Schumann's frequency of the Earth has doubled

20 01. 04. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

21. March was an energetically important milestone with a few rare planetary features such as supermesiac, solar eclipse and equinox during 24 hours! Everything points to this day as to the moment of the paradigm shift and the time of great awakening. Our ancient ancestors believed that the portal opens up in the higher spheres during the excitement, and vast amounts of information can be obtained. This was also the reason for building ingenious and mysterious structures like Stonehenge and Newrange, designed to multiply the available cosmic energy.

However, despite the opening of the star gates and the potential for new beginnings posed by stellar constellations, it is difficult for many people to believe that something is really changing. Chaos still seems to be everywhere. Maybe this "madness" is just part of a deep cleansing of the planet. And how quickly we can integrate new energy and adapt to it will depend on the vibration frequency of each individual. We were asked to do everything in our power to increase our vibrations from the 3D dimension to the higher frequencies of Light. This has always been and still is the main meaning and purpose of the "Sounds of Sirius". It is my belief that the melodies, tones, and language of Light that flow through me from the higher dimensions have the ability to increase the vibrations of the one who receives them and thus connect with the original plan of their soul.

There is concrete evidence that Mother Earth herself increases its vibrations to accommodate the paradigm shift. The Schumann frequency is the "sound" that the Earth makes. It's like the sound of a big drum and this drum is a resonant cavity. Only a few years ago the Earth vibrated at a frequency around 7,8 Hz, but a few days ago the Schumann frequency reached 16,5 Hz. This proves that the Earth itself is changing, literally accelerating!

Why is 16,5 important?

16,5; 33; 66; 132; 264… these numbers are in harmony with the 528 Hz solfeggio tone used by geneticists to repair damaged DNA, the genetic plan on which life is based.

What are solfeggio frequencies?

Here is a short preview that explains the basics of solfeggio tones.

If Schumann's frequency was at the 528 Hz level that scientists use to repair damaged DNA, would that mean that our DNA can now be corrected? Maybe Mother Earth's vibrational change to harmonic frequency 528 Hz is the beginning of reactivation of our DNA so that we can sync with it when it crosses the 3D level and enters 4. and 5. dimension.

The following excerpt from the book Rider in the Mist by the media and healer Malcolm Bell reinforces the idea of ​​an inner connection between humans and planet Earth:

"A human being consists of five bodies: the physical, the mental, the emotional, the spiritual, and the higher self. Any change in the Earth's energy field affects all 5 bodies, so all 5 will have to be gradually shifted and adjusted depending on changing energy fluctuations and brought back into balance. In short, the symptoms that people experience are the body's response to changing vibrations. The body tries to adapt to the hitherto unknown increased energy level. Through its ancient tribal and genetic memory, it seeks fingerprints in an effort to find an existing pattern to match. Since it does not find any, it must embark on a critical mode of developing and implementing a program compatible with new energy. In this process, all 5 bodies suffer considerable discomfort and confusion. "

The many different symptoms that people experience over the past few years as their bodies try to match with a huge shifting ages, so they were expanded to be called signs of an increase.

So don't panic if you feel a little weird, unearthed, exhausted, dizzy or depressed - you are not alone! As Mother Earth continues to increase its vibration to the frequency of the New Earth dimension and our Sun sends us huge doses of intense radiation almost on a daily basis, you instinctively try to acclimatize and adapt to its vibrations so that you can walk with it on the path of ascension.

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