Tartaria: Humboldt saw her

10. 03. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I hope I'm not far from the truth when I say that most of you are the famous name of Alexander von Humboldt. You have already heard that name, but who the Humboldt actually was and what he became famous for is probably not exactly everyone. And yet it was one of the most important thinkers of mankind, and we owe him more and more discoveries in science and technology than some thanks to propaganda to well-known scientists similar to TV popularizers.

"Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (September 14, 1769, Berlin - May 6, 1859, Berlin.) - German scientist-encyclopedist, physicist, meteorologist, geographer, botanist, zoologist and traveler, younger brother of scientist Wilhelm von Humboldt. For the breadth of his scientific interests, his contemporaries nicknamed him Aristotle XIX. century. Based on general principles and using a comparative method, he created such scientific disciplines as physical geography, landscape science, ecological plant geography. Thanks to Humboldt's research, the scientific foundations of geomagnetism were laid. He paid great attention to climate research, developed the isotherm method, created a map of their distribution and, in fact, laid the foundations of climatology as a science. He described in detail the continental and coastal climate and determined the nature of their differences. Member of the Berlin (1800), Prussian and Bavarian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1818).

The mystery of why the scientific world is so inadequate and popularizing the work of this scientist lies in a single reservation that is inseparably linked to a number of publications containing information about this scientist. He, as his most important task, saw "understanding nature as a whole and gathering evidence of the interdependence of natural forces".

Nature as a whole

I emphasize once again: "understanding nature as a whole ...". But modern academic science is doing exactly the opposite. It divides and breaks down science into sectors, subsectors and subsectors, so if a fairly simple process were to be understood, dozens of specialists from different fields of science would have to gather in one place at a time, everyone would have to comment, be heard, and even understood. The task, as you all understand, is almost unsolvable. At least because of different interpretations of the same terms by experts from different disciplines.

Modern organization of collecting, systematizing and analyzing scientific data basically resembles Babylon's confusion in which everyone tries to shout as loudly as possible, speak as quickly as possible, and nobody understands each other. In such a situation, science, and thus all mankind, is doomed to degradation. A scientist-physicist who does not understand chemistry, mechanics, biology, and mathematics will never be able to discover anything in life, but will cause tangible damage to science as a whole. Humboldt was well aware of and systematically advocating his conviction of the need for an integrated approach to educating general practitioners with extensive knowledge in a variety of areas of scientific knowledge. And he himself was - a universal, excellent analyst, a theoretician and tireless practitioner with encyclopedic thinking.

Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt

In his case, he is a rare sort of scientist who does not sit in the office but walks through the ground on his own feet and touches all his hands. Without exaggeration, we can tell that he traveled halfway through the world and explored thousands of square kilometers in both hemispheres, using a wide variety of devices, including those he himself designed, moving on foot and all available means of transport. For example, the horse was able to climb more than a hundred verstas a day. As a result of his journeys, the scientific data was gathered by the instrumental method, which was the basis of many discoveries and inventions.

Some of Humboldt's experiments are shocking us today. For example, he studied static electricity, or as it was called - galavaniku - in this way: Dr. Schaldern cut the skin of the unsolicited dead at the Berlin morgue so that Humboldt could study the effects of the impact of electricity on human muscles. And that's not the most unusual thing in his biography.

For example, apart from encyclopaedias and historical testimonies, there are fragments of reports that the Baron was a cadre and his travels were funded not only by the Prussian Academy of Sciences but also by the Special Expedition of the General Staff of the Russian Empire. It was just like RR Semjonov-Ťan-Šanský and NM Prževalský part-time spy who delivered the exact maps and other valuable information important for military intelligence to the 6 building at the Palace Square in St. Petersburg where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was located.

And the practical heritage that Humboldt has left for his descendants is simply impossible to appreciate. Only large monographs, if we do not count on other minor scientific work, have written more than thirty. However, it is rather strange that only six monographs were translated into Russian. Unbelievable but true: the work of an honorary member of the Petrograd Academy of Sciences was not translated into Russian! And it is obvious that this is not the only curiosity in the biography of the great scientist, and we will continue to talk about one more odd.

