Sumer: The Story of Creation

1 05. 05. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Sumerian the story of creation it tells not only of the creation of man, but also of the creation of the Earth. We have a consolidated version of the Bible that says that God (the gods?) Created heaven and earth in 7 days. Okay. Sumerian Seven tables about creation tells a much more detailed story about Earth's creation.

Tables about the creation of the world they state that our solar system was just beginning to form and the planets in it were not yet completely solid. An unknown alien planet (referred to as the Alien) was captured by the gravitational forces of our planets. The intruder passed Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune and continued on toward the inner part of our solar system. The ancestor of our planet Earth was referred to by Sumery as Tiamat. The Sumerians report that the Alien flew through the inner belt of our solar system and one of its moons collided with Tiamat. The collision caused Tiamat to split in two. One of them shattered into the asteroid belt we see today between Mars and Jupiter. It is written in the Bible as o hammered-out bracelet (embossed bracelet?).

Collisions of Tiamat and the Moon's Vetrelec

Collisions of Tiamat and the Moon's Vetrelec

After the collision, part of Tiamat (newly designated as Earth) was thrown into a new orbit. Nibiru's waters mixed with the waters on Earth. So he began all his life on Earth. Nowadays, we call it the principle of panspermia.

Sumerian stories of creation explain some very crucial aspects of modern understanding of cosmology. It would take billions of years if life on Earth were to develop naturally. Biology of the living creature - decomposing nutrients and extracting waste - requires a very complex genetic process. The idea that life on our planet Earth would develop spontaneously from the original soup is totally unacceptable. It would take much more time than the scientifically recognized age of our planet. It's a similar problem as if you wanted the tornado that just drove through the junk to fold the functional Boing 747. Something like that is so unlikely it's not worth talking. The theory of panspermia comes from the fact that life exists throughout the Universe and is sown in all its parts. It follows that Earth could be part of this sowing.

Sumerian Stories of Creation describe how Nibiru's waters blended with the waters of the Earth. Could this give us a final answer to how the life of our Earth has come? Nibiru was a much older planet. She probably had billions of years of life to create life. It is also possible that life was also transferred to Nibiru and developed much longer.

The story of creation further explains that the planet Nibiru has become a permanent member of our solar system with a high elliptical orbit. The Sumerians calculated a circulation time of 3600 Earth years. They referred to this age as shar. The solar year of the Earth takes 365,4 days. This is the time necessary for the Earth to circulate around the Sun. The circulation of the Nibiru around our Sun then takes just 3600 let = 1 shar.

If it is true that the Anunnaki come from Niburu, as the Sumerians stated in their creation stories, it can be assumed that the life expectancy of the Anunnaki is much greater than the life expectancy of people on Earth.

Sun and Nibiru

Sun and Nibiru

If Nibiru actually exists, modern scientists should be able to see it. We have a newer Sumerian table that shows men in plowing field. The man is looking at the sky. In the sky, we see a circle radiating the rays of light (Sun) and a cross showing the rising star (Nibiru). The Sumers were perfectly aware of the time when Nibiru could be seen when it was closer to the inner part of our solar system.

 [hr] Notes: The translation is not literal. According to historical records, the first kings of Sumer lived for several centuries. This would correspond to the idea that their genetic makeup gave them, from our point of view, a longevity corresponding to the conditions of Nibiru. Archaeologists try to explain this fact by saying that there is either a coincidence of names (eg father-son-grandson-etc.), or that the rulers deliberately added years of rule to give themselves importance.

From the above description, it is not clear whether Nibiru is identical with the Alien or any of his moons. Suppose Nibiru and Alien are the same planet. Then it would mean that the collision probably occurred at a time when Nibiru was not inhabited by higher life forms. (And or if so, then it would mean total destruction…)

Life on Earth and on Nibiru could have evolved at a different rate and under certain conditions. Nibiru didn't have to be so damaged by her moon's collision with Tiamat. Life on Nibiru must have reached within a few million years a high intelligence capable of traveling at least across our solar system in real time. It is also possible that Nibiru itself may have been inhabited by space travelers in the distant past.

The Sumerian story of the Anunnaki tells that they came to Earth, among other things, to mine precious metals (mainly gold and silver) and gems (silicates). The arrival of the Anunnaki must have taken place at a time when intelligent life at the level of monkeys also began to develop on Earth. The monkeys were then genetically modified in several developmental versions to homo sapiens sapiens.

It is also worth mentioning the mixing of waters. On Earth, we have salt water in the oceans and fresh water inland. Also, a large amount of fresh water is stored in glaciers… It is thought that salt water comes from Nibiru.

Crash could also explain damage to the Pacific Ocean. It could also explain where our Moon has taken.


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