Reptilians: Do they live among us and take power? (2 part)

12 17. 05. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I honestly tried to listen to Icke and Peun's scientific lectures, I read Sverdlov's books, but I could not take it seriously. Many people, however, believe in the Reptilians, and the number of Icka fans growing thanks to the Internet. It seems to me - how can a normal person believe in these nonsense?

A few years ago, the All-Russian Opinion Poll Center conducted research on the world's secret government. 45% of Russians admitted to believing in her. Almost half the population - imagine that! And who does the secret world government consist of? Everyone understands this in their own way - the Masons, Zion, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the Bilderberg Club or the Reptilians. In any case, if you enter the word "Reptilians" into the browser, the search engine will display the very popular keyword "Reptilians in the Russian government". Give it a try!

According to a poll by the Center for Public Opinion Research, Russia's confidence in the secret world government in Russia is rising along with the level of education of respondents. I personally know two doctors of serious science who seriously claim to be Reptilians who are ruling in Russia and the world.

The world does not really work now. Ahead of our eyes was the world crisis in 2008 -2009 years. The consequences have not yet been jeopardized and a new, more menacing, raging crisis - devaluation, demonstrations, terrorist acts, sanctions, conflicts, wars ... Even the climate is changing before our eyes. Economists and political scientists say the new, unknown social situation comes to replace global capitalism that has defeated socialism. It is hard to live in an era of change when all the usual fixed points are broken. Where to go?

Icke offers a simple explanation - for all the guilty draconians who have organized a world conspiracy against people.

"What we call the New World Order is a reptile plan. They want to create a new structure of world government, global central bank, global currency, e-banking system, cash removal, population typing, and the global NATO army. They want to create incredible confusion using the most powerful technique - mind control. A major problem for the Reptilians is the vibration of our planet, the early rise will reach such a speed that keeping their human form will simply be impossible. Finally, we will see that our planet is driven by reptiles. They will no longer be able to hide. "

Will US sanctions further strengthen Russia? Of course! Trump and the whole Congress are Reptilians! Tragedy in Ukraine? Poroshenko is a true image of the Anunnaki. When you look at his face, he's talking about everything. Get ready for current events. Increasing negation, aggression. The daily pouring of dirt on our heads from television screens, according to Icke, has a simple explanation: "In addition to gold, Reptilians depend mainly on the aura of their surroundings. Negative emotions - fear, hatred, aggression is a living energy, so such emotions try to sow among the population through the media and geopolitical instability. In short, the camouflaged lizards - Reptilians, feed our fear ... "

Near history

Let's recall a very close history. During perestroika, people in an atheist country suddenly began to believe in psychotronics, white and black magic, wizards, and witches. The mass media supported it. The number of cures from various diseases in front of the television screen significantly exceeded the number of followers of the existence of reptiles. The waiter from the restaurant, Jura Golovko, with the pseudonym Longo, gathered entire stadiums of supporters. Aki Christos walked in front of the TV camera lenses along the pond in Ostankino (on transparent boards laid under water), but they believed him that he was walking on water.

Part of this was the restructuring of the enlightened Russian intelligentsia, which explained this by the machinations of Masons such as Gorbachev, Yakovlev, and the masters of secret lodges with a high degree of initiation. Everywhere they looked (and found!) For secret Masonic signs and symbols, including the M and F signs on toilet doors. Even the Masons got to the bathroom, imagine that! That is why the USSR ended.

It is not without reason that Dan Brown dedicated the bestseller "The Lost Symbol" to Masons and the green dollar bill. Today, Masons are no longer sought among the rulers of America, England and Russia. Signs of the Reptilians are sought… People have always been willing to explain complex life situations simply, especially in times of change. It was a world Jewish conspiracy, then a Masonic and now a Reptilian. We'll get to the mouse plot soon.

The predecessor was the author of Barbar Conan

Author of Fashion Conspiracy Theories, David Icke, claims that the Reptilian Enlightenment came to Himself (a known trick of creators of all kinds of cults!). FBI Advisor Michael Barkun, a professor at the Syracuse University who specializes in the history of religion, has discovered where the shoe is pushing us.

The American writer Robert E. Howard, author of the famous series about Barbara Conan, wrote in 1929 the fantastic story "Kingdom of Shadows" - a genre from the time of ancient Atlantis. There he mentions greedy reptiles. They secretly killed the real king and ruled there in their human form. Seventy years later, Icke published his book, The Great Secret. And it was "painted".

World elite opinion

"I love science fiction and fantasy," says the director of the Institute for Systemic and Strategic Analysis, historian Andrej Fursov, who has been studying the world's elite for many years. "I do not want to comment on Icke's version of the secret plot of reptiles," I think it is deliberately extended to divert society's attention from real secret structures. He wants to compromise the search for hidden mechanisms of the historical process as a whole, including the oldest history and secrets about the origin of mankind.

Closed transnational structures of world unification and administration are a reality. These structures often dictate their will to governments, parliaments and individuals. They tell us that Reptilians rule everybody!

Maybe Icke himself believes in what he's writing about. His conspiracies, which are absurd, are used to discredit serious scientific research into how the modern world works. Why do millions of people believe in Reptilians? A significant proportion of people have always had a mystical and mythological awareness. Let us remember the ancient Greek myths about God Zeus or the ancient Slavic Perun. However, there was a period when mythologized consciousness gave way to scientific knowledge. First, in the 60's and 70's of the twentieth century, this process was reversed.

Barack Obama - Some say he is also reptilian

Just look at the world's current political and intellectual elite and compare it with its predecessors. If you compare Roosevelt and Obama, General de Gaul and Sarkozy, Holland and Macron - the deterioration is obvious. Or the stupidity of today's American ruling elite as they strum against the anti-Russian string? It is clear why this is happening, but they do it utterly stupid when they do not realize that the American people will eat everything "with a winch." That's the reason for all that nonsense, like the Reptilians. I think there will be many such surprises before us.

Pearl eventually - the three main characters of the Reptilians.

  1. The human pupil has the shape of a circle, with the Reptilians stretched vertically, as with snakes and cats. The iris does not spread evenly, just like humans, but it is almond-shaped.
  2. The human tongue has the form of a "shoulder blade", sometimes focused at the end, as the devils have. Reptiles have a thin and long tongue like a snake.
  3. The Reptilian teeth are sharper and larger, sometimes rarely attached to the gums separately, unlike a series of human teeth, unless crowns and prostheses are included.

Control pronunciation in humans:

Icke claims that Reptilian can not pronounce the word "kininigin". In the Howard story about Conan, it sounds different: "ka nama ka lyerama."

Editor's Note: This series is taken with a reserve, it is written to think about the possibility of manipulating human thought and the desire to believe in a higher power.

Reptilians: Do they live among us?

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