The Sexual Life of Old Slavs and Ancient Greeks

4 27. 02. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

"If you were worth something, the men would have loved you, and you would have chosen someone to get rid of virginity." So the bridegroom of a Slavic bride when she finds his newlywed virgin at the wedding night, and does not hesitate to immediately discard her .

This one of the few testimonies about the sexual habits of the ancient Slavs in the pre-Christian period was recorded on their journeys by a famous Arab traveler and historian Abu al-Hasan al-ibn al-Husayn ibn Ali al-Mas'udi (896 - 956). In addition to giving more weight to our virginity, our ancestors and other Slavs lived before the Christian morality finally won unbound sex life. Another Arab traveler who gives comprehensive testimony to the life of the Slavs in Eastern Europe is Ahmad ibn Fadlan ibn al-Abbas ibn Rashid ibn Hammad (10 century), which participated in 921 as a member of the five-thousandth mission of Baghdad Caliph Al-Muqtadira (895 - 932) to the ruler of Volga Bulgaria. The risale he wrote on this journey is the most original Arab source of information about Eastern Europe in 10. century. It describes, for example, the behavior of Russian buyers and foreign traders on Russian territory who "They shuffled publicly in the markets, in the eyes of others." It also mentions women who have sexual pleasures.

The womb of the womb must not lie naked

Promiscuous behavior is common among the Slavs in both sexes, and even the marriage bed was no obstacle for them. For example, among the Slavs in the Volga or Poles (the area of ​​northwest Ukraine and southern Belarus in the Dnieper River), the soldier's wife could behave as she pleased and could have many lovers wanted without her husband reading or punishing her. Among the Poles, the woman could be a husband in his absence unfaithful with the consent of her parents. Like an uneducated field, a stranger can rustle, and the unused wedding bed is available to his wife because neither a woman nor a field can fall asleep.

Christianity fights against old habits

But after Christianity, the men's claim to the bride's immaculateness and marital fidelity began to be enforced. Saxon bishop and chronicler Thietmar Merseburský (976-1018), which captured many important information about Bohemia and Poland, for example, writes that "The woman who adulterated, circumcised the labia (small labia), cut the cut off skin on the door of the house where she lived,. However, the custom is iron shirts and all changes in people's minds are being promoted very slowly. Bohemia 10. the century was still deeply pagan in the core, and if people switched to Christianity, then to the eye. And so you Saint Vojtech (around 957-997), the second Prague bishop, bitterly complains about the situation among the Czechs. In their sermons, they are fervently engaging in slave trade and alcoholism as well as polygamy, marriage and marriage among close relatives. With the polygamy, the prince turned Břetislav I. (between 1002 and 1005 - 1055). In 1039, the first Czech code was the so-called Bretislav Decree, which was to eradicate all pagan customs preserved from pre-Christian times.

Women celebrate solstice with sex in nature

However, all habits will not be eradicated. Still deeply in Christian times, Czech, Russian and Polish women leave in the evenings of the solstice and the equinox in the evening to celebrate nature in rituals with mead, narcotics, and especially free sex accompanied by music. Nor does it change the fact that the Church regards these rituals as devilish and their participants include Christian preachers with reproaches and promises of damnation.

Sex in ancient Greece

- Men in Ancient Greece looked at wives like to simple and uninteresting beings and the marital duties were self-inflicted. They seem less interested in them than the last slave. But their indifference is more indifferent than disdain.

- The woman was considered husband's property and adultery, so it was considered theft and the husband could kill a loved lover or cut off his sex member and testicles. Man was not expected to be fidelity. He was the master of his slaves and his privilege fuck with your slave It was not considered unbelief because the slaves were not considered to be full-fledged people. But if a woman was caught with a slave, she waited for her death.

- Men of higher society preferred to co-exist with their wives heterami (companions), which are said to be men not only with their beauty, but also with spirit or male companions eféba. Less affluent could use both female prostitutes and male prostitutes, and the love of boys was perceived by the Greeks to be natural.

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