The secret of existence

30. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Socrates: The secret of this existence lies in the fact that light is absorbed by matter (body) - it is obscured by that body. That is the secret of this existence. The only difference between people is how much light one has brought, because it is always obscured. The more light you bring, the faster you wake up.

Indians they give the idea that by birth to this world we enter the world of shadows.

Proto Buddhists they say that one should wake up.

Pjér La Sez: The purpose is to charge conscious behavior to achieve unconscious non-behavior. It seems to me that the hidden sense of all the spiritual teachings is conscious Spontaneity, which is the equivalent unconscious non-behavior. Purpose - the real purpose is to achieve true spontaneity. When a person is fully himself, he is relaxed, conscious and at his center (center of gravity). In its deep essence, life provides only gifts!

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