The condition of the bearings

On April 12.4.1829, XNUMX, after a long preparation, overseen by Baron's friend Count Georg von Cancrin, who was then Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, Humboldt traveled with his associates Gustav Rose and Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg from Berlin to St. Petersburg. But the ultimate destination was not the Russian capital, but Siberia and the Urals. More precisely, Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich needed accurate and comprehensive information on the condition of copper, silver and gold deposits. Probably this task was so delicate that a specialist with the highest qualifications, but also a person with the habits of an intelligence officer, could not cope with it. Strange…

What were the reasons for such a strange business, we can only guess, but the facts say the following: the expedition route was set in advance. From St. Petersburg to Moscow and then Vladimir - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Perm - Yekaterinburg. They went to Kazan after the Volga and then continued on horseback.

Geological research

From Perm, scientists continued to Ekaterinburg, where they spent several weeks exploring and exploring iron, gold ore, platinum and malachite deposits. There Humboldt proposed to reduce the flood of gold mines by releasing Lake Sharataš near Ekaterinburg. Humboldt's authority was so great that his proposal was accepted despite protests by local miners. Researchers also visited the famous Ural races, including Nevjansk and Vrchnururinski.

Then they continued through Tobolsk to Barnaul, Semipalatinsk, Omsk and Miass. In the Barabinska steppe expedition she completed her zoological and botanical collections. Upon arriving in Miass, where Humboldt celebrated its sixties, the expedition continued along the southern Ural to visit Zlatoust, Kicimska, Orsia and Orenburg. After visiting the ile stone deposits, the traveler arrived in Astrakhan and then "made a short trip to the Caspian Sea." On his way back, Humboldt visited the University of Moscow where a festive meeting was held in his honor. 13. On November 1829, members of the expedition returned to St. Petersburg.

What the expedition brought to Nikolai I is not known, but after his return to Berlin, Alexander von Humboldt went to work and wrote a voluminous work consisting of three volumes, called "Central Asia. Study of mountain ranges and comparative climatology '. And here it is becoming strangest. Very confusing is the fact that Humboldt initially started writing his monograph not in his native language but in French.

The absurdity of the situation can only be explained in a single logical way. I'll explain. If the baron himself wrote this work of his own will, would he use such burdensome and unnecessary work? Of course not. It means that he wrote on the basis of a contract, with one of its points being a condition that obliges the author to hand over the manuscript in French. So the customer was French? Barely. The expedition was led in the interest of the Russian government.

And the last of the high-ranking Russian officials, with whom Humboldt negotiated in Dorpat (now Tallinn) before his return to Prussia, was the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, academician V. Ja. Struve. He was probably acting as a customer for writing this work. Why in French? And in what language did Saint Petersburg and all Russian nobility speak at that time?

Missing title

Here lies the mystery of this absurdity. A very simple explanation puts all the incomprehensible points. But there is the following logical question, why was the book published in Paris and not in Russia? I think that also has a simple explanation. The answer may be included in the content of the work itself. And Russian censors would not have to let it print. However, there is one more interesting thing. Current official sources mention Humboldt's work entitled "Central Asia," but there is no such title in the bibliography. Of course, this is a short title that looked different in the original.

But this work is not mentioned in the official list of scientist works. Why? This mystery did not leave me indifferent to my old friend from Poland, historian Bruce Kolducz, who discovered one forgotten copy of the original edition of three-part Humboldt's work. As you can easily guess, it was in the US. More specifically, in the University of Michigan (here is a digital copy).

The next step was to use a special computer program for scanned pages of this book to translate them into a text format for later translation into Polish and Russian (here are the results of the study).

Russian translation

It was possible to use a Russian translation of this book from 1915 (here is a digital copy). Unless there was one "but" in it. The Russian edition already states in the preface that the manuscript has been edited. Reportedly due to a lack of adequate scientific knowledge of the French translator. Supposedly, as a result of ignorance of PI Borodzič, a large number of errors appeared in translation. However, we know long ago that this is often the way to remove "disturbing" information and replace "inappropriate" words. For example, instead of "Tartar" - "Tatar" or instead of "Kataj" - "Kitaj" (China) and so on. Therefore, even without a detailed comparative analysis of the two versions of the monograph, it is clear that it was necessary to use the original French edition of 1843, which my friend also did.

