Secret spaces in the Great Pyramid

27. 06. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In 820 AD, Al-Ma'mún was carved into the entrance to the Great Pyramid on the north side. Today we know that the original entrance was also on the north side, just a few meters higher.

The party from Al-Ma'mun had to give a lot of work and time to dig through a thick stone wall. The corridor is long 27 meters and follows the crossroads to the descending (leads to the lowest chamber under the pyramid.) And the ascending corridors (leads to the highest - the largest chamber almost in the middle.)

At the time of Al-Ma'mún, there was no one to say what the building was for. There was only speculation that it contained great wealth - gold and knowledge. That was also the reason why Al-Ma'mún tried to get into the pyramid. It's mysterious to me how he managed to hit the right place on the first try. The corridor has a straight direction.

There is a relatively large space at the crossroads, where for a short time a person and my height (193 cm) can straighten up in peace and still have two meters of roughly carved space above them. At the top right is a niche that could be a sign of another corridor. Unfortunately, I've never really seen it there. There was bad light in the room. There is a crossroads on the left. The bars on the left block the entrance to the descending corridor. Right next to them to the right of them are steep steps to the ascending corridor, which is followed by a large gallery. Going through the ascending corridor is really physically and mentally demanding. As they say: The dog would not turn there and passing tourists is excluded. :)

Let's focus on the descending corridor. I still lack a closer examination of the space behind the "door" of the original entrance. I haven't seen any video or at least a photo from this part yet. Wasn't there an entrance to other areas of the pyramid?

We already know that from the lower chamber, the passage goes southwards outside the ground plan of the Great Pyramid to the nearby complex of premises and to the adjacent above-ground temple (in ruins). When we look at the mass of the pyramid, it is obvious that it is a waste of a place. There must be something else.

Exploration of so-called ventilation shafts shows that there are still more spaces. Unfortunately, we unfortunately do not know how to get there.



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