Roman Dodekaeder: Mysterious twelve-story

1 19. 07. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What is Dodekaeder? More than a hundred Deodquerers have been found by archaeologists throughout the Roman Empire, including countries such as Spain, Italy, France, and even peripheral areas such as Germany, Wales and Hungary. According to archaeological records, they are backdated to 2. and 3. century after Christ, but their real meaning is still a puzzle that experts have not yet been able to decipher.

What does Dodekaeder look like?

Roman Dodecahedrons are small hollow objects that are shaped from bronze or kamane in the shape of a dodecahedron. Twelve five-cornered stones, each with a circle-shaped hole in the middle, with five different diameters. The first Roman Dodecahedron was found in 1739, and since then they have emerged all over Europe. Was it already in front of the people on the planet "Higher Civilization"?

Most of these curiosity items were found in France and Germany and were on average between four and twelve centimeters. However, these objects were not mentioned or presented in the sources at that time, either in mosaics, reliefs or in other artistic expression forms, which posed numerous questions. Their exact meaning has been discussed for more than two centuries, and some archeologists have argued that these mysterious objects could serve as candleholders when the experts discovered the remains of the wax.

Possibilities of use

But theories also point to other possible uses, such as the type of dice for some old game. Some authors even claim that these artifacts could be used as measuring tools for distance calculation. They could also be used to calculate a suitable date for seed crops in winter or water pipes. Another option is that they were religious objects or calibration artifacts that served to various rituals. Some experts suggested that these mysterious objects had a much simpler meaning and served as a toy.

Although most of the buildings were found mainly in the outskirts of the Roman Empire, where the largest group of Roman citizens were Roman legionaries, the Roman Dodecahedrons were more of military artifacts. Their use as measuring instruments seems a bit unlikely, because the Dodecahedrons are not all the same - they have different sizes and their sides are always different, so as measuring instruments they would not be very useful.

Some of the old texts on mysterious artifacts from the famous Greek historian Plutarch argue that these artifacts represent a portrayal of the zodiac. Each of the twelve stones corresponds to one animal in the astrological circle. But this theory itself was rejected by the scholars because it did not explain the special decoration of the Dodekaiders.

Dodekaeders were valuable

It is worth noting that many Dodecanese were found along with other valuables and coins, and were probably buried with their owners to be hidden from thieves and looters, indicating that they were considered valuables.

Smaller Dodecahedrons with the same characters (holes and buttons) and made of gold were found by experts in Southeast Asia. They were used for decorative purposes and the earliest objects appear to date from the Roman era. So it remains a mystery what these mysterious artifacts really were.

One theory I like very much has been since GMCWagemanse. He proposed and wrote:

"The Dodekaeder was an astronomical measuring instrument with which the sunlight angle could be measured, and that could be the exact date of the spring and a certain date in the autumn. The data that could be measured was probably important for agriculture. "

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