And now I will briefly tell you what we will find out when we use the French edition that was published in the life of Alexander von Humboldt.

The lion's share of the time spent on the expedition is devoted to a detailed study of the Tartar Plateau (Plateau de la Tartarie), located between the Altai and the Southern Urals. There is much written about "Tartar dialects", "Tartar language", "Tartar provinces". It confirms the reports of medieval travelers that "Altay" means "Golden Mountains" and thus proves that the people living in the Altai were called the "Golden Horde". At the same time, however, he repeatedly claims that there has never been any gold in the Altai!

It seems incredible that at that time Humboldt was able to easily measure heights in relation to sea level. For example, he claims that the Tartar plateau and the area between the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea are still falling below the level of the world's ocean, and here it emits emotion and desperately calls:

"People! That really happened! I saw it myself! "

In one place the author describes quite sensational details. They claim that "today they call the Tartary Mongols" and then use the term "Moall" or "Moallia" many times. The same ethnonym was used by Ambassador Charles IX for the people of Siberia. Guillaume de Rubruk as he wrote his report on his journey to the court of Mangu Khan (son of Genghis Khan). There is no doubt that the same people were called Mogully, Mangul, Mungala, or Great Mogol. Most importantly: Humboldt wrote that they had seen many dead bodies of Moal (Tartars) with their own eyes, and they all had a European look, with Mongols or Turks not having anything in common.

I would very much like to believe that after reading this paragraph most people finally open their eyes. And he will understand the significance of a huge plot, the purpose of which was to hide the truth about the Great Tartary and to implant the myth of the Mongolian-Tatar yoke. Such colossal efforts and investments of the astronomical scale were in fact justified only when it was the justification of the crimes committed by corporations that captivated power.

If someone has not understood what it is, then I will explain:

No one will fight with theirs. In order to mankind the same blood, it is necessary to divide the nation into two parts, and to force the two to believe that the other part is not his blood, but the enemy. Because of this, the myth about wild nomads and barbarians from the East, who long for the blood of Slavic children, was created. All who are east of Saint Petersburg and especially Moscow are non-people who are sorry for the crime and must be exterminated.

The inhabitants of the European border of Tartaria were convinced that those living behind the Volga were not human, and so the fratricidal war began, in which one killed the other. And thanks to the disaster that subsequently erased from the face of the Earth all the cities east of the Urals, along with people, mammoths and griffons, those who considered themselves "non-Tartars" won.

Mongolo tartars

And who do they now call barbarians, hordes, ugrophins, Mordor? Our! So it looks like we are now in the place of the “Mongolo-Tatars”. This is retribution for what our ancestors did. And although it was not their fault, but the ruling Oldenburg-Romans, the boomerang had returned over the centuries, and today we are treated in exactly the same way we once did with Tartaria.

In order for history not to repeat, we must know the past and learn from it. And to recognize our history, there is not much to do. Quite simply enough to have actual material (which can not completely destroy or falsify) and rely on common sense.

And over time, what at first seems to be only a version is certainly confirmed by the testimonies that are often contained in the sources lying to everyone's eyes. One of the most valuable such sources is undoubtedly Humboldt's "Central Asia". We now think that until today we have revealed evidence that cast doubt on the reliability of an officially recognized chronology, and it turns out that Alexander von Humboldt did not doubt that Strabo and Eratosthenes had lived less than a hundred years before him. This was convinced by the names of the Siberian rivers, towns and mountain ranges, as well as their descriptions by various authors at different times.

He very often mentions "the exploratory expedition of Alexander the Great to Tartaria". What seems incredible to us today was a matter of course for Humboldt. For example, he claims that the North Pole was recently in the Great Lakes region of North America!

In addition, many times mentioned Marco Polo, who lived in the capital Tartaria. And he says that Kara-Kurum and his inhabitants did not differ from the cities and their inhabitants in Poland or Hungary and there were many Europeans. It also mentions the existence of the Moscow embassy in this city. This shows that despite the separation of Moscow from the Great Tartary, diplomatic relations continued to exist. At present, we see a similar situation when, after separation from Russia, some particularly "free" Moscow embraced the embassies of the newly established, non-existent countries.

