "national security issue" used, the phrase "worldwide robbery" is right.

UFO driven by the power of thought. Machine as an amplifier of thoughts. The principle of thinking and connection to the central mind. Time does not really exist, just in our minds. Metal like a jelly into which a hand shakes. You remember the sailors gathered in the deck during the Philadelphian experiment. A time lock violation that determines our position in time and space, and Tesla's warning. There are many things to mind that are difficult to understand because the mind has no experience.

Ralp Ring has shared your experiences with you, and maybe a lot of things you did not know, he did. There are many materials around these things, so be concerned. Perhaps you will be amazed at a lot and your perception of the world will change. Nothing is as it seems.


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