Stanislav Grof: Space game

19. 03. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

A book Space game od Stanislava Gropha deals with some of the basic existential questions that people have put since time immemorial.

Tato Grofova the book deals with some of the basic existential questions that people have put since time immemorial. How did our universe arise? Is the world in which we live, a mere product of mechanical processes taking place in inanimate, stationary and reactive matter? Is it necessary to consider the existence of the superior cosmic intelligence that drives the creation and evolution of the universe? Can a material fact be explained by natural laws alone, or does it include forces and principles beyond that description?

How do we deal with confusing and frightening dilemmas, such as the finality of time and space against eternity and infinity? What is the source of order, form and meaning in the universe? What is the relationship between life and matter, consciousness and the brain? How are we to explain the apparent conflict of good and evil, the mystery of karma and reincarnation, and the question of the meaning of human life? Many of the questions that the author examines in this book have great questions importance for everyday life.

These questions emerged in author's psychiatric work quite spontaneously and with extraordinary urgency in the minds of many people with whom he collaborated. The cause is an unusual area of ​​study that has been the main focus of Grof's interest for forty years of his professional life - exploring the extraordinary states of consciousness.

Author Stanislav Grof is an American psychiatrist of Czech descent, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology. It is at the same time the discoverer of holotropic breathing. he devotes himself to writing books, his books are moving to the boundaries of medicine, psychology, mysticism, culture and philosophy.

Extract from the book Cosmic Game:

“In our everyday life, everything that happens is a complex chain of causes and consequences. Strict linear causality is a prerequisite for traditional Western science. Another basic characteristic of material reality is that all processes in our world are governed by the law of conservation of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted into other types of energy. Such a way of thinking seems to suit most of the events in the macro world, but it collapses completely as we begin to search for the chain of causes and consequences to the beginning of the universe. Applying it to the cosmic process, we are faced with a tremendous problem. If everything is causally determined, what is the prime impulse, the cause of the causes, the prime mover? If energy must be conserved, where did it come from? What about the formation of matter, space and time? ”

This fascinating book Space game now you can find ours Esene Suenee Universe.


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