Death is the illusion our mind creates

2 12. 04. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Robert Lanza, a professor at the University of North Carolina Medical School, said that according to the theory of biocentrism, death is the illusion our mind creates. He claims that after death one goes to a parallel world. Professor says that human life is like a perennial that always returns to bloom, still in multiverse. Man believes that everything we see exists. Robert Lanza stressed that people believe in death because they are taught or because they consciously link life to the functioning of internal organs. Lanza believes that death is not the absolute end of life, but the transition to a parallel world.

Infinite number of universes

There has long been a theory in physics about the infinite number of universes with different variants of situations and beings. Everything that can happen happens somewhere, which means that death cannot exist in principle. Recently, in December, 2012, reports of a halt to the preventive maintenance "Large Hadron Collider" spread around the world. Two years, the most complicated particle physics experiments will not be carried out. But theorists do not give up. On the contrary, they intend to continue to explore other equally important issues. Among these physicists is Robert Lanza, a leading biocentric theory scientist, scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology. He says death is not the last stage of a human being's life.

Robert Paul Lanza, Professor of Restorative Medicine at Wake Forest University, School of Medicine, has 58 years. He is best known for his stem cell research. In 2001, Lanza, as one of the first, was determined to clone endangered animal species, and in 2003 cloned endangered wild bulls, using a frozen animal skin cell taken from a bull that died in a San Diego Zoo almost a quarter century ago . He is the author of more than 30 books, including: "How to Use Embryonic Stem Cells, Restore Blind Vision," or "Universe in Your Head."

By Wikipedia:

Biocentric philosophy or biocentrism je philosophical principle thoughtwhose essence is the belief that nature it does not exist to serve people, but vice versa. One understands man as part of nature, one species among many others. All species have the right of existence, not themselves, but for themselves, regardless of their usefulness to humanity. The essence of the idea is value, essential for the development of all, not only human life, so-called. biodiversity, that is, its diversity. All that biocentrism seeks is to prove itself a natural law, independent of its own subjective adoption. It is the opposite anthropocentrism. Biocentrism is a natural approach and thus exists in philosophy as long as it does itself. Biocentrism is also called deep ecology.


Biocentrism, like the new scientific theory of Robert Lanza, differs from classical biocentrism in that not only living nature but also the entire universe stands in the foreground and man controls the whole system. However, this rule is not in the usual anthropocentric sense where one can freely dispose of natural resources as he pleases, but is more philosophical when one does not live only in harmony with the outside world, but creates peace through one thought.

It is said in quantum physics that it is absolutely impossible to predict some events. Instead, there is a wide range of possible development trajectories, with varying degrees of likelihood of implementation. From the point of view of the existence of the "Multiverse of Worlds" (Multiversum), it can be argued that each of these possible events corresponds to an event that occurs in a different Universe.

Biocentrism explains this idea: There is an infinite number of universes in which there are different variations of events. Simply put, imagine the following scenario: you get in a taxi and you get in an accident. In the next possible scenario of the event, you will suddenly change your mind, you will not become a passenger of this unfortunate car, and thus you will avoid an accident. So you, or rather your other "I", are in a different universe and in a different stream of events. In addition, there are all possible universes at the same time, no matter what happens in them.

The Law of Conservation of Energy

Unfortunately, the human body dies sooner or later. However, it is possible that consciousness itself will retain itself for some time in the form of electrical impulses passing through neurons in the cortex. According to Robert Lanza, this feeling will not disappear after death. This statement is based on the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy will never disappear or be created or destroyed. The professor assumes that this energy is able to "flow" from one world to another.

Lanza presents an experiment published in Science. In this experiment it has been shown that scientists can influence the behavior of microparticles in the past. This statement is a continuation of experiments proving the theory of quantum superposition. The particles "had to decide" how to behave when the beam splitter hit them. Scientists alternately switched on beam splitters and could not only guess the behavior of photons, but also influence the "decisions" of these particles. It turned out that the observer himself predestined another photon response. The photon was also at two different locations.

Why does observation change what's going on? Lanz's answer is: “Because reality is a process that requires our consciousness to participate.” So, regardless of choice, you are both an observer and one who carries out the action itself. The connection between this experiment and everyday life goes beyond our usual classical ideas of space and time, the proponents of the theory of biocentrism say.

Space and time are not material objects, we just think they are. Everything you see right now is a reflection of information passing through consciousness. Space and time are just tools for measuring abstract and specific things. If so, then death does not exist in a timeless, closed world, Robert Lanza is sure of that.

What about Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein wrote about something like this: "Now Besso (old friend) has moved a little away from this strange world." We know that the difference between past, present and future is just a persistent illusion. Immortality does not mean endless existence in time without end, but rather means existence over time.

That was clear after the death of my sister Christina. After examining her body in the hospital, I went to talk to family members. Christine's husband Ed began to sob. For a few moments I felt as if I had overcome the provincialism of our time. I was thinking about energy and experiments that show that one microparticle can pass through two holes simultaneously. Christina was both alive and dead, out of time.

The advocates of biocentrism argue that people now just sleep, that everything is fine and predictable. The world around us is just an idea controlled by our mind. We have been taught that we are just a set of cells and dying when our bodies wear out. And that's all, explains Robert Lanza. But a long list of scientific experiments suggests that our belief in death is based on a false assumption of the existence of the world, independent of us, as a great observer.

In other words, nothing can exist without consciousness: Our mind uses all resources to unite space and time into one conscious whole. "Regardless of how our future concepts evolve, the study of the outside world has concluded that the content of consciousness is the ultimate reality," commented Eugene Wigner, Nobel Prize winner for 1963.

So, according to Robert Lanza, physical life is not a coincidence, but a predestination. And even after death, consciousness will always be present, balancing between an endless past and an uncertain future, representing movement between realities on the edge of time, with new adventures and meetings of new and old friends.

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