Secrets and meaning of life

03. 10. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

What is the significance of the film The Secret and the Meaning of Life in your life?

Importance? What is the meaning of breath? What is the significance of walking? What is the meaning of sleep? The secret and meaning of life simply is. If the audience is going to see it, they will see it. If not, it will disappear before anyone sees it. That's what I created a mantra and agreement for. I wish it was a heart-opening movie. I hope and believe that it is real and pure. For me, the Secret and meaning of life has the same meaning as breathing, walking, sleeping...

What happened in your life so fundamentally that you became interested in the spiritual more than the material world?

I do not distinguish much between the spiritual path and the material one, both are equally important and interconnected. What is not written into our material world from the spiritual realm, as if it did not exist. If we were only spiritual and did not value material things, then matter would be unhappy and leave us. The body would not serve us as it should, material things would not hold together so well in our presence. Money, or things, would be leaving us instead of coming. Matter moves because of a healthy mind. Spirit can manifest in our world through matter. When you ask how much you see a spiritual person in front of you, look at him and his surroundings and read his condition well. The harmony of matter with energy, spirit, is the basis of existence.

When did you quit the game, or when did you hit the proverbial turning point?

In a group session with friends and Indians in 2009 in Xochitecatl, Mexico. I told about the powerful meditation I had the previous day under the obsidian mountain, but without them. I was sorry they weren't there, even though they were in my vision. Unfortunately, one tiny puppy that was brought by the Toltecs for healing did not survive during the story. Strong feelings of physical vibrations on my own body came from the narration and words, the Czech language disappeared, everything changed. I spoke another language. I went emotionally back in time thousands of years, I was supposed to know who I am. I experienced the same thing in a few days in Tula, Mexico, and later on other trips to Peru, Hawaii, North America, or at home in Prague's Vinohrady. Who I was and am, if that is the case, is irrelevant. This has been pointed out to me several times in different situations. All that matters is what you do now. But I carefully observe everything, because everything is related to everything. This has been clearly demonstrated many times. Every moment is important and many years old. Of course also across lives. I felt that the world was made up of frequencies and vibrations, and this understanding came repeatedly without the use of any supportive substances. I look at everything differently since then.

Can you be more specific?

You will realize that this game can only be changed if you participate in it in physical form, and it is in physical visible form that you change it. If you want to change something in our shared cosmic dream, the game, you must be physically present for the changes to occur. Just born. Therefore, the incarnation of the one who is to be born and who can significantly change the cycle of history is always sought. Intangible movers always need representatives in matter, who write the intention into reality, our dream. Everyone has their unique role and power. Maybe you just plant a tree, hug your loved ones. It is enough to change a lot. In imagination, the effect is less important, but the power of physical sacrifice is greater. It is important to write our dreams into the facts we know. A tree that is actually planted is simply more real than one that we only plant in our imagination. Only what is manifested in reality is valid, not in a flood of words.

Full article on the film's website

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