But that is not the most important thing that can be gained from Humboldt. One can endlessly admire the performance of expedition members who have gathered a vast archive of data on geology, topography, ethnography, history, zoology, and botany of vast territories in only six months. But the most important thing is between the lines. The huge amount of heights and lowland reliefs, the Earth's magnetic field's directional lines and its intensity, as well as the calculations made on the opposite side of the planet in South America to determine the Earth's gravity, force the conclusion of the real purpose of the whole enterprise.

A system for predicting future disasters

These facts indirectly confirm that Humboldt knew well about the disaster and had his own theory about her causes. He tried to find confirmation of his conclusions: that it was possible to create a system for predicting future disasters.

So what conclusions did Brusek Kolducz do from his quest, and afterwards called them Theory of Humboldt?

1.) Weird happenings in the atmosphere were observed in Europe, China and Siberia. Both Europeans and Jesuits operating in China sent their astronomers to study these phenomena. The Chinese emperor also commissioned his clergy, and since then he has been praying for Altai.

2.) Siberia, South America and the Northeast were attacked by a swarm of meteorites “golden sand”. The gold particles had a "vortex shape", suggesting that when gold was in a liquid state (before it solidified on the ground), it was exposed to some kind of vortex electromagnetic field. Let me remind you that the meteorological service in the Russian Empire was founded in 1725. What do you think? Did they want to broadcast weather forecasts on the radio? Do you understand the meaning of the word "meteorology"? What does a meteorologist do? Yes, that's it: the weather stations originally recorded all cases of meteorites falling on Earth. And since 1834, according to the decree of Tsar Nicholas I began to record changes in the magnetic field of the Earth. And certainly it was in connection with the results of the expedition Humboldt.

3.) “Electric atmospheric currents” appeared that “applied” various metals to the crack of some rocks.

4.) The "Great Caspian Plain" appeared, which was flooded with water from the Arctic. Humboldt believes it was below sea level and naturally there was ocean water. A wave of floods from the Arctic Ocean flooded the area from the Caspian Sea to Lake Baikal, and the pressure of this huge mass of water on the Earth's crust caused a temporary decline in relation to sea level.

5.) The newly created inner sea destabilizes the rotation of the planet, as the planet's center of gravity does not coincide with the axis of rotation. Complementary destabilization causes a gradual reduction of the area under this Asian sea, while at the same time "pushing out" the nearby mountains.

6.) There are fluctuations and changes in the magnetic field.

7.) The axis of rotation is moved to another location. This is due to the planet's disbalance as a gyroscopic system. However, there is no complete overturning because all rotating systems are stable. In addition, the mass of water on the planet and, to a lesser extent, magma in the Earth's depths form inhibitory forces.

8.) Then there is another wave. Water from the Inland Sea flows through the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea. The process takes several years because during the first wave a dam was formed from tree trunks brought from the north. These played the role of a valve which slows the flow due to the difference in cross-section and thus reduces the water flow. Similar phenomena could also occur in the Strait of Kerch and in the Bosphorus. Thus the Mediterranean was protected by a whole cascade of “valves”.

9.) Changing the Earth's axis of rotation causes a ten-year period of land and sea balancing, so that the centrifugal force acting causes a series of fading strokes, similar to an earthquake. The new equator has a diameter larger than the new "Polar Chain". In some places, mountain ridges and mountain plateaus grow. In other places a reverse process occurs. The area between today's Caspian and Aral Sea will turn into a depression. Today's Kumo-Manych Rift between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, after being “knocked down”, begins to grow again and the strait between these seas has closed.

Now, I think it is clear to you today that it is now! - we invent the wheel. Everything that I previously found, and I. Davidenko, A. Stěpaněnko, A. Lorenc and many other authors (all respected researchers can not be mentioned) was known two hundred years ago. In addition, during the changes on the planetary scale, systematic observations were carried out, the results of which are nowhere known to us.

And maybe it's even good. It is hard to consider positive knowledge of the date of your own death. At least I would not want to know my future.

Every day is to be the last day and not to think about how much remains. Before us, the future is clear. We already know it from school benches.

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