UFO / ET secret Neil Armstrong

20. 07. 2019
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, died 25.08.2012 at the age of 82 for years.

Many people wonder whether Armstrong took the grave with the secret of what happened during the famous 1969 year when landing on the moon. In fact, yes or no.

Over the years, I have met a large number of astronauts, close family members and their close friends. As you may recall, my uncle was the chief designer at Grumman (now Northrup-Grumman), which built the lunar module that landed on the moon in July 1969.

The true truth about this historical event has never been published. We were on the Moon, but what happened there was kept secret and officially remains a mystery to this day.

At the time we were about to land on the moon, the lunar orbital module was mapping its surface. Thanks to this, photographs of old and new buildings were taken on the lunar surface. This fact was confirmed by more than one witness involved in the project Disclosure Project. So by the time we landed on the moon, the military and intelligence services (and also a small group of NASA operatives) knew that we could actually come across something unusual there.

For this event, the transmission from the lunar module was delayed via the NSA (National Security Agency). She had an alternative film ready to go live instead if something really unusual happened.

Unfortunately, this happened. Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin independently told me that there really were many large ETVs (extra terrestrial vehicles) around the crater where the lunar module landed, and that this the vessels were both seen. I spoke with army officers who saw the original recording of this event. This entry was never published. A close member of Buzz Aldrin's family told me, "It's not up to me to go out with this. Once Buzz can talk about it, he will. "

Neil Armstrong became somewhat solitary after landing on the moon and spoke very little of this historic event. His friends and family told me that it was because he was an honest man of his kind, and that he simply did not want to be put in a situation if he had to lie to the public about this important meeting. It's tragic that our heroes were in such an awkward situation!

When we were preparing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, we held a briefing for members of Congress in April 1997. On that occasion, I asked one of Neil Armstrong's friends if Armstrong could come to Washington and inform Congress members as well. I was told that Armstrong wished he could talk about what really happened during the landing on the moon. But in that case, Neil Armstrong, his wife and his children could all be killed. I was told this way completely out of the box.

It seemed absolutely unbelievable to me at the time, but since then I have found that such threats and bullying by national security are routine. One researcher who has long worked for the Naval Research Laboratories in Washington DC recently told me (and also some members of the Disclosure Project team) that if Neil Armstrong talked about some of the information he knew, he, his wife, his the children and his grandchildren would all be killed.

This is no joke - nor is it a conspiracy theory. This is the way the top secret and fascist bosses operate under national security under cover of darkness. They look like a mob of mobsters.

For this reason, we applaud those brave men and women who stepped out and spoke publicly about the truth about what happened and thus pushed the Disclosure Project forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life in the Universe exists beyond the borders of our Earth. That we have amazing new scientists and technologies that need to be published immediately. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on Earth without poverty and without environmental pollution. We will get justice for all.

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