Interview with an alien

12. 10. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

If you ever cared about the UFO phenomena, you're already familiar with the infamous Orson Wells radio show "The World of War and the Invasion of Mars" from 30. October 1938. This fictional radio drama about the alien invasion of Earth has caused global hysteria from UFOs and extraterrestrial life long before the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

Over the last sixty years, starting with the predicted disaster in Roswell, tens of thousands of UFO sightings have been recorded. Global hysteria was created by "evidence" of what is considered to be alien phenomena. At the same time, the inexorable denial of this phenomenon by the US government has accelerated the continuous flow of allegations and the counter-flow of allegations, covert conspiracy theories, speculation of madmen, "scientific research," and so on, and a growing number of similar "close encounters".

My first thought when I received the papers from Mrs MacElroy was: "This is just another set of Majestic-12 documents." I mean "secret documents" I received in 1984 post office shortly after the death of the last living member of the so-called " Majestic- 12 "allegedly held by President Harry Truman shortly after the Roswell incident in 1947.

There are several similarities between the "Majestic-12" and the package sent to me by Mrs. MacElroy. The previous envelope was from an anonymous sender without a return address. It contained only an uncoiled film coil. That was all. The film was a photograph of documents, probably plausible, judging by the addressee and his colleagues, whose own interests, ie life, depended largely on gaining public attention and trust as "leading specialists" in the field of UFO phenomena. Since then, they have been continuously working to find "evidence" of the credibility of documents. Government agencies, of course, deny everything in the papers and everything about the subject of extraterrestrials in general.

In addition, the subject was so compromised by apparently false messages, discredited sources of information, reports, domestic falsification, misunderstandings, missing information, false information added, and countless other controversial complications that make the body ridiculous or inappropriate, as well as science. It could have been deliberate or reflective of the general chaos and barbarism that is inherent in humanity.

As for government denying and hiding events from 11. September 2001, it is more than clear to me that the US government has destroyed any remaining confidence in it that the American people and the whole world may have had, even with regard to the war in Vietnam, the Watergate affair and a number of similar treasures, in the "honesty" , military and intelligence communities by lying lurkingly to their own people almost all and constantly.

Despite the enormous amount of "UFO sightings", countless reports of "alien abductions" and "close encounters" with aliens that have spread to almost all prehistoric and recorded history of humanity, I have found only one fundamental, unifying, indisputable, axiomatic common denominator permeates all of the following: Assuming that subjective reality or individual beliefs are acceptable evidence, there is no general agreement to prove that there are flying saucers and / or extraterrestrial life forms, whether on the basis of government reports, physical evidence, indirect or subjective give.

There are several conclusions I can draw from disagreements between government reports or physical evidence that such things are real and, if confirmed, can lead to a real discovery of this mystery:

záver: Despite the huge collection of subjective, indirect and objective "evidence" of extraterrestrial activity on Earth and around it, the existence, intent and activity of aliens remains hidden and mysterious.

záver: General agreement on evidence of extraterrestrial life based on subjective data, government reports, physical evidence, and indirect evidence is the subject of contradictory interest groups that make this evidence unattainable.

All of these conclusions together lead to the obvious question: If there are extraterrestrial forms of life, why is there no consistent, direct, open, interactive communication between humanity and aliens?

Fortunately, subjective reality does not need proof or "verification". That's why I decided to write this book to allow other people to make a subjective assessment of the material I received from Mrs. MacElroy.

Download the entire book: Interview with an Extraterrestrial (pdf).

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